6 Over again

So Zayn finally got to the tent and waited for his sister to return but for some reason she wasn't returning.

'?' Zayn questioned

Why wasn't she coming into the tent? Did she trip or something?

Zayn got up from his bed to go outside to see if his sister might have fallen or not.

As he unzipped the tent he started hearing screaming from the outside.

When he got done unzipping the zipper which was about 30 seconds he saw his sister laying down on the ground covered in a strange dark liquid. He looked over yander and saw a mech with the barrel having steam coming off of it.

He bent down to check on his sister. But while doing so the mech that was next them him started speaking.


That's when it clicked in Zayn's thick skull.

His sister had been shot. His sister had fallen. His sister struggled. His sister was dead.


"Did you do this?" Zayn asked in a stern and unusual voice that didn't sound like him at all.

The mech didn't reply all it did was point it's hot barrel at Zayn.

"DID. YOU. DO THIS?" Zayn spoken to the mech. It needed judgement.

Right as Zayn said that the mech user was overwhelmed with guilt and was scared for her life!

She acted before she spoke and fired the machine gun at Zayn but every bullet that reached his vicinity melted before it reached him.

That's when Zayn started walking toward the mech. The mech user now frightened tried to get away but had an urge if she would have done that she would have had the wrath of god.

Zayn was right in front of of the mech when he touched it. Immediately the part that Zayn touched started to turn into a liquid metal. The mech user was being boiled from the inside.

Zayn could hear the women scream for mercy but Zayn didn't care enough to take pity he acted in the same way the system would to a person diverted from it.

When the screaming stopped the women was now a pile of flesh and liquids. Zayn didn't have any remorse for her.

Zayn then went over to his tent, ignored his dead sister, entered the tent, and went to sleep. That night Zayn slept like an angel.


That morning Zayn woke up being oblivious to the events that took place last night. He woke up due to the fact that the entire tent smelt like butchery.

Zayn up to find three people dressed in very fancy clothes. He was the first to address the elephant in the room.

"Um why are you guys in my barrack? And where's my sister?" Zayn said with an ignorant look on his face.

"We're sorry to inform you Mr. Student but there was an... accident last night. Do you recall anything about your sister before you went to bed?" The black agent said.

"No nothing I recall. I was very tired last night, you see I was oblivious of my sisters actions." Zayn said

"Well we're sorry to inform but because of this 'accident' she has passed away." Said the agent who was the only one who had a name tag which said Agent 64.

Zayn acted heart broken when he heard his sister had died but it was all an act. He already knew who killed her but nothing after that however.

"Due to this incident you will be transferring schools to another school across the nation. This school will be in Wisconsin Fitchburg." Agent 64 said.

Zayn sighed he couldn't do anything about this so he was forced to go to this new school. Hopefully it would be much better then the one he was currently at which tried to kill its own students.

As he was walking toward the bus which was really suspicious because it had writing on it that said 'REGULAR SCHOOL BUS' which was as it implied not a regular school bus.

It was all black and had the engine in the back of the care instead of the front. So now the 'bus' looked like if Kim Kardashian was a car.

When he stepped in the care he started to feel cold. Like he was in a freezer. It was strange because the AC wasn't even on yet!

Zayn wasn't just cold though he felt uncomfortable, heavy, and was pale as ghost.

"Are you alright?" Agent 64 said.

"Yeah I'm fine I'm just uh really nervous! Yeah that's what it is." Zayn said.

'How has this kid made it through a week of military school?!?' The agent thought.

And just like that there 15 hour trip to Wisconsin was a go.

Next chapter