
Return home 019

Translator: 549690339

With the attitude of having already come this far, Olivia Taylor changed into her work clothes, went through the sterilization process, and entered the sterile room.

She checked the petri dishes she had been working on these past few days, and the bacteria inside were growing well. Perhaps this is one of the ways to bring herself happiness in her sad life.

Olivia fiddled with these bottles and jars, suddenly remembering that once when she was doing an experiment, Tobias Perkins insisted on coming in to watch her. In the end, of course, she couldn't resist Tobias' request and brought him in.

It seemed like Tobias was sitting in that corner, holding his face and watching her go back and forth among the glass instruments.

Later on...

Tobias hugged her, pretending to kiss her, and she dodged, breaking a few test tubes in the process.

In the end, of course, the victory belonged to Tobias.

It turns out that she was so happy in the lab because of Tobias. Having this laboratory was also because Tobias fought for her. The happy memories here were also given to her by Tobias.

In her life, too many memories were intertwined with Tobias, which could not be untied or released.

This should have been the entanglement between a couple, but they messed it up.

One was absent-minded, and the other was restless.

Olivia felt a strange sensation in her shoulder that had been touched by Tobias earlier. She couldn't quite describe this reflexive feeling, so she reached out to scratch it, placing her own hand on her shoulder.

It was as if... Tobias was comforting her.

Olivia found herself somewhat ridiculous, needing such imagination to help and comfort herself.

There was nothing left to worry about in the lab. As long as she took care of the petri dishes, everything would be fine.

Before leaving, she specifically checked the incubation temperature she had set. The reason for not using an incubator to allow these bacteria to grow was to obtain their true growth trajectory, which would bring better modification opportunities for her next medicine.

This experiment had been going on for a long time, and the results should be out in the next few days.

Olivia didn't feel so bad anymore. She packed up and prepared to go home.

She remembered Tobias's reminder.

"Come home on time."

Is it necessary for this home to return or not? Olivia was startled to realize that she had set a thorn in her heart about going home, and felt uncomfortable whenever she thought about it.

But in her heart, she was really concerned about Tobias.

She wanted to see Tobias's face, wanted to see his figure, even if he was indifferent to her, she wanted to smell the scent of Tobias.

When you like someone, you become very sensitive to their scent. Now that Olivia thought of Tobias, it seemed her nostrils were filled with his exclusive scent.

The scent was not masked by cologne but came from Tobias's own body, an enticing scent that only the most intimate people can smell when their skin is touching.

Some say it's called pheromone.

It's a hormonal surge that occurs between a man and a woman when they have feelings for each other, entwining their bodies and making them lose their minds.

Olivia felt her heartbeat was a bit disordered, so she held her chest, tidied up, and went home.

Today, there were no high heels in the doorway of the house after a long time. Olivia let out a sigh of relief.

"Olivia, what did you bring?"

Olivia, who heard Tobias suddenly ask, was a little stunned. When she finally responded, she realized she was carrying a portion of swordfish small ravioli.

She had just walked down the road on her way home, inadvertently, and had bought another portion of small ravioli.

Olivia stuttered, "It's... small ravioli." Tobias came to her side and took the small ravioli from her. The sound of the plastic bag rustled, and Tobias opened the lid of the ravioli, smelling the familiar aroma inside.

"Perfect, I'm hungry too. Do you want to eat some?"

Olivia shook her head, not feeling hungry during this period. Facing the small ravioli that had caused conflict a few days ago, she had no appetite.

Tobias saw that Olivia was silent, so he stuffed a ravioli into his mouth first. The taste hadn't changed, but why didn't it taste as good as when they ate together before?

It must be that the boss skimped on the ingredients.

"Olivia." Tobias swallowed the ravioli in his mouth and waved to Olivia, "Come sit here."

Olivia sat across from Tobias, hands crossed and hugging herself. It was just a defensive posture, but Tobias felt a bit strange.

It seemed like the first time Olivia was so guarded against him.

He scooped a ravioli with a plastic spoon, blew on it, and handed it to Olivia's lips.

At that moment, Olivia's icy exterior crumbled again. She had intended to ignore Tobias when she returned home, but she had been running around for two days and was tired. However, she did not expect Tobias to play this move as soon as she returned home.

She hesitated and opened her mouth, eating the small ravioli.

Tobias watched her obedient manner and smiled, then ate another small ravioli.

It seemed to taste much better now.

There was no conversation between the two, only occasional chewing sounds while eating the ravioli. The contents of a bowl of small ravioli were not much, and the two of them finished eating one by one.

Tobias took out a tissue, wiped Olivia's mouth first, and then used the same tissue to wipe his own mouth.

Olivia stared at the tissue, a little lost in thought.

The two of them used to have such an intimate relationship, not distinguishing between each other and having no boundaries.

The complex emotions in her heart entangled her again, and Olivia felt her mood was imprisoned by Tobias.

"Brother Tobias..." Olivia's lips overflowed with this title, which was their name for each other, but it was also stolen by another woman.

With mixed feelings, Olivia looked at Tobias's face and wanted to throw herself into his arms. She just didn't know if this embrace still belonged to her.

She tentatively moved her position, snuggling up to Tobias and sticking her head into his chest.

Broad, warm, with a heartbeat.

It was a familiar feeling.

Olivia seemed to suddenly feel much more relaxed.

Tobias looked at the quiet Olivia and felt her prickly defenses come down. He stroked her back, comforting her little by little.

She seemed to have lost weight. Olivia's backbone was more prominent, and Tobias's expression, which she couldn't see, was full of guilt.

Tobias held Olivia in his arms, gently kissing her hair and whispered in her ear:

"Come with me to the old mansion tomorrow."

Next chapter