
Black clover just having fun

Avi transmigrated in black clover world and doing all thing that coming to mind. Avi is so op even Lucius look like kid in front of him. and rest read to know

Avinash_Pandey_3820 · Anime & Comics
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Asta physique and Magic knight exam

Avi, Asta and Yuno were on the journey to the capital of Clover Kingdom. Avi wanted to give Body nourishing pill in a way, that no one can ever know, that it was him who gave pill to Asta. He was thinking about this for a long time and now was the time to implement his plan.

He first asked Emma to purchase clone technique, or skill, and bought, 'Wood clone jutsu of Hashirama Senju from Naruto'.

He made a clone of himself and let it go with the Asta,Yuno.So, this whole time Avi's clone was with Asta and Yuno. After that He used his mask to change his appearance to a powerful and godly looking Oldman with long white hair with beard and mustache. He was looking Old only by hair but his body was like hulk, ferocious. Avi was just waiting for a chance and his one other clone made this chance for him.Avi summon one more wood clone and let it attack Asta, Yuno and his clone. And in this fight His clone in appearance of enemy, injured Asta seriously. Then he appeared and cancel his clone jutsu with the wave of his hand like he killed it with his power.

Yuno was shocked to see, that the person they were fighting for so long and can't even touch him, was killed by the Old man in front of him.His other clone in original appearance were also acting shocked. But Asta was lying on the ground.

Old man (Avi) : "So, I was late. I apologize for being late."

Then he saw Asta and teleported beside him.

Old man (Avi): "It happen because of me. So, as compensation,I will feed you this two precious Body Nourishing pill."

The moment the two pill entered in Asta body, His whole body shook.His body started glowing and healing. After healing completed, Asta came to concious, but process not stopped his body keep transforming. His Hight increased to 6.5 and body become slim but sturdy. Every muscle in body become so hard that no mortal weapons can scratch it. Asta not knowing what is happening, began to panic. After around 2-3 minutes, Asta's body transformation stopped. Asta tried to get up. But his whole body flew in the air. Old man (Avi) caught him and put him on ground.He asked Asta to not move and calm down.Asta got confused and moved again but Old man (avi) control the situation.After explaining the situation Asta ,Yuno and Avi(clone) calm down.

Old man (Avi) : "Because of the pill your physique evolved and become strong and you have suddenly gained a lot of strength, that you can't control.Now relax, slowly try to control your strength."

Old man (Avi) when saw that it will take long time for Asta to control his power.He took asta to his training dimension, and set time difference of 1min:1day.After explaining Asta where he was he let asta train to control his strength. It took Asta around 6 months, to totally control his strength. After coming out of the training dimension. Asta and Old man(Avi) saw, Yuno and Avi(clone) we're depressed for some reason. when they saw Asta fine the both became happy, and ran to Asta, to ask about his well being {Avi (clone)😎 acting is top notch he was acting for all this time and no one suspected}.

Asta told the them to not worry and also explained how Old man helped him become super strong showing smile to Yuno and Avi like he won.

Yuno and Avi (clone) showed their annoyance.

After Saying good bye Old man (Avi) disappeared from their.

Asta, Yuno and Avi (original) went on to their journey to capital for the Entrance exam.

After Evolution he could use Anti-magic easily, and Avi also gave him advice to control Anti-magic and what Anti-magic is.

He keep showing off his powers to us all the way to the capital.

After reaching their Asta become even more excited, running here and there screaming like a child. Avi pull out a big bag full of money and told them to eat or buy anything they want. That's how their 1st day spent in the capital, enjoying whole day. Next they reach where the magic knight exam was held.

A lot people came to take the magic knight exam. And as in anime,we stood in line to register ourselves through grimoire. Asta got no.164, Yuno, got 165 and my no. was 166. As in anime a lot of anit magic bird flew towards Asta but he flared his anti magic and.... even more Anti-magic bird flew at Asta, and started pecking him. Although peking did nothing to him, but in annoyance he retreated and bump into a Middle aged looking person.

Yes, he was none other but Yami Sukehiro. When Asta bump into Yami, Yami almost fell down. When he saw back, he saw a boy even taller than himself. But then he showed annoyed face and the said

Yami:"huh?..you got a death wish boy"

and Asta got goosebumps for second then he thought 'what is this middle age person doing here' then he misunderstood that he must be a guy who looked older than his age. And started to console him. Yami got more pissed and grab Asta's head to crush, but nothing happen to Asta. Asta in confusion grab Yami's hand and remove it from his head like nothing. Asta was just thinking, 'why this guy putting his hand on my head?.

Yami got shocked

Yami: 'what kind of monster is this boy' he is more stronger than me.'

Asta said sorry and get away from there, while Yami was just standing there like a statue.

after some time finral came, and wake Yami from his stupor. Yami started looking here and there searching for Asta but he didn't found him, so he went with the Finral.

And finally The moment came when the Clover Kingdom will get his brave and strong Magic Knights. In the 'Magic Knight Exam Venue' ....The Magic Knights Exam started.....

That's all for today

Thank you for reading

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