
Return Of The Fiery Cat Paw

Walking out of the tower, Jack took a breath of fresh air, feeling utterly refreshed as if he just stepped out of a long shower. He didnt know if it was getting a grimoire or gaining magical powers, but he began to feel that maybe spending a little bit of time in this world might not be so bad. He didn't have to worry about nagging parents or late homework assignments. Though he would definitely miss regular anime, he began to think that whatever happened to him was a blessing in disguise.

He had long ago dismissed the dream theory and he knew he wasn't dead so the only logical explanation, or at least logical for an otaku such as himself, was that he had either been hit by truck-kun in his sleep, or he had been isekai'd normally by God or something. Either way, he wasn't in his own world anymore but in a completely fictitious one with no way to get home. While one would normally panic and try to find their way back home, Jack was already making plans on how he could have some fun while he was here.

Sure he would miss his parents, but it had always been his dream to be like a character from an isekai anime and had even dreamed of what he would do if it had happened. This was his chance to live in the shoes of a character from a show he had absolutely loved. Sure he knew it wouldn't be all shits and giggles, but he still wanted to give this life a try.

He hadn't realized when he had started walking forward, but he did know who had stopped him as he was yanked backwards by the collar of his shirt, his grimoire dropping from his hands. He hit the ground rather hard, his head smacking onto the dirt ground and his vision blurring before coming back into focus. His red eyes flickered onto the face staring down at him, the face of a grinning Mereoleona Vermillion. She seemed to be pleased with something as she looked at his sprawled out figure.

"Where you going off to rookie?" Mereoleona said in a questioning tone. "I still have business with you. Did you think I was done with you once I dropped you off here? Not a chance once I felt that extraordinary power coming from in there!! That was you wasn't it pipsqueak? Thats some power!!"

Jack pushed himself off the ground and onto his feet. "Yeah, I accidentally froze and burned various parts of some of the people in there. They didn't seem to happy about it." Jack dusted himself off before picking his grimoire back up.

"Burned AND froze?? What type is your magic?" Mereoleona's expression changed from a pleased one to a curious one.

"I got two types of magic," Jack reported as he held up his double colored grimoire. "The red side is fire I'm guessing while the other side is ice. I was pretty surprised myself when I found out, but this is pretty cool when you think about it. I can utilize two types of magic in so many ways!!"

"Two types?" Mereleona asked with a touch of surprise coloring her features. "Thats rather interesting...."

"Cousin Mereoleona? What are you doing here?" A voice interrupted Mereoleona's next words, causing both of them to look to see who had spoken.

Walking up to them was a girl with long wavy vermillion hair with bangs on her forehead and yellow eyes. The girl wore a fancy attire which consisted of a puffy cream-colored sweater with long sleeves, white puffy short pants, and a brown corset. Below the corset, she also wore another lighter brown-colored piece of fabric that had frilly edges. The corset was tied at the front with strings. Her footwear consistes of a pair of boots that were tightly fitted to her legs and extended above her knees. They were light-colored and had a split at the top in which were kept together by strings. The boots also had frilly edges below the collars. On top of all of those, the girl also wore a dark red mantle, which had a white lining made of similar material as the rest of the mantle.

The girl looked exactly like Mimosa Vermillion from the Black Clover anime, down to the last stitch in her clothing. Jack was a huge fan of her in the anime, believing that she was far superior to every other girl by far. However even though he thought highly of her, he managed to keep his cool and act as if he didn't even know her as she approached the two of them.

"Mereoleona, I thought you were still out training," Mimosa said as she stopped in front of them. "What brings you back here so soon? Did something important come up?"

Mereoleona shook her head. "Nothing too important, I just felt like coming back for a bit. Ran into this rookie on the way here and found out that his magic power alone far surpasses even that of a royal even if he doesn't know how to control it."

Mimosa shifted her gaze from her elder cousins onto Jack who stared back with a curious look. "Oh, hello. I'm sorry for not introducing myself earlier. My names Mimosa Vermillion, a noblewoman of House Vermillion." She held out a hand, a polite gesture that showed her kind personality.

"My name is Jack Meyers, a plain old commoner," Jack replied, smiling as he took her hand. "Its a pleasure to meet you."

The two looked at each other for a few more seconds beforepulling their hands apart. It was an odd feeling but the moment Jack touched her, he could feel how much magic power she had through physical contact alone. It made him want to touch her again just to feel the sensation again, but he held himself back as touching her now would just seem weird and make him look like a creep.

"So you possess two types of magic?" Mereoleona asked, switching back to the topic they had been having prior to Mimosa showing up. "Your an interesting commoner arent you? Any family or home that you can speak of?"

"Not particularly," Jack answered as he looked into Mereoleona's plotting eyes. He felt like he had already fallen pray to this lioness without even realizing when. "I sorta lived all by myself out in the sticks when my dad died around 3 years ago. I survive mostly cause the other villagers would provide food for me."

"In that case, your coming with me," Mereoleona said without hesitation. The fiery cat paw returned and latched onto his head, lifting him off the ground. "Its been a while since I found myself someone I wanted to teach personally. Consider yourself lucky."

"Well if your going to train him, I'll just be on my way," Mimosa murmured as she began to walk away. However, before she could even take five steps from Mereoleona, she was also grabbed up by a cat paw.

"Hold Mimosa, I think you could use some training as well," Mereleona had a small smile on her face, as if she was enjoying herself. "There are six months before the knights entrance exam and it wouldn't hurt to have you train along side this young man. I'll clear it with your parents when I get the chance. For now, you'll be heading over to my place with me."

"So this training...do meals come with it or do I have to find my own?" Jack asked with a confused expression.

"You make follow my orders to the tee and you get breakfast, lunch, and dinner as well as a place to sleep." Mereoleona began to walk away from the tower where people had already begun moving away from after watching everything play out. "From now on you'll be living with me. I don't usually do this, but I think it might be fun and an educational experience for all of us."

"Fun?" Jacks face took on a suspicious look as he gazed at Mereleona. "You don't seem like the type who likes to have 'fun', and if you did, yoyr type of fun might include tormenting others."

"I still don't get why I have to come along," Mimosa complained softly. "Royals don't even take the magic knights entrance exam. I can train on my own if its a matter of preparation for being a magic knight. I don't even have any attack magic to train at all."

"Both of you stop your pointless blathering," Mereleona said with an almost borderline shout. "Your coming with me whether you like it or not. Quit your complaints and stop behaving like brats."

Mereleona is a hardass in the show as well......I think she might even ve worse then this in the actual anime!! a chapter tomorrow as well

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