
Chapter 36 fight with the beasts, running around alot, finally back in the brotherly bed.

(sorry for not any chapters lately. I just got a new job and they are really working my ass off to the point I want to sleep when I get home. life sucks but we have to go through it but I would rather just write forever if I could.

I'll post some chapters whenever I can but no promises of any timeframes as I dont know when job will need me. also I havent been able to update at all for a while because of the damn thing saying my fanfic basic info wasnt complete for some reason while I never had this issue in the past.)

as I arrive at heaven Alexa chimed in my head with a quest. when I heard the quest though I was very nervous but excited.

"emergency quest, demonic beasts of the mountains have risen.

task 1, kill 30 of the minoin class demon beasts. rewards, developmental ability beast tamer(-)

task 2, tame the demonic beast queen and kill the king alone. rewards, demonic beast bow(growth ability, blood absorption ability* blood of thy enemy increases the durability of the bow, collects the blood by the chant, thy blood is my power*), beast name ability(allows user to name a beast under the user's control, and lore or myth that the name is based on will change the beasts abilities, beast will also have more humanoid appearance when named.)

failure consequences include the death of Sherry, Michael, and Irina.

this event never took place in the original version of this world and is needed for you to do this alone, if any come to aid it will be deemed failure on your part. you only need to complete task 1 and 2 to complete the quest."

"what the hell. Alexa, how should I go about this?"

"master you should talk to Michael to have him say back and let you do this, you might want to tell him about the quests system but not the system itself."

"got it."

so I walk to Michael who was outside waiting my arrival and begin to talk to him, I showed that this is important so he stopped what he was doing and came to me.

"what do you need Ichiro?"

"I need you to call off the attack on the demonic beasts. I'll fight them alone and before you say otherwise I'll tell you why.

I told you that I was reanimated here and things might have changed from the original timeline of this world. I end up having quests in my head that tell me to do things to try to fix the changes. if anyone other than me fights there you, Sherry, and Irina will die because of me failing to complete the mission."

"so the world will erase me and the other two if you fail to complete the quests, mind telling me what you need to do."

"I need to kill 30 of the minions of the demonic beast king, kill the demonic beast king and tame the beast queen. I get rewarded for completing quests, part 1 was the minions and I gain an ability to tame beasts, thus making it possible to do the other mission. you can kill the other minions once the 2 quests are done, I'll be going now and please tell Sherry what has happened here and the date has to be postponed for the moment."

now I hurry to earth as I felt the demonic beasts on the mountain heading down it torwards literally my town so I activated Abeloth and now activated balance breaker in boosted form as I fly forward the beasts killing them left and right till the first 50 that charged were dead as I used my purgatory flames to burn them in limbo for eternity.

now a big beast with dragonic looks came and started to fight me and said. "I'm the demonic beast king gelthord, may I ask if you win to spare my kin. as though i dont plan on dying it's a probability that I will."

"if heaven permits it I'll spare them, though the queen is already permitted to be spared so it probably wont be a problem."

"I see, then as king and a warrior here I come."

now as I fight him I make sure not to use purgatory flames on him as he deserves an honorable death. thus I clash with him and now as he is defeated I did a final blow crushing his skull and then as that basically declared me the new kind the beasts roared and a female wolfloke girl came and introduced herself as the queen and I used the taming ability to tame her completing the mission and then tamed the rest. I named the wolf girl fenrir and she changed forming a demihuman appearance as all that showed her as a wild was her ears, tail, and blueish fur.

she now came with me to plead with Michael the latter placed the demonic beast tribe under my care and I teleported them to my realm and built them a cave and shrine in a mountain I made appear in the realm. Kuroka and Shirone didnt like Fenrir so she stayed at the shrine but I visited whenever I could. Now remembering my plans again I head to heaven to meet Sherry with a nice peice of clothing that was a white tux that I pulled off great and I met her at the office she worked at as she now wore a pink long dress and I had to say it was refreshing to witness. She smiled as I walked in and wanted to visit my town as we now went down to earth. I feel like I'm a delivery boy as it was shopping then we went back and had a small dinner as she now was blushing as I sensed my aura flare up so she ended up not being able to take it and pushed me down and we fucked at the couch of the home. It was a more soft and fun fucking session instead of a kinky and unique time as she wanted a more passionate time so I gave her my attention for the night.

The next day I went to my realm and found Shirone and Kuroka working on using sage power as Shirone and Kuroka stopped and literally pounced at me giving me another fucking session. I now also made Alexa a body as she now pounced on me also adding to the time of my fuck session. I helped them afterwards with some problems they had with the place as like putting more food inside and games for Vali.

I now went home, well my earth home for the rest of the day having family time with Issei and my parents as Issei also showed me his power so far. He increased a lot actually surprising me as he was also balanced completely with his parameters. I grab his arm and ask Draig what's up with that and I got the answer of Draig made it even out as it's better for when Issei wants to balance break to not have one thing better than the other. I let it be and just made a note of it and remembered that at 20 magic Draig was supposed to be active so after asking he stated he posponed the activation for the time being till age 16. when I checked his stats this is what I got.

Name: Issei Hyoudou

Race; Human

Overall Strength: newbie, level 5

soulbound tools: boosted gear draig *locked*

vitality: 130

endurance: 130

power: 130

magic power: 130

defence: 130

magic defence: 130

dexterity: 130

developmental abilities: martial arts(45/100),

now seeing Draig not active I released a sigh of relief as i now show Issei some expert moves in matrait arts for his next training exercise and now doing my job as the purgatory dragon emperor I now went to limbo healing some lost souls giving them a road to heaven. though some went to hell because they weren't good people I could only hope they become good. the other Mes that were learning about different jobs now completed the learning process as now limbo games turned into limbo Corp as I had a gaming, automotive, jewelry, clothing, taxi, shopping mart, dining shop, and a beach resort under the limbo Corp and now racking in yen like nothing as I'm now past the trillion mark and one of the most wealthiest people alive after only 2 weeks of business. obviously I got them there 20% and now they all have better homes and it's all on my island I bought for my clan members to live on. and I made a teleporter from there to evergreen to connect the two as I also made the teleporter have a spot where they will teleport back to Japan if used.

this gained me respect within the clan families as it was a freaken Island made for them. they looked at me as there protector and leader as I now on the island checking up on them saw that some now had basic training done of mana and physical power. I had clones for them to train with and one specaily dedicated to samantha as her sacred gear unlocked today as it reminded me of a fairy. she gained eleven ears and wings as she had a aura of a healer so I had my clone teach her mana absorption and after that train in using healing spells. she went hack into her default state and hugged my clone as she now was motivated to train. I now doing my run around went to evergreen and had some time with fenrir as she was now on my dick riding it in her ass. she gained powers to eat anything and gain mana so she consumed my semen but before she could even taste it it evaporated into mana particles making her use this route. this went on for a couple hours until I left a almost broken wolfgirl on a shrine dripping semen from her ass as I now walk to my home in evergreen gaining more fucking from Alexa, shirone, kuroka, Sally, and Yuma. I did not do any vaginal fucking till I am at least 16 as I felt that was good enough as now I just have to ride this out. I checked my and my subordinates levels seeing I'm now at the threshold for Maou or God class and for Issei and Irina they are mid rookie, my clan members are low rookie except for Samamntha as she is mid rookie and the beastskin are mid rank, beast queen high rank, Kuroka and Shirone are at high rank almost ultimate rank right with vali now. I was shocked at my clones that were training as I now decided at least my main body would relax more and go to school with Issei and Irina again as I had a clone do that for a little bit because of my running around.

the being that was to come destroy everything came around my 18th birthday so Issei would be 17 and us both in our third year.

so today with Issei on the bottom bunk and me on top we fell asleep and waited for what's to come.

(I'm not going to do parameters anymore as it's a pain to copy and paste and then change it every time. I'll say there rank as a being though.)