Avalon dating system

The Sanctuary of Avalon has a similar solar cycle to Earth. However, they name their days and months differently. Plus use a different calendar when it comes to years (most of Earth uses the Gregorian Calendar).

- The current Avalon Calendar was created by the dwarves. Each year constitutes an extra year since their arrival. As of the Prologue / Start of the story, the year is 5007. Meaning that the dwarves have been in the Sanctuary of Avalon for five thousand and seven years.

- The Avalon year has 365 days.

- These are divided into 4 Seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

- Each Season has 13 weeks.

- Each week has 7 days: Red day, Orange day, Yellow day, Green day, Aqua day, Blue day and Purple day.

- Days are named after the colours of Avalon's Second Moon. Which changes colour each night.

- There is a 365th day that occurs between the end of Winter and the start of Spring. This is White Day, when Avalon's Second Moon becomes white. This day heralds a period of alignment between different dimension and is when the barriers between dimensions is at its weakest.

- The Avalon calendar does not have leap years as their solar year is exactly 365 days long.

- Each day is divided into hours, which in turn are divided into minutes and then seconds. These measurements are exactly the same as Earth.

- There is a reason why Avalon's calendar is so similar to Earth's. However, it'd be a massive spoiler if I were to go into detail.

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