8 7 A conversation (Filler)


"Kid, i know that you might be surprised and all, but tgats life. No matter how big you are, as long as the enemy has better cultivation, you are bound to lose."Said the giant with an poetic approach.

Strong as the giant, chosen cultivators surpass what normal cultivators can achieve. thus resulting to a situation where the giant who had lower cultivation base being defeated.

"Uhmm, May i ask what level of cultivation are you mr giant?"

"Just call me, Grohd."

"Uhh, ok Grohd. May i ask what level of cultivation are you?"

"Im in Infancy Sublime Period, well that used to be the case. Now i have dropped to Fallen Period"

"What?!? Is there really that much difference in power between the two?"

"There is, and its a lot."

The surprised Bren swallowed a dry saliva and had dropped cold sweat.

'I-im far from that huh' Bren thought
