
Bidden Coven ( Moved to a New Site)

A kingdom where witches lived freely and out of fear of ever getting attacked by any form of life form species. The kingdom was govern by a powerful witch queen who like everyone else wanted to keep the peace and unity, with the other society of witches. Every one from the kingdom knew of the laws placed on the lands and the severity of ever breaking it, not that the people who lived in the land was forbidden from ever venturing into other lands, but repercussions was always taken regardless of who broke the rules. The land was filled with a lots of strange powers and beings who existed, even the queen wasn't certain how much power was under her territory; cause various types of people exist here. The least way which the counsel of rulers in the past established was to bind a coven between other witches to aid them effectively control these witches. The witches from all parts of the land held a custom which aid upcoming witches find their potentials, which made some to be tagged as gifted while others as norms. The storyline follows a girl who was predestined by fate to make changes while fulfilling her destiny. Ariana was a girl who grew up with only her mother, who was a librarian in the towns library. The custom of the land allowed tender witches to attend a school which aid them properly discover their true potential, while providing prior knowledge to them about how to survive. Ariana's mother was a norm; even if she was a witch still norms were less privilege compared to gifted. Which made her mother held high expectations for Ariana, Teresa; Ariana mother had some secrets which she kept from her. Ariana knowing how high her mother held her in high regards, wanted to meet her mom's expectations while entering the academy and tried her best to make her mother proud. When she discovered the loads it takes to reach great height, while also discovering hidden secrets from her childhood; and the fate of the entire kingdom was threatened by a force which was a century laid dormant. Get Microsoft OneNote: https://aka.ms/GetOneNoteMobile

Gentle_Soul · Fantasy
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Chapter 2:: witch queen Eliezier who lived on after death

After the establishment of rulers in the land and peace reigned all over for decades which was a result of the coming together of both norms and gifted of the past for the purpose of improving mystical. The land was divided into four parts which marked the specified rulers who would rule the land, cause these lands had special needs which these witch queen held over it. And the inhabitants of these lands sorted after these witches in order to make the land more progressive, thus made the witches ever gifted with the ability to rule a land to be overly protected by the inhabitants of these lands. Usually when a queen was about to pass on; they give their last breath to the pillar of balance which governors over the land along the the queen, and this breath which the passing witch queen gives out was an extension of their life force. Sometimes this only happens when the queen of that generation failed in finding the upcoming witch who held a similar ability like her, and the only result to prevent the land from falling into chaos and disorder after her passing was to grant a bit of her life to support the pillar for decades to come. Sometimes it was very difficult to find a witch who could be a suitable replacement for the queen after her passing, and it was an issue which bothers countless witches from previous generations on, still the witches never gave up on their responsibilities towards the land. These issues caused a witch who found her hidden potential back then to run away from her kingdom in hopes of avoiding her fate, still it was to no avail and she was brought back to her kingdom to carry out her service; though all through her reign as a queen she never followed all the rules of being a queen. She questioned everything and anything that she felt wasn't right with her being, and through her self inquisitive attitude changed the system of ruling; but then it was only classified to her kingdom and not the rest of mystical. The record held of her depicted her constant frivolous attitude and attempt of passing knowledge to younger witches, she would organize an entire day to teach young witches how to grow properly and give them access to prior knowledge on magic. Through her self's same ability she built the first ever known academy in her kingdom where she saw would aid the further growth of the witches from her kingdom, as well as giving them knowledge regarding their true themselves. She never saw any preson as less or more privileged cause she held the ambition to see people striving into betterment, while her year of rulership was recorded to be very prosperous as well as lifted their kingdom higher than any other kingdom in the land. The system used in selecting queens of a kingdom was dependent on their individual potential, as some set of witches were born with elemental affinity towards nature and the pillar of their respective kingdoms response to their presences whenever they are around it, these pillars were set by the mystical himself to help the inhabitants strive much better against all odds with nature's key in their hand. Even after setting all these and making changes with the preset rules in the kingdom, she was still not settled with how witch queens pass on from giving their life force to the pillar of their respective kingdoms while waiting for a succeeding witch with no collections of her ture self to take their place when they are gone. So she sorted after ways which led to the establishment of four academies in the four kingdoms of mystical to train younger witches, while marking out future successors of the witch queen; and her idea was bought by the other queens and it became a law in mystical. Still after all these the amount of students which the professors in each school recorded was very high, yet few manage to be a worthy successor why others are just purely talented, and it was still much of a threat which the queens back then couldn't risk and further means of spotting future queens were put into action. They searched for means for an entire decades and with unprecedented might to see a result, they got an answer to their question which was binding a coven between the young witches on the verge of awakening their potentials, they sorted for a ritual which could allow a set amount of witches bound together in a coven. These coven allows the witches to feel more connected to their colleagues who held the same bidden as them, while also allowing the ritual initiator to see through all their potential; these method became a two in one way of solving both the problems of witches who had no ideas about their hidden potential as well as showing the initiator what potential the witches held. When this method was put into place, the queens back then saw no more need of sharing their life with the pillar as a way of sustainers and the searching for a successor. These means had helped future witch queens as well as passing ones to help share their knowledge effectively, while some witches saw the need to relinquish their positions to the now current queen and spend the rest of their days in freedom from services, and at some point become members from the council of witches. In all these the witch queen who started this tradition became the ideal model for all witches who ever got the chance of ruling in any part of the four kingdoms, her name spread wide and received reverence by inhabitants of the land as well as queens who sat on the throne, she had a statue built at her kingdom and placed at the academy which she started with her name; witch queen Eliezier who lived on even after death.

More than that she became the first legend who walked the land of mystical, after the mystical himself and she was so much adored cause many got to see her in person while the mystical was never seen. Countless numbers of great witches reigned in their own fields after her, still the inhabitants of the land never forgot about the mystical or queen Eliezier, cause they placed both of these beings in an higher pendestrain compare to themselves while some reverence her till date.