
Billionaire Martial artist in the modern world

Bibek_Agrawal · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Dragon armour

The manager of the "Dark house bank" was shocked to the core after hearing the code 000. She didn't know how to react and remained speechless. Soon a voice came again from another side "Are you still on line?"

Lucifer was confused as he didn't know why the manager didn't give a reply. On the other side the manager was taken aback by his question. She soon came back to her senses and tried to calm herself. Then she said in a suspicious manner "Are you really the owner of the account sir? "

Lucifer frowned a little as he didn't expect this to happen but soon he realized something as he asked in a rather domineering tone "Did someone try anything weird with my account?" Manager was rendered scared from the voice even though being a person of high status she was quite respected in the entire province let alone the small Z city.

Hastily she replied " Esteemed sir it's a misunderstanding. Nobody has tried anything funny with the account. It's just that this account is of highest regard and I can't take any chances. So please forgive me for my rude behaviour." Her voice was trembling as the domineering voice from a while ago intimidated her a lot.

Lucifer sighed before speaking as he said " I can let this matter go as you didn't act out of the way. But next time won't be the same. Better remember my voice so as not to make any mistakes. Now will you give me the information I just asked?"

After hearing the man's words the bank manager felt relieved. She then spoke with respect and a little helplessness " Sir I can't give you the information on this particular account. So esteemed sir, would you be able to visit us tomorrow?"

Lucifer felt shocked after her reply as it was unexpected yet he felt relieved as the security of the bank was pretty good. He then said "Then I would visit the bank tomorrow." The bank manager was rather relieved to hear his words. She then spoke humbly " Esteemed sir then I would have to trouble you for now."

" Well then" After speaking two words Lucifer ended the call. He then went to the basement of the house then he lit the entire area. The room was extravagant and there were many tools. All of which was his practice set. He then dashed forward and began to hone his fighting prowess. Even though he was at the stage of Grand elder level he knew that it was not so great as there were four more ranks after grand elder level. He kept on practicing for several hours. If an ordinary person saw him then they would think that he is a monster.

After practicing for a little more than 5 hours he was panting heavily. His body was completely soaked in sweat. He then took a few deep breaths and he recovered his strength almost instantly. He grinned while murmuring to himself " I will be breaking free from mortal realm soon and will enter the heavenly realm. Now it's really time for me to show up."

He was in deep thought for a while. Then he opened an old box that was lying in the corner of the basement. Inside the box was very thin armor. This armor was used to cross the boundary of the mortal realm. He slowly took it out and he seemed to be struggling a little. People might think that he is acting as no-one would believe that such thin armor would be so hard to pick up. Lucifer first wore the body armor then he slowly put remaining armors on his body.

He felt a little breathless but he didn't throw the armor. He relaxed his body a little and took the first step. When his foot touched the floor, a crack 1 meter wide formed immediately. He began to practice again and soon he was able to act freely even with the armor intact. If any highly skilled fighter if the heavenly realm saw this then they would be shocked to the core. As it was only possible to do this feat when a person transcends from mortal realm to heavenly realm as this armor was known as dragon armor and in the entire world only two of its kind existed.

Well the armor was neatly half a ton heavy and this man haven't even entered the heavenly realm. After training for an hour he stopped and meditated to relax his body. It was 4 in the evening. He thought of going to food stall to have some food but he was attracted by another sound. There were sounds of wolves howling. He knew that there were many wild beasts living within the hill. But the howls he heard were desperate.

His interest was piqued by the howls and he pondered for a while before dashing towards the hill from where the howls were coming. He was extremely fast as he covered a distance of 8 meter in just a step and within a minute he headed to the place. What he saw made him feel rather enraged yet excited. There were around a dozen men. They have surrounded wolves completely. There were two wolves seemingly trapped with their legs stuck in it.

One of the men was carrying a cage in which were half a dozen small wolf babies. Among them there were 2 mid realm fighters, 3 higher realm fighters and 1 grand master level fighter. Rest of them were just ordinary people with little fighting abilities. The man in the grand master level clenched his fist and a crackling sound could be heard. He gazed in the direction of two wolves and murderous intent flared from his body. Seeing his murderous intent even the two wolves trembled in fear. They wanted to run but they were helpless as their legs were stuck in the trap. Soon the man dashed towards the two wolves with an intent to kill them.