
To Look beyond Universe

We always look at sky to see wonders by Almighty.we see billions of galaxies moving throughout the way. Do you think about to see all of these in one journey ?absolutely not. Here is my research about that in the form of a story.

Mudassar is a scientist who is currently working on light mass and high energy machine. One day he complete his machine and was about to check it out. He push the On button and see a large waves of energy in his room. He shortly fell into waves and disappears. After few seconds,he feel himself traveling with speed of light. His speed is equal to c where time stoped for all around him. He see himself walking over different galaxies and black holes. He was fond of black holes .He moves into a black hole.He find himself going in different dimensions and finaly at point of ifinite gravity.At that point,he see a Hole.He rushed into it and passing through it. He moved to other universe .It was a warmhole in which two universes can be joined.Now he is in new universe and thinking about his pass universe that was amazning to him.In new world,he is facing alliens and unkown generations that can not understand his words. He is trying to create a same room that was built on earth to go home. Allien are now friendly to him throughout this time and helping him.

One day he will back but after 1000years have been passed on earth and he spend just 10years in space.