
Chapter 39

Becky cut the cake and she give Pauline to eat and she also eat and they smiles together and Pauline get happy that Becky will trust her again and it will be easy for to convince her because she is not ready to lose the five million Mike promise her.

“ You should keep some for my mum” Becky says and Pauline nods her head and she take the knife and cut out of the cake and and she kept it for Becky’s mum.

“ I will take my leave before your boss, Mr Tom will meet me here” Pauline says and they both embrace.

“ Bye!” Becky says and Pauline left.

It’s in the evening time and Tom close from work and was about to enter his car and he saw Isabella get down from her car and she walks close to him.

“ Good evening Tom” she says staring at Tom and Tom remembered what he and Leo and Mike plan that he should pretend to love till they sign the contract.

“ Hey!” Tom says.

“ Can I drop you home?” Tom ask and Isabella gets surprised that Tom offers to drop her home.

“ Wow that’s a good news that you offer to drop me home but I did not come for that I came here for we spoke about yesterday or do you still want to give you the remaining twenty four hour that remain for you think well” she says and smiles.

“ Come on Isabella! I think I made a huge mistake by turning you down, I thought about and there is no woman better than you if I ever lose a hard working lady, beautiful, smart and intelligent, I didn’t realize this until Leo and Mike speak sense into my head, I think if I ever lose this opportunity of you being my life partner I think I will forever remain the biggest fool in this life” Tom says and Isabella stared and she gets shocked.

“ Are you sure about what you just said?” She ask.

“ Don’t believe me? I am serious about this and I want you come to my house this weekend so we can spend the weekend together and get to know so well, I know we are business partners and we are have been dealing for years but that is not enough to know each other” Tom says.

“ Are you kidding me or is it because I threaten you about the contract I want cancel” she says in surprise.

“ You might think it’s about the contract, even though lose the contract today I will not mind, I can let go of the contract, what if I have lost getting the contract after the meeting we did what if you gave it to another there is nothing I can do about it” Tom says and he think in his mind that how will he lose a contract with worth hundred million naira just because a woman is threatening that I should love and marry her” but I am sorry Isabella this is just an act because my heart belongs to another” he says in his mind and Isabella stared at him but still doubting him.

“ But you said that you do not like girls that shoot their shot on guys” she says and she fold her hand.

“ What happened do you change your mind or you are just acting” she says.

“ I said so but I thought about and now I can see that that does not matter” he says and Isabella stared at him.

“ Can I drop you home now?” Tom ask and Isabella smiles but still doubting Tom and she nods her head.

“ You can drop me home, I will tell my driver to drive home”she says and they both head to his car.

Leo close from office and he walks out of his office and Anita is still in her office and he stood staring at her as she was already lost in thought and he tap her and she gets shocked.

“ What are still doing here? You should have gone home” Leo says.

“ I was waiting for you” Anita says.

“ Why are you waiting for me?” Leo ask.

“ I wanted to ask if Cassie is the girl you are talking about” Anita says.

“ And why do you want about the new girl, that is not a necessary question you should go home now” Leo says.

“ Good night” Leo says and he left and Anita stood and watch him leave and she gets more angry.

“ I will make sure I look for that girl he is taking about and if I get to find out that it’s Cassie, I will deal With her” Anita says speaking to herself.

Tom drop Isabella home and Isabella smile staring at him but still not convince about what Tom says because she feel like Tom might be playing just to get the contract signed.

“ Are you sure you not trying to play with my emotions or try to play because if you do you will regret it all your life and I promise you that” Isabella says and Tom smiles and kiss her hand.

“ I am serious about what I just said earlier” Tom says.

“ Hum...I see.I will come to your house this weekend then” she says and she open the car door.

“ I need to get going now” Isabella says.

“ Good night” Tom says and they both smiles and each other.

“ Good night” Tom says and Isabella get down of the car and she wave to him and she enters her house and Tom drive of.

Isabella walks inside the house and she met her mum in the living room and she looks happy and she walks closer to her mum and kiss her mum on the cheek and her mum gets surprised that Isabella looks very happy this evening and she wonders what could make her this happy, her dad walks downstairs and saw her happy.

“ Welcome back from office dear but you look so happy today than yesterday when you came back from Tom’s parents house” her mum says.

“ Tell me what is going?” Her Mum ask.

“ Yesterday, after dad spoke to Tom’s parents they both agreed so they call Tom to come to the house and after he came to the house he parents spoke to him and he said still he do not love me and I will never get married to but yesterday I threatened to cancel the contract and this evening he accepted me and I got me happy but worried at the same time” Isabella says and she sit on the couche.

“ What if he wants to plays games with me and toy with my emotions just to get the contract signe,”Isabella says and she gets worried and her dad walks closer to her holding his wine.

“ That contract is worth hundred million and I am very sure Tom wouldn’t want to lose it but I am afraid he might be playing you just to get signed as you said now” her dad says and she raise her head up to stare at her dad.

“ You have to be careful, you should also play your game and know where is headed to” her dad says and Isabella stood up from the couch she was seated.

“ I know exactly what to do dad, I will not get the contract signed not until he put ring on my finger” Isabella says.

“ That is a good idea” her Mum says.

“ Tom is a very nice person and I do not think he would want to play with your emotions just to get his contract signed” her mum says.

“ People change when it’s comes to money, when it’s come to money matter do not trust anyone” her dad says and he sip his wine.

“ Dad is right mum” Isabella says.

Tom got back home and he sit in his car thinking about how he wants to play Isabella to get his contract signed but Becky is going get hurt by seeing them together but he have to to get his contract signed because the contract worth hundred million naira and I cant afford to lose it, he get down of his car and he walks into the house.

Becky already served his food on the dining because he didn’t eat breakfast and last night too he didn’t eat and she prepared ego riro and Amala for ( vegetables soup and yam flour” for him and Tom enters the house and he perceived the aroma of the food Becky prepared and Becky saw him and she rushed to him.

“ Welcome sir!” She says facing her head down.

“ I am perceiving a strong nice aroma, is it coming from here?” Tom ask and Becky smiles and she raise her head.

“ Yes sir, it is” Becky says  and she still continues smiling.

“ Humm... I see. I am famished, I have miss your food is much just last and this morning, let me have a look of what you prepared or maybe a taste” Tom says and Becky and gets happy that Tom has get over what is bothering him even though she does not know what was bothering him and Tom walks to the dining and he sit and Becky help him open the dishes and saw egusi and ego riro and he smiles.

“ Wow, is been a while I ate a local dish, you always prepared intercontinental dish for me so why is today’s different” Tom ask and Becky gave  fork to use and he returned back that he wants to use his hand to eat the food since it’s a local dish and Becky rushes to the kitchen and she pour water inside a small and she brought it for him wash it hand, Tom wash is hand and he dipped his hand inside the Amala and he cut a moasel and he dipped it in soup and have a taste and he tasted is nice and he could not stop but continues eating the food and Becky served him water into the glass cup.

“ The food is so good and delicious just the aroma said it all” Tom says and Becky smiles.

“ Thank you sir” she says and they both stared at each other the song ( like I do) by Fireboy plays and they both continue to stared at each other and Becky gets shy and she face her head down.

“ You have not answered to my question, why did you have a change of mind to prepare me a local dish” Tom ask and Becky Becky raise her up.

“ I feel maybe if change from the intercontinental dishes you might prefer the local dishes, you did not eat last night and this morning so thinking prepared the local dishes will be ok for you” Becky says and Tom stared at her and he thinks in his mind that Becky is very very caring and loving and every man’s choice of wife but he do not know how to confess his love for Becky Becky Leo and Mike already says their interest on Becky first and he never showed interest not interest on her not until Loe and Mike did before he noticed her.

“ You are so caring and the look of the good is as beautiful as you are and I hope the man that will ever marry you will value all this qualities in you” Tom says and Becky smiles and she face down.

“ Love is like beautiful and with the right person is a great thing” Tom says and Becky raise her head up and they both stared at each other but Becky did not understand that he was indirectly talking about her and was indirectly confessing his love for but Becky did not understand.

“ You are right sir, love with the right is the best” Becky says and they both continue staring at themselves.

Some minutes later, Tom finished  eating and he stood up from the dining walks upstairs, Becky clear the dining. Tom got to his room and he think about Becky and she is going to get hurt seeing Isabella in his house because he also realize that Becky also likes but not sure.

It’s weekend already and Cassie dress up in a very short dress for a night club with Leo, Jessica enters the room and she saw her sister Cassie looking sexy.

“ You are looking so sexy to night” Jessica says and Cassie turns around and she got a text message from Leo that he is already outside their gate.

“ I just got a text message from Leo and he told me that he is outside, I need to get going now” Cassie says and she rushes outside and Jessica watch her leave but she can’t understand what Mike wants if he still want her or not and she picks her phone and call Mike on phone.

Mike’s phone rings and he picks up his call and saw it’s Jessica and he picks up the call.

“ Thank goodness you picked up my call on time and today” Jessica says and she gets happy that Mike has not been picking her call for a while.

“ I have been restless since today” Mike says.

“ What happened?” She ask.

“ Our contract of hundred million naira is about to get cancel, what we work hard for” Mike says.

“ But why?” She ask.

“ Isabella is crushing on Tom but Tom does not like her and she threatened to cancel our contract if she can’t have Tom” Mike says.

“ That’s so bad but loving someone is not by force” Jessica says.

“ Humm... I see and also I think loving should not by force since I have been giving you should understand I want a break from this relationship” Mike says and Jessica gets shocked.

“ What do you mean Mike? Do you mean that you are tired of me?” She ask tears drop from her eyes.

“ I just want to left alone and think straight pleases”Mike says and he drop the call and Jessica remove the cellphone from her ears slowly and she sit in the bed and cry.

Cassie and Leo get down from the car and they both enter Quilox night club and Leo tells Cassie that she is looking so hot and beautiful and Cassie smiles.

And they both sit in the bar and Leo tells the bar man to serve them drink but he is not looking happy because of what Yom said that Isabella wants to cancel the contract of hundred million he thinks in his mind that Tom might do what they plan because once he does not like a woman he never go for the woman and that is finally, only reason he came with Casie to the night club is to cool his head, the bar man serve them drink and Leo was already lost in thought and Cassie tap him and he stare at and smiled, he takes the glass of wine and he sip.