
black magic king with level 0

king killer

julianalilydemine · Fantasy
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21 Chs


in last chapter velliam suspected that Shannon is assassination who is working with king

Shannon:- I want to say that first go home because this place is dangerous

velliam:- OK let me take my sword first. on I find it here

he hide sword near him. he was doing acting all time that he fall due to panic. he hide sword there when Shannon is taking bath.

soon they reached home

Shannon sit at bed and velliam sit at chair

velliam:- tell me who are you

Shannon:- I am assassination you are right king send me here. I have order that I have to kill you. after next tomorrow. mean today is 5 i have to kill you on 7 at 8:00 to12:00. and that day he have royal party in his castle. maybe he will celebrate his victory in vote.

velliam:- why you use that specific time and that bastard win again

Shannon:- because your power will be unleashed after 9:00 pm and the time that I have given is best according to church.

velliam:- I don't know my power will come back. I thought demon is such a pain in ass but now I miss him. tell me will you kill me or not

Shannon:- I think I can't kill you after what you did for me and it doesn't even matter now

velliam:- it would be hard for me to kill the girl I love

Shannon:- you love me that word does sound good

she was depressed now because she remember her past

velliam:- but I love you as friend tell me did something happen you look weak and at your worst

Shannon:- my family give me small amount of posion in order to make me immune to poison. but that cause my life Spain reduced and I think I am going to die soon. I am not sad because of death I am sad because I fall in love with prince he look almost similar like you and silly like you. one day he confess his love to me and I reject him after telling my story he still ready to marry me and told me to spend my rest of my life with him. it make me really very happy but deep it hurt so bad

velliam stand up from his sit and hold Shannon hand

velliam:- after that what he say

Shannon:- he said he only love me and he will not going to marry any other woman. I couldn't stop him. that really selfish of me. I really don't want him to marry someone else

velliam look into her eyes and say

velliam:- I am glad you have someone you love you that much. if he like me than I allow you to marry him.

Shannon:- you really can do something about it

he hold her hand

velliam:- maybe I told you how I protect my life in this jungle now I have 15 spell left i can heal you

he use his 15 spell on her. her body start glowing

Shannon:- what is that happening but my all pain is gone and I feel good now

velliam:- now 14 is left. your healing is complete. you can marry him and I want to meet him.

Shannon:- are you going to stay here.

velliam:- tell me one thing what people know about me

Shannon:- king only announced that you are enemy of our nation and you are believer of devil. that why church is also against. they didn't tell anyone you are legendary black king and you are Destin to kill king

velliam:- so I am Destin to kill him that right I will kill him. Shannon tomorrow we will going to meet prince and I need help from him. by the way where are we right now

Shannon:- oh its South of this nation and after few 50 km you can find boarders and if we want to go to the castle we have to travel 12 km. don't worry about boarders I can handle that

velliam:- OK that great. what if I kiss you that day on your lips what happen

Shannon:- it's common sense you would be dead meat if you don't have magic

velliam:- don't take this that easily

Shannon:- for sorry let make me make you something tasty

velliam:- you know how to change my mood OK if you make something tasty then I can forgive you

then she start cooking for him.

Shannon:- why are you keep looking at me like this

he stare her like creepy person that make her uncomfortable

velliam :- do you know what I am thinking

she is confused

Shannon:- don't disturb me

velliam:- I am just thinking that when I find someone and when she cook for I would hold her from back and put my head on her shoulder and ask her in low voice in her hear. what are you cooking and then she relpy me your favorite dish. then she feed me piece of carrot then she ask me you have you to wait little longer but at that point I losse my patience because of cute face of her then I will give kiss on her cheek and then she give kiss on my lips after that I help her to cook food

Shannon:- you really imagine everything in detail

velliam:- why are you blushing. are you think something romantic

Shannon:- don't disturb me let me just cook

then she finished her cooking. she serve food on table with velliam and tell they start eating

Shannon:- how is it

velliam:- so much tasty I could eat this food anytime.

Shannon:- how to you know that I am assassination

velliam:- well when we meet first time your clothes look normal. slave don't wear this kind of cloths and princess have high standard. when soldiers chasing they look very frighten maybe they know who I am and they start running soon after they leave you. you didn't ask any questions and you believe everything like you know about me. you already tell me my name before you ask and bu luck you haven't ask what is my name. I know your hair pin is weapon because my grandmother told me about it and tell me what about your nightmare

Shannon:- my family is family of assassination and when I was 5 years they throw me in basement with completely dark room for 1 day and I got fever their. whenever I get fever and I was in drak place make me scared but because of you I can sleep tomorrow. by the way I get nightmare like 4 time a week

velliam:- don't worry if you feel scared again I will hug you. I feel sleepy now let's sleep

after that they make Going to sleep

Shannon:- why are you sleeping with me. don't you feel shame. can you sleep with any woman

velliam:- you are my best friend and if it's my bed then I will sleep and that other girl problem if she not comfortable to sleep with me

Shannon:- that mean you can sleep with any woman

velliam:- don't act like I am talking about sex it just sleeping. I respect sleep. sleep is my goddess and laziness is my religion

Shannon:- that mean you not going to do anything tonight

her voice is so cute but velliam is hard-core he don't give a fuck he just love sleep more than anything now

velliam:- no I will not going to anything. yesterday was special treatment and if you prince know about it he will kill

then they both fall a sleep and wake up next morning

velliam:- how you feeling

Shannon:- I feel fresh now I feel like I really sleep.

_________________ chapter end _________________