
Chapter 1

Jace came out of his lavish glamorous car stylishly with a lot of crowd gathered around him, including some reporter from different states and the media

A couple of bodyguard escorted him into the conference room where he met the ambassadors and the company shareholders waiting patiently for him to arrive, a smile captured their faces when they saw him walk in and they all stood up to welcome him with a round of applause, Jace stood at the front of the crowd to address them

I welcome y'all to this year edition of the face of "Miss universe" I am so delighted to be among you all today and I will like us to have a splendid conversation. Everyone stood up to clap for Jace as they were all amazed by his presence among them

Jace is a famous business man who is a very rich, wealthy, famous and also good looking, he is well known for his great skills in boxing, he is one of the champions who have won many trophies and awards in boxing, one of his biggest company is well known in the country for producing a whole lot of valuable product through export and importing, he is a very strict man who does not tolerate indiscipline or laziness from any of his staffs, he expects his works to be done on time

Press 1: Mr Jace Williams, tell us about the club meeting you have been appointed to, what are your plans?

Press 2: What about your biggest project in Africa, how big is it going to be?

Press 1: We heard you recently broke up with Selena, how true is that?

"No comment" The bodyguards said as they consciously escorted him to his car after the meeting was over

In the car

Noah, take me to the office "he said" as he stared at his phone while talking to the driver

"Boss, are you sure you want to go to the office" the driver questioned

"Are you okay?? jace requested

"Forgive me" he said as he started driving

"Let this be the last day you will ever question my order" he said as he continued pressing his phone

"Okay, boss" The driver said as he obeyed

At the hospital

"Doctor, what is going on?? How is my mother doing?? Why are they talking out the oxygen??

Doctor: I think it's best we take out the oxygen because there's no hope for her to come out of coma

Natalie: No, doctor you can't do this to me, We have to help her wake up

Doctor: I am sorry Natalie, the only way is to take her abroad

Natalie came out of the ward as she struggles to hold back her tears, how will she get the money to take her mother abroad for the treatment, she sat down on a chair outside the ward as she cried her eyes out

She quickly took out her phone to dail a number

Phone dialogue

Natalie: Hello, is this M&L's company??

Unknown: Yes, how may I help you

Natalie: I submitted my application a week ago and I was hoping to hear from you

Unknown: The interview started a week ago, were you not informed??

Natalie: They told me they were going to call me but I didn't receive any call

Unknown: Are you available for the interview right now??

Natalie: y-y-yes, I am available

Unknown: Please get here in 15mins we are about to close the office

Natalie: I will come right away

Unknown: Miss, please come around as soon as possible we can't be waiting

Natalie: I will be right there soon "she said as she left the hospital

At the office

"Justin, why didn't you tell me the final interview was to be held today" Jace asked his manager on phone

Phone Dialogue

Justin: I am so sorry, I didn't even know it was to be today

Jace: I have told you severally to always get me along on all these things

Justin: Boss, that's why I told you to get a personal assistant, I can't be doing all these job at once

Jace: I told you I don't want anything that Involves personal, you are okay for this job...

WTF šŸ˜” "Jace bumped into someone and his coffee got split on his shirt"

Natalie: OMG šŸ˜± I am so sorry "she said" while trying to clean it off with her cloth"

Jace: Fuck!!! get your hands off me, were you not suppose to focus on where you were going, Idiot"

Natalie: Did you just call me daft?? What did I expect from a man like you?? All of you are fuckin the same...

Announcement from the hall šŸ“¢

Next on line is number 109 Natalie Alexander, get ready for the interview...

Natalie: Let's meet outside and see how we treat people like you "she said as she left for the interview"

Phone Dialogue

Justin: Dude, what happened??

Jace: Is that girl also one of the applicant??

Justin: Natalie Alexander, she is one of the best we've got so far

Jace: I pray she never make it

Justin: What happened dude, you just seem distracted ever since you bumped into her

Jace: She's got an attitude I dislike so much, I don't know why they won't let me stay for the interview

Justin: None of them would make it if you decide to be the judge bro

Jace: Let's just forget it, hang up

Justin: Okay bro, see you at work tomorrow

At the office

Secretary, please bring in the files of the meeting broadcast "Jace said" as he drop down the telephone

Secretary: Good evening sir

Jace: Where are the files ??

Secretary: They are in here including the list of the applicants that passed

Jace: Let me have them " he said" as he took a look at them

Secretary: May I take my leave??

Jace: Yes, you can go

Phone Dialogue

Jace: Dude, could you believe the girl passed the interview "Jace exclaimed"

Justin: Bro, I told you she was that good...

Jace: No, I believe the judge rigged her In or something, She doesn't even fit to be my personal assistant

Justin: Dude, Why not just get to know her before judging, I think she is perfect for the job, she has a nice shape and intelligent, She is a perfect rider for you

Jace: What!!! I can't even stand the sight of her, She can't be employed, we need to do something

Justin: There's nothing to do bro, she resumes on monday

Jace: Justin, We can still change her post before Monday, can't we

Justin: dude, We can't do anything....

Jace: Justin, Please do something

Justin: dude, I have to go...See you on Monday

{call ends}

Jace and Justin have been best friends since childhood, They've always shared everything together, Justin is the only one Jace could open up to because he does not trust anyone...