
$Billionaire$ Castaway

Jeremiah "Jeremy" Lynskey IV is lost a sea after his yacht is caught in a storm after a party. While friends and family believe Jeremy is dead, he finds himself on a deserted island with one of his high school bullies, Cheryl Ann Andersen. Will the two go head-to-head or will it be a love connection?

tpksstories56 · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

As Jeremy walked along the coast of the island, he noticed he wasn't alone.

He saw someone hiding behind some trees, so he headed for their direction to see who it was.

When he arrived at the trees, the person ran off as Jeremy followed after them. When he caught up to them, he was surprised to find who it was that was hiding from him...

Cheryl Ann Andersen, one of his high school bullies standing there in front of him.

"Cheryl Ann?" Jeremy said stunned. "What brings you to this neck of the woods?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you?" Cheryl Ann told him.

"Try me?" Jeremy challenged her. "It can't be anything like my story?"

"I was dumped her by a boyfriend who wanted to get rid of me." Cheryl Ann blubbered.

"One of your boyfriends wanted you out of the picture?" Jeremy asked, hard to believe her story.

"How'd you get here?"

"My yacht got caught in a storm and drifted to this island."

"Well, does it work? Can we get off this island?"

"Sorry, when I came to after being knocked unconscious, I checked the motor and it's ruined."

"So, we're stuck here?"

"Don't worry; when I don't turn up for work tomorrow, I'm sure there will be a search out for me."

"I hope so." Cheryl Ann said. "Don't let my presence disturb you."