
Chapter 9

As time goes by everyone is starting to get in a grove Mina and, Jamie are starting the process of having another kid Jeron and, Ficilia are talking about friendship before anything happens.

Mira is now confiding in Sei and Kei and tells them she'll be leaving for a year to properly train Casa , and that possibly their families would come in or around that time.

Mira leaves without telling anyone. Sei and Kei are panicking their parents have never visited the special zone, Jero didn't keep contact with his neither, and Zeldman well who knows.

Mina is on the verge of going crazy she already had to deal the whole family management by herself now she understood why her sister slept for so long, she'd need a vacation to or to train someone away from home to if she had to do this every day no wonder she caused trouble every time when they were small.

Everyone is starting to panic they've never met their extended family and are very nervous. Jeron on the other hand isn't worried that much at all cause Mira left behind a memory journal so he knows what to do, he also knows that she might not come back in a year.

A week has flew by and everything and everyone is starting to settle down. While Mina is going through the businesses the family has and how much they're bringing in, Jeron and Ficilia are organizing the family.

Jero and Zeldman are patrolling to make sure everything is fine. Kataro was practicing, reading and learning in his spare time when he wasn't teaching martial arts to the kids in the family.

Eric he has to patrol the outside now so he doesn't see his small family he started. It was a quick delivery and it surprised everyone til she explained that Mira was ecentrally the leader so with her gone especially doing the first pregnancy births will happen sooner with her and maybe the whole family.

Now that everyone knew how difficult she had it doing all these things, Jeron was aware of things early on she practically trained him to take her place for extended periods of time when he was little.

After adjusting for a week Jeron took charge and started going to the businesses that were having trouble, and getting them on the right track everyone was surprised by this wondering what happened.

Ficilia: "Mira has been preparing him for this since they were children she even gave him her journal which shows, and explain everything to him and he takes it with him every where. The best part is when everything that doing well is updated What's not doing well appears in that book".

Eric now feels regretful for not listening to her now when she asked him all those years ago he majored in business outside. He built a hospital and it helps to recruit and train talents.

While Eric is having trouble accepting that his baby brother is going to be the lead while Mira's away, Jeron comes back and says " Depending on how Casa takes to her training, and how tough sis makes it they won't be back in a year it could be longer".

Eric breaks down and the rest bow to Jeron and Ficilia they make a good pair. Everyone feels like they could take over for Mira and Joey.

Speaking of Joey he's been entertaining diplomats since his wife left and trying to keep his kids by his side so they can learn this that way they can be prepared in any situation.

will be going back later to fix errors

Brezzecreators' thoughts
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