

"Jade! You know better than to leave your clothes on the floor, come pick them up!" My mother shouted, her voice stern. I sighed in response, I always do something wrong, I'm always getting yelled at, could be worst I guess. I hop off my queen sized bed, my pillow also falling in the process, I stared at it for a moment, before simply shrugging, deciding it was fine on the floor, yeah I'm lazy. I walked off to where I assumed my mother was, which I was right. Once I arrived my mother gave me a firm glare as she crossed her arms. Her royal blue eyes stared into my forest green ones.

My dad always says he likes my eyes, finding them unique. They're a dark green color with black flecks flying in them, in the sunlight you can see a bit of brown in them. My mothers eyes are a simple dark blue, sometimes it looks as if she has no pupil because of it. My dad's eyes are the same color as mine, just not with the flecks in them.

"I did not raise a pig Jade, clean it. Afterwards go to your room and entertain yourself. I have to run a few errands." She states, fixing her dirty blonde hair by using the reflection of the TV. It amazed me that me and her are related. I'm nothing like her, and I don't even look like her at all. She's short, I'm tall. She has blonde hair, I have jet black hair with dyed streaks of emerald green in it. She's neat, I'm not. She's uptight, I'm laid back. She likes girly things, I like sweatpants and oversized hoodies. We're nothing alike. I'm exactly like my dad though, sometimes I question if the woman is really my mother, though I would never say that aloud.

"Yes mom." Is all I say, rolling my eyes a little as I pick up a few socks on the ground. She finishes up with her hair and pecks my forehead before getting on her heals and grabbing her purse. Without another word she leaves. I carry the few pieces of clothing up to my room and set them in my laundry basket. I would have to do laundry soon, the basket is getting pretty full.

Deciding to do that later, I plop down on my bed, my body sinking into it. I grab my tablet and watch a few YouTube videos, I'm not left alone often, and when I am left alone it's only for a few hours or so. I am only thirteen so it makes sense. Dad is working, him and mom will probably be home around the same time, maybe Mom will come home earlier, I don't really know. I shake away my thoughts and continue watching the entertaining videos on Youtube, laughing a few times. I continue this until I hear a small squeak on my floorboards. I look up from my tablet, looking around, concluding it must have been the wind before looking back down.

It's not until a few moments later when my bedroom door that was open slams shut, which in turn makes me jump right of my skin, dropping the tablet onto my bed as I look around frantically. There's no one in sight, my door was wide open, even if it was the wind, it wouldn't have slammed that hard. Right? I tried to think of the most logical explanations, though the AC in the house isn't on and none of the windows are open, so how in gods name is it the wind?

My hands trembled slightly so I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down. Suddenly, I hear giggling. I gasp and huddle up in the corner of my bed, hugging my knees to my chest. The giggling only gets louder, it sounds like a child giggling. I squeeze my eyes shut, hoping it will go away. Please make it go away.

And it did.

I open my eyes, silence filled the room as I see nothing, hear nothing, just my heavy breathing. I let out a sigh of relief and run my hands threw my face, once I took them off my face however, I screamed.

A little boy stood in front of me, he couldn't be more than five. His skin is deathly pale, his lips are cracked and chapped, he has the same eyes and hair as me, excluding the green highlights. I couldn't look away from those eyes, it was like looking into a mirror. It's weird. The black specks in his eyes swirled around, making it look like a cartoon or something. He's smiling, and soon a giggle leaves him, the same giggle as before. How did he get here? Why does he look like me? Many questions ran through my head, though I soon realized I might not get any answers any time soon.

"Who are you?" I finally manage to say, my mouth dry and my hands shaking violently. The boy didn't answer at first, instead he simply giggled once more, hugging a tan stuffed bear to his chest. I analyzed his clothing; the boy wears a long-sleeved light blue and white striped pajamas. The clothing is definitely too big for him, the sleeves covered his hands and I can't even see his feet. "Who are you?!" I demanded, my voice louder this time, though it shook a little in fear.

The boy stopped his giggling, though his smile didn't fade, in fact it grew. "Your brother." He states causing my eyes to go wide. I don't have a brother. I think I would know if I had a brother. Especially since he looks five, Mom definitely didn't get pregnant five years ago, I guess there is a possibility he's my older brother. Though, if he is, what happened to him?

"No way, you can't be my brother." I say with a small sneer. "Stop lying! You know what?! Just get out!" I hiss, though he just squeezes the bear tighter to his chest and hums, shaking his head as he did so.

"I can't leave."

"Why not?!" I demand, crossing my arms. He can't be my brother right? I would know if I had a five year old brother!

"I can't leave. I died here." He states, which in turn made my eyes widen, I scoot as far back as possible and he let's out a laugh. "I wish I would leave, but it's nice to talk to sissy! I've always wanted to talk to you! I couldn't though. Mommy and Daddy would be mad if I did." He states with a small pout at the end.

"W-Why?" I find myself asking. "How did you die?" My voice came out quiet and soft. The boys smile faded and he looked down at the pair before he clenched his fist.

"I can't tell you sissy."

"Why not?!"

"Mommy and Daddy will be mad Sissy. Mommy and Daddy can't know! T-They'll hurt me again! No! No! I'm sorry!" He shrieked, his voice growing louder with each word, soon he was sobbing, then he was gone, even so I could hear his sobs echoing quietly against the wall.

I blinked in surprise, the boy who had claimed to my brother had vanished, no longer there. I looked around, my mind racing. Did I have a brother? What happened to him? Mom and dad didn't do anything to him right? No, they wouldn't. What am I thinking? Maybe I'm sleeping. Yeah, this is just all a bad dream. I decided to test it by pinching my forearm, which in turn caused me to wince a little at the small sting. Alright, so that wasn't a dream, oh god I need to go to sleep. Maybe that will help. A sigh leaves my body as I set my tablet on my side table. Once I did that, I climbed under my covers and picked my pillow up from earlier, shoving it under my head before laying down it. I squeezed my eyes shut, just wanting to sleep, wanting to forget the events that had happened, forget that I might have a dead older brother. I just want to forget. After a bit of trying to sleep, my body finally relaxes and I drift into a nice sleep.

It lasted awhile, however; I'm awaken by a scream. I jump awake, my blurry vision going clear after a few minutes. My eyes darted around the dark room, strange, when I fell asleep it was still light out, mom and dad would be home by now. I swing my legs around to the edge of my bed and hop down, squeaking as my bare feet came in contact with the freezing floor. I hopped back on my bed and grabbed two random socks that laid on my bed, those weren't the only clothes on my bed, a few shirts and hoodies sprawled about as well. After my feet were covered with two mix matched socks I hop down once more and walk out of my room, staring down the hall.

I look around, the wall naked, usually there's pictures up on it. I walk down the dark hallway, deciding to head into my mom's office. I turn the knob and open the door, my eyebrows furrowing together in confusion as I looked around. Instead of my mom's office with her plain black desk and matching spiny chair, the room is designed for a child. My eyes widen, my mouth hanging slightly agape. When did this happen?

I decide to leave the room, finding it creepy, but before I can leave my eyes catch a picture on the wall. My curiosity got the better of me and I scan it, a gasp leaving me as I rip the picture off the wall.

It's the boy.