
Bioweapon's Cultivation

A soul has been transmigrated with memories of their previous life into a world where cultivation is done through a system. Yet before they could even take a step, they were killed by a regular old fire-breathing wolf. What would you expect? And as they died yet again, their soul was trapped inside a Lotus Flower. "What now?" They thought as they floated around their pretty 12-petaled prison, not knowing what else was trapped in the Lotus besides them. Unable to die or reincarnate with their soul stuck in a flower. All that's left is to wait... and wait... and wait... ... Sooner or later, they grew tired of waiting. With no idea that a System even exists and not even possessing any sort of body, how will an average girl who makes a few too many references even become a 'Bioweapon'? Come see how the Strongest Living Bioweapon in this particular Universe grew into something legends would speak wonders about for aeons. The Goddess of Curses and Rot will ascend. ... Caution: I'm not planning on having any romance. I am planning on having action. The previously mentioned 'action' might get a little crazy insano style, or at least that is the plan. This story is connected to my other book World of Reincarnators, I will not be spoiling in what way. Enjoy. (The book cover is not mine, contact me if you want me to take it down.)

Chiken_Sheep · Fantasy
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63 Chs

A what?

'A sensory redirection and enhancement tank. The prototype training item designed in the central continent a few years ago, it displaces the mind into a simulated area where the personal virtual butler assists in the trainee's growth while also stopping them from leaving until they are capable of escaping said area themselves.

The dangers of being stuck in the simulated area are next to none and the growth rate for users is on the positive side of the spectrum.

The only possible problem that might occur is the virtual butler's voluntary disconnection from the programmed directives.'

Hilde sighed as she continued her line of thought.

'Thought, the aforementioned disconnection has only occurred during one individual's stay and that one and only malfunction happened on a stolen tank that had been slightly damaged during transport. It might have been a singular unique error but it also might have just been an uncommon error that we haven't heard about yet, the central continent does know how to keep most of their secrets well hidden...'

Hilde placed down the small bundle of papers that held the training regimen and further plans for Kumi's training.

Looking towards the door where the sound of knocking was coming from, she said to come in as she glanced back at the papers for a moment.

Ayaka entered the room as Hilde's gaze returned to the door where Ayaka was standing. Closing the door behind her, Ayaka waited for any questions to be asked.

"Is Kumi listening well? Acting good?"

"The training is- ah. Forgive me, yes she is doing well and is very attentive. She has gone to bed after washing up, though her manners could use a little work."

Ayaka said as she was slightly surprised that Hilde would ask how Kumi was behaving first rather than ask how her training was going along.

"Mhm. How much resting time do you believe she needs?"

"Definitely not long considering her resting and recuperation speed. Though I still recommend a few days, three at most. Mental drain would be more of a problem than physical if the current plan is to be followed through."

Hilde let out a light breath as she nodded her head and moved the small bundle of papers containing Kumi's regimen towards Ayaka.

"It will be followed through."

"Does it not contain the risk of losing her mind entirely? The machines in storage need to undergo extensive checks so that another... incident does not occur."

"The chances are low, exponentially so. If someone wanted to be stuck there, their Arcane and Luck Properties would have to be in SS Grade at the very least."


"They are not. Are they?"

"Not to my knowledge, she only talks about her Properties if and when I ask. Same goes for Skills."

"That's problematic."

'It's normal privacy, is it not?'

Ayaka thought as she chose to stay quiet regarding Hilde's comment.

"Well, it isn't a problem if she tells us her Skills. Anything you weren't expecting?"

"A few things." Ayaka said after a brief moment of silent thought.

"Do share." Hilde told her as her focus momentarily shifted to another stack of papers on her desk.

"Well, first off..."

Hilde picked up a piece of paper and was about to swiftly read through it before Ayaka could continue.

"She copied my Time Stop Skill."

The paper in Hilde's hands lit aflame as it fell on the desk before extinguishing.

"She what?"

"It seemed as though she copied my Time Stop Skill."


"I don't know. She said she just copied me. When I asked if she had the Time element, she denied having Time Magic. Neither should she be able to even use Magic at her age."

"A Skill then? To copy seen abilities?"

"She denies having one. Besides, those sorts of Skills are reserved for Blessed, Holy and Demonic personalities I believe, of which, she has neither as far as I'm aware."

Hilde held her chin as she sunk deep into her thoughts, a bead of sweat running down the back of her neck.

"She also seems to have obtained a Concentration related Skill during our time training. Not the most common type of Skill to have adding on to the fact that the more concentrated she is the stronger she gets."

"Hard to notice someone with her personality concentrating."

Hilde muttered before going silent again. After a moment, Hilde opened her mouth and spoke.

"We'll give her three days to rest up, meanwhile, gather all the information we have on the Inscrutable Personality Trait as well as any that could have an innate ability to copy skills or strongly increase learning speed and the like."

"Understood. I'll leave you now."

"Bye Ayaka. Keep a... an even closer eye on her for now, a hidden dangerous Personality Trait could become devastating."

"More than one Personality Trait is only reserved for the Hero, Demon Lord and other Mythical Character Bloodlines. Regardless, you already knew that. I'll do what I have been asked to do."

"Thanks. And... just in case, check on all current Demon Lord and Hero blood relatives."


Ayaka bowed as she left the room, leaving Hilde to her own machinations.

Kumi, who was pleasantly sleeping in bed, had not a single clue about what was being discussed about her at the time. Now that her training had temporarily stopped, she could rest her body and mind while...

[Damn. Why does grammarly cost money now? Fair warning, grammar might deteriorate slightly from now on try to ignore it.

Ps: sorry for the wait between chapters. Shit happens and shit isn't good most of the time but I can at least give you guys these 3 chapters here and hope to find the time to write more. ]