
Bidden Coven ( Moved to a New Site)

A kingdom where witches lived freely and out of fear of ever getting attacked by any form of life form species. The kingdom was govern by a powerful witch queen who like everyone else wanted to keep the peace and unity, with the other society of witches. Every one from the kingdom knew of the laws placed on the lands and the severity of ever breaking it, not that the people who lived in the land was forbidden from ever venturing into other lands, but repercussions was always taken regardless of who broke the rules. The land was filled with a lots of strange powers and beings who existed, even the queen wasn't certain how much power was under her territory; cause various types of people exist here. The least way which the counsel of rulers in the past established was to bind a coven between other witches to aid them effectively control these witches. The witches from all parts of the land held a custom which aid upcoming witches find their potentials, which made some to be tagged as gifted while others as norms. The storyline follows a girl who was predestined by fate to make changes while fulfilling her destiny. Ariana was a girl who grew up with only her mother, who was a librarian in the towns library. The custom of the land allowed tender witches to attend a school which aid them properly discover their true potential, while providing prior knowledge to them about how to survive. Ariana's mother was a norm; even if she was a witch still norms were less privilege compared to gifted. Which made her mother held high expectations for Ariana, Teresa; Ariana mother had some secrets which she kept from her. Ariana knowing how high her mother held her in high regards, wanted to meet her mom's expectations while entering the academy and tried her best to make her mother proud. When she discovered the loads it takes to reach great height, while also discovering hidden secrets from her childhood; and the fate of the entire kingdom was threatened by a force which was a century laid dormant. Get Microsoft OneNote: https://aka.ms/GetOneNoteMobile

Gentle_Soul · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 4:: Willow's town

Amongst the four kingdoms in mystical was kingdom Sparks which was known as the kingdom with the most light amidst the other kingdoms. The queens of this kingdom were often identified by their unusually high potential for light, the kingdom previously lacked light even in the presence of the pillar; which serves as an amplifier to a witch queen. The slightest touch from a witch with high potential for light could set this pillar ablaze, and the pillar also serves as a means of further increasing these witches potential above average gifted witches.

In the kingdom of sparks there were three districts which were named as higher Vale, mid spring and lower Willow's; as the name stands, all parts of the kingdom of Sparks was named after an order of its proximity to the pillars. The higher, mid and lower refers to all the parts of the kingdoms level of light which the pillar reflects across it and this light aid nature and the land strive further, the purpose of this witches with these ability became more important to all other witches and it made it a necessity for a queen in all four kingdoms hence the land becomes wasted.

At Willow's town, as the name implies; it was the town built away from the pillar and it still had its own way of progressing, still not much gifted witches are found here. The major reasons why young witches put more hopes on being gifted; which was more than just the power they held, though no one hoped for worse still norms are still found in all parts of mystical. The town of willows was known for its calmness at all times, since less gifted resides here who only tend to keep away from circular and magical crisis; and enjoy the peace off service to the kingdom even if the town was governed by a norm witch. The town was very sophisticated with good and well built houses as well as a calm and friendly atmosphere which keeps the people here at serenity, the town did enjoy little progress from the higher ups as a result of the few numbers of gifted who reside in the town. Though in advancement the entire land was advanced in their ways of living as a result of a famous witches who had came up with their own inventions across time, and these inventions were adopted into the daily lives of these witches all over the land to further support their daily endeavors, some of these includes a levitating vehicle powered with magic crystals. It was invented years back by a witch who got tired of traveling with animals and watching those with potentials flew more faster than others, there was no further justification of talent between the two types of witches; but why those a norm have to suffer more in their daily lives, so he came up with this means of transport and it was quickly adopted into the witches lifestyle.

In an average looking house built with red bricks and a well organized front yard garden, was a levitating vehicle packed outside the house and a woman in her late thirties stood outside with her hands on her waist. She had light brown wavy hair with refined looks and her hair reaching her lower back, she had a long sleeve cotton off shoulder shirt on coupled with blue jeans pants with loose fitting from the knee, and she called out to her daughter; ** Ariana,,,,, what's keep you so long **. And she received no response from her daughter while she stared at the watch in her hands and sighed, soon a young girl ran out of the house with a bright smile on her face; she looked to be in her sixteens with long black wavy hairs and a strand of purple rarely seen in it. She wore a dark purple sweat shirt and a black body fitted pants while holding a bag in her hands, she smiled with sparkling eyes and said ** I'm ready now mom ** and her mother said ** you would be heading towards the academy today and we need to leave early,,,,, so you could catch the official ride to the academy ** while her daughter began demonstrating how she would always do whenever her mom tells about punctuality. Ariana's mother hit her lightly in the shoulder and they both laughed while heading towards the levitating vehicle, just about to get into the vehicle her mother placed both of her hands on her shoulder and said ** Ariana,,,,, you are my pride and I want you to always do your best now that you are heading to the academy ** Ariana nodded her head and said ** while also being a gifted ,,,,, ** which made the both of them laugh again. Teresa replied to her daughter's words ** I think you should just have fun while being your best self ** and she kissed Ariana's forehead, they both got into the vehicle and inserted the key into the vehicle to get it started, while marking their destination; and vehicle started moving forward towards the preset instructions. Along with the many functions of the vehicle was its location detecter which aid people move to unknown locations, though it could be used to travel far distance; still a great means of later introduced to aid large number of people to travel easily. An hour later they arrived at their location where the academy's official bus stood with countless numbers of people around it, some were fellow students going with the bus while some are from the students family who came to drop them off, her mother helped her with her bag while handing her the bus pass which Ariana took and she hugged her mother. They both acted emotional with each other even if they was no tears; Teresa pulled away from Ariana and said ** go now ** while Ariana whispered ** I would miss you **, and Teresa said ** go have fun pumpkin ** and Ariana smiled her mischievous smile at her mother and started walking away, Teresa watched her daughter and muttered ** they grow fast **. She stood at a remote distance away from the crowd, all alone there and continued watching her daughter getting into the bus, and taking her seat while reminiscing over how long it has been since she last being to the academy, even if she was a student there back then; she didn't want her daughter to have any means traced to her even in the slightest.