
black magic king with level 0

king killer

julianalilydemine · Fantasy
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21 Chs

develop hide out

velliam send 3 years in forest without any contect with friends and family

because of nature and animals he gathered all necessary thing he need for survival and if he don't have anything he can buy it from village

velliam tried not to go village usually because once king know he is alive. his life will come in danger

when he spend time in forests he get to know so much thing about herbs. he can use them for spices and for medicine

one day velliam visit village because he want to buy some spices from market. he always carry sword with him. and he master it

he was going back to forest. but he hear screaming of girl. when he look back

he saw two men chasing girl and she is injured .

she run and hide behind velliam.

velliam get ready to fight he hold his sword but. what he saw that soldiers already run away. he haven't understand what happen

girl:- thanks for helping me

velliam:- who are you and why are they chasing you

girl:- I am princess of kingdom but my nation lost in vote. and new king attack us and make us their slave now we cannot do anything. when I get chance I run away because they transported me for prostitution

velliam:- now I get it. look find someone else they will help you I am sure

girl:- don't you have home can I stay their for few days

by look at her condition. she was injured and she was all alone like him and she cannot survive own her own. so he decided to take her

velliam:- I have home but I live in very dangerous place. can you survive their

girl:- I don't have home so even forest will be fine

velliam:- yes you are right welcome to my home forest. your clothes are damaged. but they doesn't look like princess wear those kind of clothes and it is expensive for poor too. leave that come with me. you look same age as me

girl:- what are you saying I am 20

velliam:- nothing ( velliam is also 19 years old)

after traveling 10 km they reached to their hide out

girl:- so you live here and you build everything own your own

velliam:- yes you find everything to survive close your eyes listen and follow that sound

girl:- it sound like river

then velliam take her to river with some medicine

because he know she is injured

velliam:- wash your leg in water. we have to clean it before you get infected

she doesn't know what is bacteria in that time. she get confused what make her infected. but she relax her leg in water

girl:- velliam come and join this water is chilledand refreshing you like it

velliam:- OK I should relax too. after traveling

then velliam take off his shoes and relax his leg in crystal clear water that is cold and running. fish also enjoying nature

girl:- what do you have in your pot

velliam:- that is medicine we have to treat your leg soon before thing really turn out more bad

girl:- are you worrying about me. give me I can do it myself

velliam:- I am not worrying you if you get killed. then I have to buried you and I don't want to waste my time . now show me your leg.

then velliam take herb from poat and gently put herb in injured area. after when he cover injured area with herb he wrap some clothes

velliam:- now don't remove that clothe until you get healed

girl:- thanks, by the way you stay here alone. in this forest

velliam:- first it is so hard I almost die and get infected and I have heal spell but now I have just 15 left other I use to save my life. you are the fist person who talk me personally in all this 3 years. thanks. let go back to home you might be hungry

after that they start moving back to their home

but when they are going back. girl saw bueatifull flowers but she touch poison mushrooms

girl:- their are so much flowers and the some of them I haven't see

velliam:- you can pick up some because you cannot find them in city

she touch poison mushrooms. they look normal but can kill anyone in 1 hours. and give so much pain

girl:- velliam it's hurting. it is so pain full

velliam:- that is not good. don't touch your hand with anything. now get on my back. and please try to take away this hand from me.

velliam take her on his back and run fast as he can because this fungus can only heal by salt

when they reached home velliam put that girl on bed and bring poat of salt and told her to put your hand inside poat

velliam:- rest on bed I bring some salt

girl:- wait before you put me on bed let me remove my hair pin (it is a long sick that handle hair postition)

then she remove her pin and take it under bed

velliam:- put your hand inside this poat

after that girl hand become good as old and velliam go to kitchen to ready some soup of her

velliam:- I am going to make some soup for you rest her and if you want anything tell me

girl:- water. water bring me some

velliam:- take this. now rest. your infection is healed and your fever maybe healed till morning

after that. velliam cook some soup for her and him because how he have do drink soup for dinner.

after 15 min

velliam :- soup is ready

then velliam slowly left her and feed her soup. then she go back to sleep.

after finishing some work velliam go back to sleep with her. because he have one bed and he don't have any dirty thoughts for her. so he don't have any problem

when velliam close his. he hear someone help me it's dark (low voice). when he turn back

he saw. that girl is scared in sleep and she look really worried .

velliam think in mind that

velliam:- you confused me you are soldier of king or really a helpless girl

velliam hold her hand and pat her hair. by doing so girl look so relax and sleep like baby

velliam:- now look at you. you look really a child. only for one night i give my love to you.

then he kiss her head and sleep while hugging her

next morning will be fun when she wake up and saw him hugging her. maybe she get embarrassed

___________________ chapter end________________

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