
P r e l u d e

<p><strong><em>Dedication</em></strong><br/><br/>To people trying to figure out life. You are fighters, you hear me!?<br/> 。:゚゚:。<br/><strong><em>T rigger warning</em></strong><br/><br/>This book explores themes around anxiety, death and topics that can be triggering. Please be careful while reading. I will be adding a warning to any triggering chapter.<br/> 。:゚゚:。<br/><strong><em>Epigraph</em></strong><br/><br/>❝We were two different boat sailing the same sea, waiting for each to meet at the shore.❞<br/> —Potterhead_Niki<br/> 。:゚゚:。<br/><strong><em>Prologue</em></strong><br/><br/>" I want to be your wife." As soon as the words left her mouth, I snapped my head in her direction so fast that it almost gave me a whiplash. Blinking my eyes rapidly, I looked at her in disbelief and suspicion- for she could be an alien on the loose from Area 51-but her face remained impassive, as she- a few minutes ago- didn't utter the sentence that almost gave me a cardiac arrest. <br/><br/>"Yo-I-we-" Jumbled words spewed out of my mouth as I looked at her baffled and in return she looked at me as if I had committed a big crime to even showcasing how shocked I was. <br/><br/>Her grumpy face and that intimidating look ,which makes others want to run for the hills- looked at me with an emotionless face, but the hidden vulnarabilty in her pair of deep brown eyes couldn't stay hidden from me.<br/><br/>"And if you are worried about your private life - then don't be. I won't bother you or be a hindrance to your playboy way." She gestured to me to sit back with her eyes as I was about to protest and continued, "We will be bound by a contract and we won't be interfering in each other's life but I have a condition" She added as an afterthought and paused, looking at me with a look that was very close to concern-which she so far haven't showed me any- and placed a document in my hand. <br/><br/>Reading the first few lines of the paper was enough to send me into a frenzy-and it was definitely not a good kind.<br/><br/>Was I about to sign a deal with the she-devil?</p>

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