
World Introduction

Welcome, readers.

Today we are going to tell you about a world and its inhabitants, we will follow their evolution and their experiences to see where it will lead them.

This world is known as the World of Androxia. It is a world that was artificially created by a strange and powerful energy. By several Gods pooling their Efforts.


According to the popular believers from Holy Justice Androxia was born from the union of 3 Gods during their Union.

The God of Life (An), the God of Earth (Dro) and the God of Light (Xia).

These 3 Gods are known as being the most powerful and standing above the other Gods, all because of their power and the faith of their believers.


As gifts to their union different Gods have offered presents.

The Goddess of Fire and Light had a Child - THE Sun - Revolving around the Earth.

The Water Goddess creates the lakes, rivers and oceans to lay the foundations of life.

The Goddess of Air creates the Atmosphere and Oxygen allowing the life form to breathe without fear of dying


What was at first a nucleus started to grow. At first it was tiny and fragile. After the Gods give him some energy he grows fantastically to the size of a planet. To keep her company the Goddess of Fire and the God of Light create the Sun orbiting around her to warm her and keep her company.

The Goddess of Water creates lakes, rivers and Seas on this piece of Planetary Rock.

Our calliou began to take on a dark hue and water surrounded him on all sides.

Between them the Gods met and decided that the condition of all life is air. Thus the Goddess of Air blesses the planet by creating a protection "The Atmosphere". Inside it she inserted her power to drive out any impurity already present and gave birth to the air.

Following the Gift of the Air Goddess, the God of Life inserted his power thus allowing the planet to begin its existence.

After the God of Life used his power, Trees, glades, Seaweed and greenery began to appear all over this World.


A few centuries later the gods noticed that the greenery had almost disappeared. That life was eroding over time.

The cause ?

The sun began to grow and with it the heat conveyed. The Atmosphere helped reduce this heat for a while but it didn't last. The heat started to act on the environment creating Deserts as well as the reduction of waters of any type.

The planet was starting to turn into a Desert.

The greenish tint that could be seen everywhere on its surface when it was created gave way to immense sand terrains creating Deserts that prevented the greenery from settling.


To remedy this problem

To solve this problem the Gods having Attributes being contrary or being able to limit the Drought had a Child.

Through the union of the Goddess of Darkness and the Goddess of Water thus creating The Moon. The Moon, thanks to the power of the two Goddesses, can, depending on its proximity to Androxia, influence the Water present on it. The Moon thus brings the Night. The Night brings the darkness and the coldness allowing to regulate the power of the Sun.


Several centuries later after the Gods were able to judge that the Desert began to Disappear they wanted to introduce other creatures within the planet. For this each God decides to create a form of Intelligent Life in their image.

- Goddess of Water: The People of the Sea, different forms of living life in an aquatic environment. The Goddess recognizes those as People of the Sea those with superior intelligence enabling them to speak

- Dro, God of the Earth created the Dwarves small but sturdy lifeforms made to live in caves and used everything the Earth gives

- A God of Life created the Elves, close to natures that can be recognized because of their big ears

- Humans are a mixture of all races, and they are considered weak but have intellectual potential of unknown creation


- The Beasts are the Creatures who grow and adapt to the planet and evolved in the wild


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