


Elena Colton

Curling my hair quickly and putting makeup on. Spray a little bit of perfume and I sighed looking at myself through the mirror

Why am I trying to doll myself up to impress him when I know it's useless?

Putting on my white shirt and my black ripped jeans. Running to my bed when I heard my phone rings. It's Aiden

/"I'm outside/" He said

/"Okay/" I ended the call and ran downstairs. Put on my blue vans and ready to go. I ran outside and quickly went to his car.

/"Ready to go?/" He asked and I can't help but check him out. Why is so hot all the time?

/"Yeah/" I turned straight quickly because I hate to be caught staring

/"How about a purse?/" He asked and I turned to him

/"Purse?/" I asked and Cynthia is a really high class girl , she and Aiden suit each other because they both extremely rich