
" Tale of the black pearl "

As the translation of the old man named Kungkako there was an old tale from the old empire of Shukrant. And here's what he said that there was an old tale it might be a legend or real (Kungkako says).

Kungkako : "Long time ago there was a treasure called "Black pearl" it holds the power of the seven seas Asparagus, Gazelope, Frushiya, Aeri, Vannadis, Calepullus and Bincarbean. The treasure can only found in the depth of the sea, one of the seven seas holds the treasure. And It's not only a treasure it can read the holders intention for good or bad. it also curses the holder into a monster if they use its power to a tyrant way. whoever is the chosen one they must take care of it do not use the power of light into dark."

~E N D~