
The First Stone.....

At the beginning everything was calm and quiet in the kingdom until one day THEY came , they were travelers from a place called Liburia there were five of them three boys and two girls twin sisters Tallia and Riah .

They told stories of magical creatures with jems/stones on there foreheads, they were a part of them but they could only be seen when the creature uses its power.The creatures were called Daliahs, they were very rare and it is said that there are only seven in the whole world .

after that day every thing was chaos, people looking for them all of the time..... anyway my name is Leila people were so busy worrying about catching or keeping away the daliahs they forgot about the other things like vampires , wolves and the worst of all sucubuses in case you didn't know sucubuses are demons VERY sexy demons that draw energy from you guessed it sex sooo with no one keeping them away .... well yeah there bound to be some here by now