
Bird that levels up.

In a world where birds are born with predetermined abilities, one bird named Sky dreams of being able to fly higher and faster than any of his peers. Despite the ridicule and doubt of his fellow birds, Sky relentlessly trains every day to increase his strength and endurance. But soon after disaster struck. Follow Sky's Journey to becoming the best bird that ever lived.

BeiRay · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Beginning and the End.

Sky was born on a warm summer day, just like every other bird in his flock. As he emerged from his egg and took his first steps, he looked up at the vast blue sky above him and felt a sense of wonder and excitement. From that moment on, Sky knew that he was destined for greatness.

However, as he grew older and began to learn the ways of the world, Sky quickly realized that he was different from the other birds. While they were content to flutter about at lower altitudes, Sky yearned to soar higher and faster than anyone had ever flown before.

At first, his fellow birds laughed at him and dismissed his dreams as foolishness. But Sky refused to give up. Every day, he would wake up before the sun and train his wings tirelessly, flapping harder and faster until he was breathless and his muscles ached.

Despite his efforts, Sky's progress was slow. No matter how hard he trained, he seemed to hit a plateau, unable to break through to the next level of flight. But he refused to give up. He knew that there had to be a way to achieve his dreams and prove his doubters wrong but he couldn't put his finger on it because he was a bird and didn't have fingers.

One day, while Sky was out on a solo flight, he heard a deafening boom and saw a blinding light in the distance. Curious, he flew towards the source of the disturbance, and what he found was beyond his wildest imagination.

A massive meteor had crashed into the earth, obliterating everything in its path, including Sky's entire flock. The devastation was so complete that Sky could hardly recognize the landscape he knew so well.

As he mourned the loss of his family and friends, Sky noticed something glinting amidst the rubble. It was a small crystal, unlike anything he had ever seen before. As he picked it up, he felt a surge of power course through his body.

At first, Sky was hesitant to use the crystal. He didn't know what it was or where it came from, and he didn't want to risk any unintended consequences. But as he held it in his talons, he felt an urge to try.

As he focused his energy into the crystal, he felt a burst of light emanate from his body. Suddenly, Sky found himself able to soar through the skies with incredible speed and agility, effortlessly outpacing even the fastest of his kind but soon after the energy disappeared completely. While hopelessly trying to get it back, Sky did the only logical thing he could think of.


He ate the crystal and fell asleep?!

When Sky woke up, Sky discovered that the crystal that he had consumed had granted him the power to level up his skills, and also a status window.

Sky wanted to find a new place to build a nest and maybe find surviving birds as all he could see were barren lands, the trees that were his home were nowhere to be found and only charred land remained.

As Sky flew north to find a new place to make a home another meteor came and striked him down.

Sky had died.

All the potential he had, all the possibilities and achivements he could accomplish all dissapeared with just a meteor.

The End.