
Birth Of The Diviner

Clovis was reincarnated into another world, a world filled with technology, swords, and magic. Guns had become essentially negligible as humans had evolved, to a point where they could reflect normal bullets with a passive magic shield. Watch Clovis as he takes on this world, being the anomaly that he is, remembering his past life before this world, creating his own fate, and setting it in stone against all odds. He is a born diviner, and the one and only first in the history of existence, but he slowly comes to the reality that diviners are not born... They are FORGED. I am also not a professional writer, so please do not judge. That being said, I do appreciate constructive criticism and plot Ideas. The start will be a bit rough and maybe quick-paced, but it will come together as the story goes along.

CasoGoose · Action
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20 Chs

The Ruins <Part 6>

"This is not over, there are five wolves headed here as we speak, and we only have about 3 minutes before they get here!!"

Gasps of shock, fear, and disbelief instantly overlapped one another in an almost synchronous manner. A majority of these voices took the route of an outright denial, rejecting the thought, but it was only temporarily wishful thinking.

"What do you mean there are five more of those coming here?!!" Said a tall male, bulky in stature with a haughty voice, aimed to grab my collar but could not come within a certain distance of me, causing him to stagger a bit as he said...

"What the hell?!"

"Please keep your energy for when they get here," I said in irony as I stared him down from behind the mask, silencing him instantly.

"Now that the exhibition of idiocy is over, I will continue. You all heard me the first time, so I will not repeat myself; however, I will specify! There is one mid Rank 5 wolf and four high Rank 4 wolves among the group, headed our way!"

The looks of despair grew ever more so exaggerated and excessive; cries of agony and hopelessness flew into the air in multitudes. I, for one, did not precisely entertain those who resign to their demise without a fight.

Seeing this, I turned back to Chell and said to her...

"It's not completely hopeless."

As I said this, she seemed to brighten up; her face seemed to have gone from monochrome to a colour-filled one as she asked, "What do you mean it's not hopeless?!"

"What do you mean it's not hopeless? You previously struggled to deal with the high Rank 4 wolf... Now you're saying that you want to deal with four of those, including one at a higher rank?!!"

The one who spoke up was a girl with waist-long black hair, a pale skin tone, amber, green eyes, long legs, slender arms coupled with a not too overbearing body, and more on the side of being ample and adequate.


Chell shouted at her friend Lin as she felt her tone was a little too rude to someone who just saved them, causing Lin to retort.

"What?! It's not like I'm wrong!"

"You are wrong. I did not struggle with the first wolf; I only extended the kill time because I took it lightly. If I wanted to, I could have finished it on the first exchange!"

The looks of disbelief and scorn grew ever more so evident as some stared at me in mockery. Their faces filled with disdain. 'Such fools!' I thought to myself that they failed to realize that mocking was the only one who could even go up against the danger headed their way.

"I will go over the remaining detail quickly as our guest will arrive shortly... I need you to hold out for 20 seconds. Within that time, I will finish off the Rank 5 wolf, after which I will then assist you in eliminating the rest. Get ready!!"

On queue, four 20-feet green wolves made their appearance as they dashed past me, but not before I whipped their legs to slow their momentum.

"Start counting the 20 seconds now!!" I shouted to the groups as they employed whatever defensive magic they could.

I stood stagnant no longer as I muttered...

"First seal disabled. Etherische Kunst: Monks agony"

The power from removing the first seal spread through my body like warmth, the energy flowing and re-energizing my every being. My senses enhanced and strengthened, my reactions heightened and my strength... doubled!


I lept into the air, sending a kick to the chin of the 25-feet black wolf who made its' appearance right before me, sending it flying towards the ceiling; upon impact, it winced heavily before it fell to the ground and winced in pain once more.

I paid no mind to the pain it felt and begun my barrage on it. Instantly reappearing by its muzzle, I swung the back of my palm at the top of its muzzle, hoping to slam its jaw harder on the floor and break it, but it vanished.


Feeling the fluctuation behind me, I instantly shifted, spinning my body to the side and dodging the muzzle that went right past went right past where I was.


I used the momentum from my spin and swung the back of my left palm at the intersection between its chin and neck with enough force that made its brain rattle, at the same time choking it before balancing on my right hand.


Not letting it recover, I twisted my lower body with the same momentum, sending a downwards kick at the crown of its head, causing it to bleed through its orifices from the amount of internal damage its head had sustained.


This time around, it could not avoid the hit and sustained severe damage to its skeletal structure and a broken jaw. It was hanging to life in whatever way it could, as it got up and swung its paws at me in an attempt to deal whatever damage it could to me.

On the other hand, I just redirected it while also damaging its bones on each hit I shifted. Seeing how short on time I was, I thought to finish this on my next move.


Hopping back to gain a reasonable distance, the wolf thought I was retreating as it lunged forward to catch me in its maws; if only it knew it signed its demise then and there.


The instant it got close enough to me, I jumped right above its maws and the moment it raised its muzzle upwards, it sent me flying towards the ceiling. But before I hit the roof, I repositioned my body to get a foothold on the top.


"Second, third and fourth seal disabled!" Saying this, I lunged back down towards the crown of its head.


And the instant I got a hold of it, it was game over. I then muttered to myself...

"Moonshine Quake!"


Please let me know how you feel the story is going so far If you feel it is rushed or too slow. Feel free to comment as well as it will help me write better content, thank you and I hope you enjoy the story as it goes along. :)

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