
Chapter 7: Tortus

As the light subsided, I started to open my eyes immediately and quickly look around the area. The first thing that came into my sight was the giant mural. The mural was about ten meters in width, depicting an androgynous person with long golden hair and a faint smile, in front of an aureole. The background portrayed the grassy plains, lakes, and mountains, and the person had both hands extended out as if embracing them all. It was a beautiful mural, an amazing mural. But, I know who the person in the drawing is.

'Is that Ehit? Did he copy-paste Jesus or everyone who tries to pose as Jesus always does that kind of pose? Maybe it is just the original author who tries to make sense to the reader in depicting this mural.'

After carefully surveying my surroundings, I found that we seemed to be in a huge hall. I assumed the hall was made out of marble or any material with calcium carbonate in it as it gives the smell of one.

The whole building was emitting a beautiful luster which I guess to be some kind of after-effect of mass teleportation resulting in mana disorder. This mana disorder probably gives out some kind of radiation in the form of photonic discharge or simply light with many wavelengths in the visible light region.

The building that was constructed by laying glossy white stones on top of one another, was supported by huge pillars with delicate designs, and the ceiling was in a dome shape. The whole place naturally looked like a cathedral and had a very solemn atmosphere.

'Hmm… Dome-shaped? Is it because they need to concentrate a huge amount of mana to activate this magic that's why they use a dome shape that has a property to concentrate something.'

'Speaking of huge amounts of mana, it was never mentioned in this series where they got one. After all, even Hajime need to use god crystal to collect the required mana to return to Earth'

In many stories in my previous life, they usually provide descriptions like using many mage' mana in a synchronized manner to achieve resonance effect or using sacrifice. For this magic, I think that Ehit himself supplied some of his magic to the magic circle to allow it to run.

After that, perhaps looking for an explanation, everyone gradually shifted their attention to the people around the pedestal. There were at least thirty people that had both hands crossed in front of their chest and kneeled as if they were praying. All of them wore a white robe that was embroidered with gold, and they had a staff right next to them. The tip of the staves spread out like a fan, and in place of the ring, several pieces of circular disks hung on top of it.

Among them, an old man around the age of 70 stepped forward, his attire was extremely luxurious even among the white-robed group. He wore a 30 cm tall and delicate thing that looked like an original wizard hat. However, that old man had a domineering aura around him, looking at the wrinkles on his face, as well as his sophisticated eyes, even if people say he was only 50 years old, none would doubt it.

At the same time, the staff in his hand was making a *Shing! Shing!* sound, the old man spoke to them with a clear and calming voice that was fitting of his appearance. Of course, this is just a false pretense, but I can't expose him as exposing him means exposing myself to that fake god.

"Welcome to Tortus, Hero-same, and his companion. We were expecting you. I am the currently appointed Pope of the Saint's Church, you may address me as Ishtar Lombard. Let's get along from now on, no need to exchange conventional greetings."

After he introduced himself, the old man called Ishtar revealed a smile that was often associated with nice elderly people. However, to me, it looks like a devil smiling while looking at his prey.


We finally led to a hall with a few ten-meter long dining tables lined up side by side. Of course, in line with the previous style, the furniture, the decorative paintings, the murals, and everything here were the artisan's supreme masterpiece. Perhaps, this place was used to take a meal or hold a meeting. In the seats of honor were Hatakeyama Aiko-sensei and Kouki's group of four. After that, I found a seat close to Kousuke who was surprised I could finally find him as the other students took their seats in sequence while Hajime sat at the last spot.

Nobody caused much disturbance as they were guided until here, perhaps their minds were still unable to keep up with reality. Well, the isekai genre is not yet popular at this time as we are still in 2013 right now.

Ishtar started to explain the situation, perhaps it was due to the existence of the charismatic Kouki that everyone was able to remain calm. Being surrounded by the students who looked more like the teacher, Aiko-sensei was getting teary-eyed.

When everyone was seated, with amazing timing, the maids entered with pushing carts. I try to keep calm as I know that they could possibly be a combat maid or an assassin. After all, being careful in this place will not give you anything.

With the maids coming, the male students were spurred on by their burning desires, most of them fixed their gaze on the maids. However, the girls were sending cold glares at them. Even I can see that Kaori is sending stares at Hajime who resists the urge to stare at the maid as he focuses his eyes ahead.

Ishtar started his explanation after confirming that everyone had received their drinks.

"That… I'm sure you are all confused. I will explain the situation first, I ask everyone to listen to everything I had to say until the end."

The words that came out of Ishtar after that were really too fantasy-like, full of embellishment. To put it briefly, first, this world was called Tortus. After that, Tortus is divided into three major races of Humans, Demons, and Demi-humans. The Humans ruled over the northern area. The Demons ruled over the southern area. The Demi-humans lived quietly in the wilderness to the east.

Then the important part comes, He tells that the war between Humans and Demons has been ongoing for several centuries. Demons are stronger than Humans but Humans are able to win with human wave tactics. Of course, now is the reverse as Demons can now control magic beasts making them copy human tactics which is monster wave tactics. Thus Human civilization is now in a crisis

"The one who summoned you here was 'Ehit-sama'. He is the Protector God that we Humans worship, the one and only god in the Saint's Church. He is the Supreme God that created this world. Perhaps Ehit-sama had already noticed. If this continues, Humans will face extinction. You had been summoned to prevent this outcome. The world you come from is ranked higher than ours, every one of you here should possess exceptional power in this world without a doubt. Before the summoning took place, Ehit-sama passed down an oracle; You are the "salvation" that he sent to us. You must bring out your innate powers, by the will of Ehit-sama, overthrow the Demons, and save us mankind!"

With these long speeches, I can only think in my mind 'I call this bullshit! He is really a master of deception as even now he has an absent-minded expression like recalling a memory. This guy deserves an acting Oscar trophy!'

I really wonder why would anyone believe this shit even though it is half correct and half-truth since the war is really happening but the cause of war is the fake God that summoned us.

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