
Chapter 83: Did she just say that

How heartless could he be?

Tina is currently in a bad health condition and state of mind and she has to leave this house no matter what.

She avoided to imagine what Tina must have gone through in his hands because she was ready to deal with his and end up Killing them.

" You are nothing but a heartless man, I do not even know why Tina has not left here since and come back home " Nicole said to Mr Gavriel.

" And you, I knew you wouldn't support your brother like who would not support her brother in a case like this and yet the people depended on him but he did not care about the people's feelings and he did things the way he wanted, he madey best friend sign a contract and because she felt like she had something to pay off, she signed the contract but you are maltreating her, you poured her hot black tea and you even left a full basket of clothes to wash " Nicole said as she fixed her hair to the sides of her ear.

" For your information, you are not going anywhere with Tina, she is my property and she belongs to me " Mr Gavriel said to Nicole as she tried to make a move.

Raymond who was not in a good condition to talk just stood and watch as his head ached more and more while his temperature rose drastically.

' Nicole is saying the damn truth and what Gavriel is doing is not fair because the lady had sustained a lot of injuries and she needed to be taken to the clinic to see if there was internal damages and a through check up and if she does not leave the house, she might committing sucide or homicide under this roof and then that would be a great case, which would bring a complete shame and disgrace to their family' Ivy thought far and wide before coming to a conclusion about who was right and who was not not right and then who was wrong.

Things had been moving smoothly until Mr Gavriel just brought up about the contract and things began to fall apart.

" Now, Raymond who is this lady? How could you let a stranger into my house to insult me while you watched by the side " Mr Gavriel said to Raymond.

" Gavriel I think you have to stop this attitude of yours, can you not calm down for once and know what happened, that Raymond knows her does not mean that he brought Nicole here, I do not know why you are making matters worst and unbearable... simple, just accept the offer and let Tina leave, you can employ another secretary if you want one but can you just set Tina free, I would not lie, she had tried in this house, she has endured all your shits and probably because she got sick of it then the only thing she could do was to challenge you and tell you that she could not take it anymore " Ivy said as Nicole stared at her in awe.

' did she just say these things?? ' Nicole asked herself.