
Black Rinnegan In The Rain Village

PerSiMa · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

03 - Misterious Potential

It had been three days since my sister died, and I had been looking for work. The only job I could find was as a clerk in a ninja weapons shop. 

With the recent Second World War, Amegakure took a more defensive and isolationist stance, as it had been the scene of many confrontations in recent years. The current Amekage, Hanzõ, became very paranoid after the last defeat against Konohagakure, which caused the ninja weapons industry to explode, giving me a great advantage as I desperately needed a job. 

It wasn't much, 200 ryos a day barely paid for 1 ramen, but it was enough for me to get by, since in just 3 days, I had 13,900 ryos counting the money I already had, which worried me a lot if I ever had to pay rent, for example. 

I continued to focus on improving myself, if I wanted to evolve as a ninja, I had to study, so I learned about the great academy of Amegakure, where I was also lucky, because the time of the second world war had left traumas and the selection process for training new genins was very easy. 

It's almost a death sentence, but... if I continue like this,

I would die anyway, so...

With the possibility of a third war on the horizon (which will happen), I managed to enroll as a student at the Amegakure ninja school.

After two days, I had already learned the basics of ninja behavior and chakra control. 

Leaving the school 

As usual, it was a rainy day. I was used to the weather in the city, but I couldn't ignore the fact that it was annoying to have to wear a raincoat every time I went out, but I still didn't mind because I absolutely loved the cold, cloudy weather. 


Returning home 

I had noticed that the door to the house I was sheltering in was slightly open, which was unusual since it hadn't been open once in the past week. 

"Have the residents arrived? Shit… I have to get my backpack back, without the money I'm broke" Kosuke thought. 

Carefully, I entered the front door and saw that all the lights were off. Even though I didn't hear any movement in the house, I walked cautiously down the hall to my room, I saw my bag in the corner where I normally left it, I walked slowly towards it and when I managed to pick it up...


I'm hit right in the neck, I fall to the ground and my vision becomes blurry, I see 3 shinobi with breathing masks, without much time to realize what happened to me... I lose consciousness. 

In an unknown cage 

I wake up in the same clothes I was wearing when I came home from school, in a very precarious cage, but a ninja welcomes me. 

"Wake up, you'll be interrogated soon" the shinobi said. 

"Where am I? What did I do?" Kosuke shouted. 

The ninja didn't answer, even behind his mask, I could feel his apathy. 

After a few hours, two more ninjas came and told me that "the time had come", I didn't understand what they meant but there was not much I could do. 

They opened the cage and took me into a room, a long room with many ninjas, all wearing the same uniform, with their oxygen masks and white overalls. 

Behind a Japanese partition, I could see the silhouette of a man sitting and two guards standing beside him. 

"Sir! ! !" shouted the guard next to me. 

"We brought the spy" he said. 

"Spy?" Kosuke thought. 

"Introduce yourself, prisoner" the guard said. 

"Yes... my name is Kosuke, just arrived here from the Rain Village, student of the ninja arts" Kosuke said scared. 

"You're not from here, I can see that from miles away, who do you serve?" The mysterious man said. 

"What a shitty situation, what the fuck do I tell them, will they really believe that I came from another reality?" Kosuke thought 

... ... 

"I'm… i'm an orphan... my parents were farmers who worked as carpenters... but the war took them away from me... I work as an attendant in a ninja weapons shop to make ends meet, but my dream is to one day become a great ninja and avenge my sister" Kosuke said. 

"What happened to your sister?" said the mysterious man. 

"She was killed by a mercenary... ninja... I don't know, I couldn't do anything to protect her and I blame myself to this day" Kosuke said dejectedly. 

"Hm..." the mysterious man sighed. 

"We have been through a lot of trauma during this last war and unfortunately, boy, you are weak in spirit, your conviction does not surprise me and besides, your existence threatens the peace of Amegakure" the mysterious man said. 

"What?" cried Kosuke interrupting the man. 

"General, finish him off!" the mysterious man ordered. 

A soldier in black overalls drew a sword and came towards me, my hands were tied, I couldn't even defend myself, I was extremely frustrated and scared, the soldier approached me and struck his blow. 


Using the guard's movement I managed to get him to cut the bonds that were holding my hands, the marks on my right arm glowed and my eyes became extremely sharp and alert, once again I felt that explosion of chakra inside my body focusing directly on my hand. 

I take advantage of this brief moment of strength and go for the chest of the guard who threatened me before. 

"Suiton: Suijinheki" spoked the general.

A wall of water forms in front of both of us, the other two guards move away while I punch the wall with all my strength, opening a huge circle in the middle of the water barrier created by the general. 


"What are you, boy?" the general shouts in surprise. 

Without answering, Kosuke advances towards the general, using his opponent's blind spot to make a hand seal. 

Kosuke don't know exactly how he could make hand seals with such mastery, but it's like he understands the chakra control just by having observed them.

The general takes up a guard position and waits for Kosuke to advance. When they meet, the general lands a powerful blow to Kosuke's heart, but... 


"What?" the general shouts. 

It was just a water clone, with a chakra balance so perfect that it was able to fool the general. 

Kosuke suddenly appeared behind the general and threw a punch that hit him square in the head, throwing him across the room and slamming him against the wall.


Everyone in the room is shocked... for a short quiet moment, the soldiers try to understand what just happened, but this moment is cut short by perhaps one of the soldiers going towards Kosuke to challenge him. 

With all the soldiers heading towards Kosuke, the mysterious man announces. 

"STOP! ! !" 

Suddenly, the public outcry stops. 

The man reveals himself from behind the partition, the man is Hanzõ, the legendary Salamander Ninja. 

"You've proven yourself worthy of strength, boy, I'm not sure about your beliefs yet, but your deeds are definitely worthy of respect" Hanzõ said. 

"This boy has some untapped potential, it's better to have him by my side than as a soldier in some enemy village, besides, that symbol on his hand could be a seal... I don't want it to appear here... not here... besides , his willpower surprises me, if he wants to be a great ninja, let him be a great ninja from Rain village" Thought Hanzõ.


Author note

10 chapters ahead at p@treon.com/persima