
Chapter Two

Harvey POV

I watched from the floor to ceiling glass window that frame the L-shape corner of my office as Sophie got into the taxi and drove off, with my hands in my pocket. For as long as I can remember, she would do or say the stupidest things that would cause me to lash out at her. What happened earlier was a prime example. She's right. I am an asshole.

After months of replaying why she would just disappeared without a trace after dumping me, I had decided to let it go. After all, you can't force someone to love you. But then when she walked in, in all her glory and had the audacity to utter that line to me. I snapped and took it too far. I might have lost my best friend and first love.

Knock! Knock!

"Come in," I said as I looked out at the bustling city below me.

"Harvey," came Amy's voice. "May I have your permission to freely speak what's on my mind."

"Don't you always speak your mind. Why ask now?"

Amy rolled her eyes and then mercilessly lashed out at me. "Are you an idiot!? The woman of your dreams is finally back and you just had to act like an asshole-"

"Watch your tone," I warned as I glanced over my shoulder and looked at her. This damn woman has been getting too comfortable with me lately. It's high time I put her on a leash. "I can fire you on the spot."

She placed her hands on her hips and smiled smugly. "And then you would be begging me minutes later to come back."

"You talk too much sometimes," I said annoyed. Why can't I ever win against this woman? It irks the heck out of me. One of these days I will get her back real good. "What's your point Yang."

"My point is," Amy began. She pointed her index finger at him. "You need to go and apologize to her. She was crying her eyes out earlier. If you don't fix this not only will I quit but I will make sure you never lay eyes on Sophie again."

"Okay woman, if you are done you can leave."

"Thank you," Amy replied happily. As she skipped out the door, she added in a singsong voice. "I wonder what Sophie is making for supper."

I turned around just in time to see the door closing. Sophie is making her supper? She's staying with her? Ugh, I need a drink. I pulled out my cell from my pocket and dialled the fifth number on my contact.

"Grab the gang and meet me at Chez Min-chi within the hour," I ordered as soon as the voice on the other end picked up. Before he could reply, I hung up, grabbed my car keys and exit my office.

I walked into Chez Min-chi forty-five minutes later and headed towards the VIP room 000 in the basement. As soon as I opened the door, I spotted my boys chatting and laughing.

I entered the room and sat down in one of the empty leather couch. I bought out this room so my boy and I have a peaceful area to unwind after a stressful day. In one corner of the room was a pool table and on the other side was three two-person couch forming a u-shape with a glass table in the middle. Adorning the white walls, were famous painting I acquired during my business trips.

"So, why did you want to meet up all of a sudden," Nicholas Xu the upbeat and sometimes annoying one, asked.

James Tang, the serious and intelligent one, added. "Whose the woman you want me to get rid of her?"

"Can I have her if you don't want her?" Dylan Yao asked, a handsome womanizer asked.

I picked up the empty champagne glass and poured myself a glass of Chateau Cheval Blanc. After taking a big gulped, I mumbled out. "Sophie Huo is back."

"Is she still as hot as before? Or hotter?" Dylan asked me.

Is this idiot courting death? I narrowed my eyes at him. "Don't even think about touching my woman. She's off limit."

Dylan chuckled nervously. "I was only kidding Harvey. No need to be so uptight."

James looked at me with a poker face. "You clearly still have strong feelings for her. What are you going to do now?"

"I don't know. I snapped at her today and kicked her out of my office."

Nicholas burst out laughing. "Harvey, the asshole has done it again."

"Shut it Nick!" I reprimanded and then took another gulp of alcohol from my champagne glass. "Anyways she at Amy's place right now."

"What!?" Nicholas screeched. His brilliant plan to woo Amy went down the drain. "I was planning on spending some quality time with my girl tonight."

"Since when did she became your girl," Dylan asked with a smirk. "I think it's time you move on bro."

I continued to drink glass after glass of Chateau Cheval Blanc, losing count after the forth glass while they bickered with each other. I leaned back in the couch and looked up at the chandelier hanging in the middle of the room.

Sophie has to move into my villa and cook for me and only me. But first, I must make up with her. I could send her, her favourite chocolate and flower but that might give her the wrong impression.

"I will taker her out for supper at her favourite restaurant." I said to no one in particular before passing out.

When I opened my eyes again, it was morning and I was in my bed, still wearing my suit from last night. I sat up in bed and immediately wish I didn't, my head and pounding. I mentally noted not to get stupid drunk ever again as I got up and walked in an unsteady pace towards my washroom to get ready for work.

Today I decided to wear a black suit with red undershirt and dark red tie. After greeting my butler a good morning, I exit my villa and drove to work in my Lamborghini Veneno Roadster.

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