
Chapter 82: So inconsiderate

" I would not take that offer, so that means my answer is a big no " Mr Gavriel said and everyone turned to face him.

Why was he finding it so hard to release Tina, he had to let her go because she might commit suicide under his roof if care was not taken.

" Raymond.. do you know this lady over here? " Mr Gavriel asked a plain question and Raymond looked up at him.

" Yeah, I do, I know her " Raymond answered sincerely while he looked passionately at Nicole who was already fuming with anger.

She knew that one way or the other that Mr Gavriel would not take that offer but she had to do some thing about it, she needed to take Tina out of his house.

" So all these while, you knew her and you let her embarrass me while you watch how every thing turned up, right? " Mr Gavriel asked and Raymond just stared at him since he had no strength waste on talking.

" Really, just stop this silly questions, did you think of the consequences you would face by saying no? Because I am not sure you did at least I know you are not that much of an illiterate and you definitely know how to think " Nicole said as she needed to play the game so we'll, she had to win because she had never loose all her life and it would not happen now.

" I do not care, young lady go ahead and do what ever you want to do, I just can not believe that I stood here listening to your rubbish talks. Just get out of my house or I call the securities , I do not care about your threats what soever. " Mr Gavriel said as looked at Raymond, he could not believe that Raymond did that to him, bringing a lady to his home to embarrass him.

' where the hell is Tina? Why is she not here? I knew it, that this is definitely a planned deal that is why she did not come down to what is going on ' Mr Gavriel said to himself. 

" Well, I will say it again, you can go ahead and call any one you want to call but make sure you do not regret your actions and you know what, I do not even need your permission before I take her away but I made sure I kindly asked you before doing anything or making any decision but you are so inconsiderate to think about the fact that you are harming someone all in the name of punishment, you care about your own and not another person's own, your person is important to you but another person is not important but rather a slave. Who even gave you that mindset that you can treat anyone as you like or as you please?, Who told you that you are above everyone? Who told you that you are the number one man in this country? " Nicole asked as she quickly drank all of the contents in the glass cup.