
Big boy, Big Adventure

When Akio Nakamura frees a fairy named Wispella, he's transported to a multiverse filled with endless possibilities. Armed with his raw strength and foul-mouthed attitude, Akio seeks to return home, but his larger-than-life personality and impulsiveness combined with Wispella's kind heart and strong desire to help others lead to hilarious consequences and a journey unlike any other.

StoryCraft · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

Chapter 8: A Disturbance

Chapter 8: A Disturbance

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on existing works. All original characters and plotlines are my creation, but I do not claim ownership of any pre-existing characters or content. All rights to these pre-existing works belong to their original creators. This is a non-profit work created solely for the enjoyment of fans and no copyright infringement is intended.

Akio and Wispella were hitchhiking on a carriage, heading towards the nearest town. Akio was still recovering from his intense fight with Rui, the Lower Moon Five of the Twelve Kizuki. Although he had no visible injuries thanks to his super healing, he still felt some pain from the impacts of Rui's razor-sharp threads. He wished he had never gotten involved in this mess. He didn't care about this world or its people. He just wanted to have fun and enjoy himself.

Wispella was sitting next to him, holding his hand. She had been worried about him ever since the fight, and she wanted to make sure he was okay. She was also curious about this world and its inhabitants, especially the demon slayers and the demons. She had never seen anything like them before, and she wondered how they fit into the grand scheme of things.

As they were riding along, Wispella suddenly felt a strange sensation. It was like a ripple in the air, a subtle shift in the atmosphere. She frowned and looked around, trying to pinpoint the source of the disturbance.

"Akio, do you feel that?" she asked him.

"Feel what?" Akio replied, confused.

"That... that change. Something is different. Something is wrong." Wispella said, her voice tense.

"Different? Wrong? What are you talking about?" Akio asked, looking at her with concern.

Wispella realized that Akio was clueless. He was a human, after all. He could not sense the subtle fluctuations of mana, the life force that permeated everything in existence. He could only use his powers when he was in danger or when he touched something with a fictional ability. He was not in tune with the supernatural like she was.

She decided to explain it to him in a way that he could understand.

"Akio, you know this world is based on an anime called Kimetsu no Yaiba, right?" she asked him.

"Of course I know that. I'm an otaku, remember? I've watched the anime and read the manga. I know everything about this world." Akio said proudly.

"Then you should also know that we have to follow the plot of this world, right? And we can't interfere with the main characters or change the outcome of the story, right?" Wispella said.

"Yeah, yeah, I know that too. You've told me a million times already. What's your point?" Akio said impatiently.

"My point is that someone just broke those rules." Wispella said bluntly.

Akio's eyes widened in shock.

"What? How? Who?" he asked, bombarding her with questions. Then it clicked… Rui.. shit!!!

"I don't know how, but I know tha you just changed the fate of this world. Yout altered the fate of this world." Wispella said gravely.

Akio felt a chill run down his spine. He had a bad feeling about this.

"What's going to happen?" he asked nervously.

"I don't know for sure, but it can't be good. It could mean anything from minor changes to major catastrophes. It could affect anyone from minor characters to main characters. It could create new enemies or allies, new dangers or opportunities, new twists or turns." Wispella said ominously.

"I know what butterfly effect does! I'm asking what we should do?" he asked her.

"We have to fix. We have to stop the changes before they cause more damage. We have to restore the balance of this world." Wispella said firmly.

Akio shook his head. He disagreed with her. He didn't want to get involved in this mess. He didn't care about this world or its people. He just wanted to have fun and enjoy himself.

"No way. That sounds like too much work and too much trouble. Besides I didn't change the plot and have my entire ass beaten just so the world can undo it." Akio said defiantly.

Wispella looked at him with disbelief and disappointment. "Akio, how can you say that? Don't you realize what's at stake here? This is not just some game or some story. This is a real world with real people who have real lives and real feelings. They deserve our help." Wispella said earnestly.

Akio shrugged his shoulders. He didn't care about any of that. "Look, I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but I'm being honest here. I don't give a damn about this world or its people." Akio said coldly.

Wispella felt a pang of sadness and anger. She couldn't believe that Akio was so selfish and heartless.

"Akio, you're being unreasonable and cruel. How can you be so indifferent and uncaring? What about Rui? The mother and daughter?" Wispella said angrily.

Akio glared at her. He didn't like being lectured or judged by her."Wispella, you're being naive and idealistic. First of all, that was my issues taking over. Second, are you basically asking me to turn Rui back into a demon and be the person responsible for the deaths he will cause? And Third, if the world doesn't like that its toy is broken that I DON'T CARE!" Akio said growled.

They stared at each other, their eyes filled with resentment and contempt. They realized that they had a fundamental difference in their views and values. Wispella knew he was right, if Akio undoes his wish then everything will be set back in stone but…

Can she really ask him to be the reason why so many death's will occur? Yet if he does nothing many more will perish. Akio was in a lose-lose situation, undo his wish and be responsible for deaths Rui will cause or be the reason why the world will fall apart.

They looked away from each other and remained silent, their mood sour and tense.


Finally arriving at Okutama, a small town in the mountains. It was serene and quiet but for Akio and Wispella? They didn't want to be near each other, let alone sit next to each other. They were still sour about their argument, and they refused to talk to each other.

Akio was hungry and tired, but he didn't have any money to buy food or rent a room. He needed to find some work, but he didn't have any skills or qualifications. He wandered around the town, looking for any signs of employment. He saw a few shops, a tavern, a blacksmith, a carpenter, and a tailor. He tried to ask them if they needed any help, but they all turned him down. They said they had no vacancies, or they didn't trust him, or they didn't like his attitude.

Akio felt frustrated and angry. He cursed under his breath and kicked a stone. He wondered why he was even here. He hated this world and its people.

Wispella was different. As a fairy she hardly needed sustenance like humans but she still needed to it. But right now, Akio's words and her desire to help the world were in conflict. She wasn't wrong but when Akio's view challenged hers it struck a cord in her heart.

She had been betrayed by those who she had granted her wish for one simple reason. She couldn't say 'no'. As queen of the Wish Fairy she had more power than her normal kin but this made her dangerous even with the restrictions. Anyone smart enough can find the loophole to her restrictions and rules.

That's why she was imprisoned to keep the world safe. She knew that. The last memory before her imprisonment was bitter and sour. She can still remember it as clear as day. When hundreds of worlds were destroyed she granted the wish of the inhabitants and restored it which in turn went against the rules of life and death.

And Akio had reopened those bitter wounds but she couldn't hold it out against him. With a sigh, she slowly flew towards him.

"Akio?" she called but received no answer. "I'm sorry, it was selfish of me to force you to do that. I-"

"Gee ya think?" Akio hissed before taking deep breath. "Sorry, I'm still a bit pissed but I'm sorry too. It was too harsh of me to say that to you. Let's just not talk about it.

In a moment of distraction, Akio inadvertently collided with someone, causing both of them to stumble. He quickly regained his composure and offered an apologetic bow. However, as he looked up to meet the gaze of the person he bumped into, a shiver ran down his spine, freezing him in place.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" he grumbled, ready to unleash his trademark foul-mouthed tirade. However, his words caught in his throat as he found himself face to face with Tanjiro, a determined young man carrying a heavy load of coals upon his back.

Akio's horror washed over him as realization struck. Muzan, the powerful demon lord, was on his way to Okutama.The weight of the impending danger pressed down on Akio's shoulders, threatening to crush him. However, a flicker of relief broke through as he remembered the alteration he had inadvertently made to the plot. His accidental intervention had shifted the course of events, offering a glimmer of hope in this dangerous situation.

Tanjiro, ever the kind-hearted soul, apologized in return. Yet, he couldn't help but notice the stranger's intense stare. Concern etched onto his face, Tanjiro inquired, "Is something wrong? You seem troubled."

Akio snapped out of his reverie, realizing he had been lost in his own thoughts. "No, it's nothing," he replied hastily, his voice betraying a hint of unease. "Just preoccupied with my own problems. I should get going. Good luck with the coals."

Excusing himself, Akio hurriedly resumed his search for employment, his mind racing with the realization that Tanjiro was the nexus point of this world, the key figure around whom the events revolved. But before he could ponder further, Wispella, attuned to the supernatural energies, interjected.

"Wait, Akio!" Wispella called out, her voice urgent. "That boy, he's the center of this world's plot!"

Akio, interrupting her, cut through the air with his words. "I already know, Wispella," he retorted, his tone tinged with frustration. "And I don't want to get involved with the main characters."

As the day wore on, the sun began its descent, casting long shadows upon the weary town of Okutama. Akio trudged along the streets, his hopes dwindling with each rejected job application. His shoulders sagged, burdened by the weight of disappointment, as he grew increasingly dejected.

Akio contemplated his dwindling options. Thoughts of using another wish on Wispella to conjure up some much-needed money to buy food crossed his mind. But before he could voice his intentions, a gentle interruption disrupted his thoughts.

Lost in his inner turmoil, Akio was startled by a gentle interruption—a stranger extending a bowl of warm soup towards him. Blinking in surprise, Akio followed the line of sight to find Tanjiro standing before him, a genuine smile gracing his face.

Embarrassment flooded Akio's features, momentarily washing away the shadows of disappointment. "Oh, uh...thanks," he stammered, accepting the offering with a mixture of gratitude and awkwardness.

Seating themselves on a nearby bench, the two shared a quiet meal, their actions speaking louder than their words. The aroma of the soup wafted through the air, mingling with the fading light of the day. Akio found solace in the simple act of nourishment, his hunger fading with each spoonful.

"Sorry for being an asshole earlier." Akio said, breaking the silence.

Tanjirou shrugged. "It's okay. I understand you're having a hard time. I've been there too."

Akio raised an eyebrow. "Y-ye… I-I mean you have?" Damn, pretending not to know the guy was hard. He almost blew his cover.

The man nodded. "Yeah. My name is Tanjiro, by the way. Kamado Tanjirou, pleasure to meet you."

"Akio, Nakamura Akio." Akio said.

"Nice to meet you, Akio." Tanjiro said. "So, are you new in town?"

Akio nodded. "Yeah, I just arrived today."

"I see. And you're looking for work?"

Akio nodded again. "Yeah, but no one wants to hire me."

Tanjirou frowned sympathetically. "That's tough. I know how hard it is to find a job these days."

Akio looked at him then to the half empty basket. "You sell, Charcoal?"

Tanjirou smiled slightly. "Yeah, I live in the mountains with my family and we make charcoal from the trees there."

"That sounds nice." Akio said.

Tanjirou smiled more brightly. "It is nice. I love my family very much."

Akio felt a twinge of envy and sadness as he thought of his own family. "How many are there in your family?" Akio asked.

Tanjirou counted on his fingers. "There's my mother, my younger sister Nezuko, and my four younger brothers: Takeo, Hanako, Shigeru and Rokuta."

Akio pretended to be shock at the large number of siblings Tanjirou had. "[Whistle]Wow, that's a lot." Akio said.

"Is his family related to rabbits?" Wispella whispered in curiousity. "hm… maybe I can ask one of them for tips to please my future mate. I want one hundred and one heirs, maybe they have some secret technique."

Tanjirou chuckled. "Yeah, it is. But they're all very sweet and cute. Do you have any siblings?" Tanjirou asked.

Akio nodded. "Yeah, I have a younger sister too."

Tanjirou smiled warmly. "What's her name?"

Akio felt a surge of affection as he thought of his sister. "Her name is Yuki." Akio said.

Tanjirou tilted his head curiously. "Yuki? That's a pretty name."

Akio grinned proudly. "Yeah, she's very pretty too."

Tanjirou nodded approvingly. "I'm sure she is."

Akio felt a bond forming between him and Tanjirou as they talked about their families.

"So, what brought you here? Besides work?" Tanjirou asked.

Akio hesitated for a moment, wondering how much he should reveal about his situation.

He decided to be vague and honest at the same time.

"I'm looking for something." Akio said. Tanjirou looked intrigued. "What are you looking for?"

Akio sighed. "A way home."

Tanjirou noticed Akio's sad expression and realized he had touched a sensitive topic. He quickly apologized. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry. It must be hard to be away from home."

Akio shook his head. "It's fine. Don't worry about it."Attempting to change the subject, Akio's gaze fell upon the bag of coals. "Hey, how much is each of these?"

Tanjiro blinked, momentarily taken aback by the shift in conversation, but quickly regained his composure. "They're usually sold for a few yen per bag," he answered.

Without hesitation, Akio reached into his pocket and retrieved the necessary amount, placing it in Tanjiro's outstretched hand. He then proposed a deal, a glimmer of desperation flickering in his eyes. "Here's the thing. I need work, and I need it badly. I'll help you with the coal business, and in return, you give me a decent cut."

Tanjiro's brows furrowed with uncertainty, his gaze cautious. "I appreciate your offer, but I won't be able to pay you much, if at all," he explained, concern etching his features.

Akio's lips curled into a self-assured grin, a hint of determination gleaming in his eyes. "Don't worry about the pay. I'll handle that problem. Just give me a few weeks, and if this deal fails, I'll take full responsibility," he declared, his words carrying an air of conviction.

Tanjiro's cautious expression softened, his trust in Akio inching forward. After a moment of contemplation, he extended a hand towards Akio. "Alright, I'll work with you. Welcome to the coal business, Akio."

Akio's shoulders relaxed slightly as the weight of uncertainty lifted, but before he could dwell on it, another pressing matter emerged in his mind. "By the way, do you know anywhere I can crash for the night? I'm in desperate need of a place to sleep."

Tanjirou thought for a moment and then offered to let him stay at his house.


"Mom, Nezuko, I'm home! And I brought a friend!" Tanjiro said with joy. Akio followed him inside and was greeted by a warm and cheerful scene.

He saw Tanjirou's mother, a beautiful woman with black hair and purple eyes, smiling warmly at them.

Next was Tanjirou's younger sister Nezuko, a cute girl with black hair and pink eyes, running towards them. He saw Tanjirou's four younger brothers and sister, all of them adorable and energetic, jumping around them.

They all welcomed Akio with open arms and curiosity.

The kids bombarded him with questions and compliments, making him feel overwhelmed but he was able to answer them. Though he was kind of irritated when they asked if he was a sumo wrestler. He can still Wispella laughing herself to death.

Tanjirou introduced Akio to his family and explained that he was his new co-worker and friend.

He also said that he would be staying with them for a while. His family accepted this without any hesitation and invited Akio to join them for dinner.

Akio was amazed by their kindness and generosity but deep down he was also irritated. Why? Because he was right where Muzan would probably be heading.

"This is not what I had in mind," he muttered silently, silently contemplating the unexpected turn his life had taken.

"Sure its not." Wispella giggled.

"Wispella?" Akio muttered.


"Please shut up."


AN: So what do you think?