
Black clover: Reincarnating as the strongest character

Dying and meeting a being who made him his new brother and promised to reincarnate him into the body of the strongest person of that world, what could go wrong with this right?....Well let's see how our protagonist deals with this when he finds himself inside a body that is destined to be strongest, which he will achieve no matter what. P.S.: It's not a serious story just a light read like a casual fanific about a guy reincarnating into Black Clover with some wishes.

overloaded_maxima · Anime & Comics
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165 Chs

Identity revealed

After the whole hand-holding ordeal with Anna was done, both Sekke and Anna started to head to the place Charmy told him about. And believing that Charmy was someone who would never recommend places with bad food, Sekke decided to follow his squadmate's advice and decided to take Anna there.

Anna had no problem with that since not only it was something that Sekke recommend, but also because at the current moment, she was unable to process information correctly as she was lost in her thoughts while still holding Sekke's hand.

Secre, who saw the two of them was still a bit dissatisfied, but she felt a bit of relief too. She glanced at Sekke and noticed that he was now back to his normal behavior and was not acting like how he did when the fire bitch(Anna) asked to let her hold his hand.

Sekke was now just leading the black-haired girl who was in her own world while greeting some people who recognized him from the zombie attack incident. He was back in his dark lord mode as he felt excited when some children looked at him with admiration.

Secre sighed seeing how simple her partner was and just hopped onto his shoulder and rubbed her head against his cheek.

Sekke who felt the familiar sensation on his cheek looked at Secre with a smile and asked, "Hmm? What's with the sudden kindness? Did you get mesmerized by the dark lord as well?"

Secre snorted at his comment making Sekke give a dry laugh before he started at the anti-bird and said, "Feeling calm again? Or are you still moody?"

Secre just looked away from him gesturing that she was still pissed at him but soon looked back at him only to notice his soft smile.

Secre just looked at Sekke, who soon brought his hand close to her and caressed her head making the anti-bird lean against his finger.

But soon that caressing stopped as Sekke declared that they arrived at their destination making both Secre and Anna snap out of their trance.

'...Why so soon?' were the thoughts that the two girls shared as Sekke soon freed his hand from Anna's and then went to check how the place was.

Anna slowly followed behind him while Secre just looked forward while still sitting on his shoulder.

"...Its a tavern rather than a proper restaurant. Hey Anna, if you are not comfortable here we can just check out some other place."

"Nn, no problem Sekke-kun. I am totally fine with this place," said Anna.

After getting her consent Sekke opened the door of the tavern and got inside. He then looked around and noticed that a lot of people were in the tavern happily talking while enjoying their food and drinks.

"Well ain't it a lively place," muttered Sekke as he smiled seeing the people around him.

"Oh, welcome young man! Will you be eating here?" asked the bearded man who was filling the mugs with drinks.

"That's the plan. Any seat available for two people?"

"That corner there." said the old man as he pointed gestured towards a corner as he carried the various drinks to the other customers.

Sekke and Anna soon took their seats and sat in front of each other.

Sitting silently in front of each other Sekke felt that the situation was very awkward.

"So Anna, I know that this is late but thanks a lot for keeping me safe while was passed out during the zombie incident." said Sekke as he took out a present from his safe and presented it to Anna.

Anna who saw the present in Sekke's hands widened her eyes in surprise and said, "Sekke-kun you don't have to do this. I would have saved you regardless of something like this..... after all..."

"After all?" asked Sekke.

"...you not only saved ms but gave me a way to move forward as well..." said Anna with a low voice as Sekke just tilted his head in confusion.

"...Do you remember that time when you told me about the incident when you helped a child back in my hometown by giving away some food?"

"Yeah...so?....Wait I am having a feeling that I just raised a couple of flags just now...." said Sekke as he widened his eyes in realization.

He stared at Anna who looked confused by his comment and thought, 'Black hair....the kid had them as well....huge boobs....noice....that weird passion of staying close to me even though she doesn't have a reason to....'

"Are you the kid from back then?" asked Sekke to which Anna just gave a nod and lowered her head.

"Huh...now that's some news....anyway, here's a present for you," said Sekke as he passed the gift to Anna as if the previous incident never occurred.

Both Secre and Anna looked at Sekke with amazement not believing how he just brushed the sudden revelation aside.

On the other hand, the dark lord was feeling happy as he thought, 'So I was great back then as well huh, to make a child whom I helped not only remember but also become strong because of following my advice. Ah, it's tough being so great.'

Unaware of his thoughts Anna was speechless and was unsure about what to say now.

But that problem soon resolved as Sekke looked back at her with a smile and asked, "So looks like we met each other all the way back then. Sorry, I thought that you were a boy for all this time so it never crossed my mind that you could be the kid whom I helped."

"Nn, no need to apologize...I guess I looked very boyish back then...even the other kids used to tell me that..." said Anna as she shook her head.

"Haha, well no need to worry. So, why don't you open it?" asked Sekke as he glanced at the present.


"Just accept it. If you are not comfortable taking it for helping me, then let's just say that I am giving this to you as a present for the date," said Sekke.

Anna smiled as she heard that and gave a nod before she started opening her present.

Soon she opened the box and saw a single earring with a red gem.

"...An earing..."

"Not just any simple earring, it's a magic item that is capable of storing mana inside it and can provide you whenever you are in need. Though there is a limit to how much it can store," said Sekke.

Anna and Secre were surprised as they heard the effects of the earrings and seeing their expression Sekke was glad that he did take the trouble of finding something suitable in the pile of artifacts and riches in his storage. Though, in the end, he was not able to find the other one and decided to give her the one that he was able to find.

"Isn't it too precious? I can't possibly take something like this."

"I say otherwise. Protecting the life of the dark lord is no small task, and for that, I do say that it is a suitable gift," said Sekke.

"Sorry, Sekke-kun but I think I made it clear that I will not take anything for saving you. So you can have it back," said Anna as she put the earring back in the box and moved it towards Sekke.


Sekke looked at the box in front of him and slid it back towards Anna.


Anna looked at the box in front of her and slid it towards Sekke.

Both of them locked eyes with each other as their small confrontation of passing the gift started making Secre shake her head at their childish behavior.

Soon the old man who was at the counter came and smacked both Anna and Sekke for causing a ruckus and keep sitting there without even making an order.

In the end with him being unable to give the gift to Anna, Sekke sighed and said, "We will settle this later, but first let's order."

Anna nodded but made up her mind that she wouldn't accept that gift which was something that Sekke realized as well and sighed.

Soon their food and drinks arrived and surprisingly Anna ordered alcohol making Sekke wonder if she was a strong drinker.

And he soon got his answer.

"Sekke-kun~ is so unfair~. Do I really look like a boy?" asked a red-faced Anna who was totally wasted in just half a mug.


"Even Secre...." muttered Sekke as he saw the drunk wobbly anti-bird walking towards the fellow drunk.

"Ah~ Sekke-Kun's birdy," said Anna as she saw Secre in front of her.

Secure looked at the girl in front of her and continued to stare for a while but soon raised her wings and started slapping her cheeks with all her might.

'Take this. Take this. Take this.' thought Secre as she let loose of her frustration on the fire bitch.

Sekke just looked at the scene in front of him and wondered if he should inform Secre that she is so drunk that she is not hitting Anna at all who was laughing hard seeing the bird doing something weird.