
Biblioteka śWiatóW (Pl) Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    The Hitman’s Sunshine

    Lily gulped, it's the 'devil'. She said in her mind with her hands still trembling. Raven picked the phone from the girl's hand, turning it off, he said, "You don't want to do that. Now run along and forget everything that happened here, little girl." His voice low and chilly to the bone. _ _ _ Sunshine Meets Grumpy He's a hitman, a hacker, a serpent slithering through the city's underbelly. Not a hero, not even close. The mafia's ghost in the machine, shadows his only companions. Then, there's her. Bookish, buried in debt and dreams, juggling endless shifts and late-night study sessions. Sunflower yellow amidst the grimy alleys, oblivious to the danger lurking beneath her hopeful smile. "Plain," they call her, "basic." But her light, it's undeniable. One fated night, a muttered curse, a stolen glance. Their worlds, oil and water, are destined to collide. Can sunshine melt the frost around a killer's heart? Or will their tangled destinies ignite a storm that consumes them both?

    Pluma_W143 · Urban
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    Mein heimlicher Milliardärs-Ehemann

    "Gatte, ich will nicht mehr, ich fühle mich schrecklich..." "Baby, sei brav und trink die Medizin aus." Der gut aussehende Mann nimmt die Frau in die Arme und streichelt sie zärtlich, während er ihr die Medizin einflößt. Joanna Lawrence stößt auf Ashton Heath, den angesehensten Spross von Closia City, und schläft eine Nacht mit ihm. Nachdem er ihr im Gegenzug für die Heirat Vergünstigungen angeboten hat, hat die frischgebackene Mrs. Heath plötzlich die Macht, alles zu bekommen, was sie sich jemals gewünscht hat. "Gatte, ich habe heute die Filmkönigin Faye geohrfeigt, war ich zu viel?" "Baby, tut deine Hand weh? Lass mich sie für dich massieren." "Gatte, ich habe deine Kreditkarte ausgereizt, bist du sauer?" "Baby, bist du mit deinem Einkauf zufrieden? Sag mir Bescheid, wenn du mehr brauchst." "Gatte, ich bin heute müde, ich will mich nicht bewegen..."

    Light Dance · General
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    (*NO RAPE*) Kitanna stood still, not worried about the new person; she was worried about herself. The royal guard was shirtless and standing so close to her, with his body pinning hers. She was still trying to get her thoughts straight when she found herself being dragged onto the bed, with the guard on top of her. She raised her hands to push him, but he was faster. He caught both of her hands with one of his and pinned them above her head, using his other free hand to cover her mouth. Kitanna felt blood rush to her cheeks, and the next words she heard sent her world spinning in 3D. "Now, moan, princess..." Those words brushed against her ear, causing the hairs on her neck to stand. ......... Set in historical times, in the ancient kingdom of Morado. A young princess, Kitanna, enjoys life to the fullest, living every day like the princess she is. But after an incident, she is left to only trust herself and her instincts in the palace, which was filled with betrayals and corruption. A guard, who was trained to protect the crown, lived his life peacefully, killing when he was ordered to but never speaking to people around him until he crossed paths with the sassy and clumsy princess. Then everything changed. If you enjoy dark humors, royal romance and betrayals. Then this book is for you.

    Pluma_W143 · History
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    Die seltsame Braut des verwunschenen Prinzen

    Der größte Fehler in Alicias Leben war der Versuch, Selbstmord zu begehen. Sie fand sich im Körper einer 19-jährigen Prinzessin im Exil im Mittelalter wieder. Und was noch? Sie wurde gezwungen, Prinz Harold zu heiraten, den berüchtigten, weißhaarigen, jähzornigen Prinzen, dem es nichts ausmachte, jemanden aus den unwichtigsten Gründen umzubringen. Nun steht ihre Hochzeit in wenigen Stunden an und die "Prinzessin", die zufällig Alicia heißt, soll den Gästen einige "prinzessinnenhafte" Fähigkeiten vorführen. Kurze Frage: Ist Twerking im Mittelalter erlaubt? Sie war sich sicher, dass die Hochzeit eine Katastrophe werden würde und dass der jähzornige Prinz sie umbringen würde, bevor sie den Weg nach Hause finden würde. Gott helfe ihr! ThatAmazingGirl in Zusammenarbeit mit Miss_Behaviour (Die Autoren von In Love With A Klepto) bringt euch ein weiteres Buch. "DIE FREMDE BRAUT DES VERFLUCHTEN PRINZEN" Was würdest du tun, wenn du dich plötzlich im Körper einer Prinzessin aus der alten Zeit wiederfindest? Noch dazu ist er nicht nur ein Werwolf, sondern auch von der Mondgöttin verflucht. EXCERPT: Was sollte sie tun? Sie war verwirrt und hatte keine Ahnung, was vor sich ging. Hochzeiten im Mittelalter waren seltsam! Was zum Teufel ist eine "Tugendrezitation"? Sollte sie so tun, als würde sie in Ohnmacht fallen? Das war der einzige Gedanke, der einen Sinn ergab. Und das tat sie auch. Sie sackte langsam auf dem Boden zusammen und hörte, wie alle zu keuchen und zu rufen begannen. Alicia wollte, dass sie sie da rausholten und dann würde sie einen Weg finden, zu entkommen. Aber vielleicht hatte sie ja doch Pech, denn als sie unter ihren Wimpern hervorlugte und sich fragte, warum niemand kam, um sie hinauszutragen, sah sie ein goldenes Gewand, bevor sich die Person vor ihr niederhockte. Sie schloss ihre Augen fest und hielt den Atem an. Immerhin war sie Schauspielerin. Sie konnte das makellos durchziehen. "Das war ein schlechtes Schauspiel, Mylady." sprach die tiefe Stimme, die ihr eine Gänsehaut auf die Haut zauberte. Beängstigend. "Ich gebe Ihnen nur drei Sekunden Zeit, um aufzustehen." Seine Stimme war nicht wirklich bedrohlich, aber irgendwie verbreitete er Angst, besonders durch die langsame und vorsichtige Art, wie er sprach. Sie hatte gehört, dass er übellaunig war. Was würde er tun, wenn die drei Sekunden vorbei waren? Würde er sie töten? Würde sie dann hier sterben? Woher wusste er überhaupt, dass sie sich verstellte? Waren die Menschen im Mittelalter normalerweise klug? Sie öffnete ein Auge, um ihn anzuschauen, und sah, dass er sie direkt anschaute und grinste. DIE HOCHZEIT WÜRDE AUF KEINEN FALL STATTFINDEN. SIE WAR SO WAS VON TOT! ******* Werwolf (Check) Verfluchter Fürst (Haken) Seelenwanderung (Abgehakt) Komödie (Abgehakt) Romanze (Doppelter Check) ZU IHRER BIBLIOTHEK HINZUFÜGEN!

    ThatAmazingGirl · Fantasy
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    I'm the Male Lead, Not Another Love Interest

    Synopsis: Demian Maxwell is the Crown Prince to the Grove Kingdom and an alpha. It's his first year at Oakswood Academy and a certain beta has gathered his attention but why does Ophelia Rosewood keep popping up when he leasts expects it? Remi Sato is a renowned name in the science community, and this famous herbologist is starting his first year at Oakswood Academy. But this boy has a secret, and lots of them. He is secretly the omega prince, Remington Arlow and a reincarnated soul who just wants to be with his favorite otome game character. Excerpt: Remi looked at him in confusion. Demian saw the moment that Remi realized what he wanted when Remi's face turned a brilliant shade of scarlet, matching his beautiful pink eyes which seemed a tad darker than they were just moments before. "You-" Remi started, his words dying out. Demian pointed to his still open mouth, uncaring of how undignified he looked at the moment. This was something he needed, a peaceful, uncaring day with a beautiful beta to tease to get his mind off the nightmares he had recently been plagued with. Remi chewed on his bottom lip in contemplation. Before Demian could tell Remi that he was only teasing him, Remi picked up a fork and speared a piece of fish on the tines. With a red face, Remi raised the fork up until it was even with Demian's mouth, his hand under the fork to catch the food if it fell. Demian's eyes widened minutely but he refused to pass up the opportunity that was given to him. He leaned forward and took the piece of fish between his teeth, sliding it off the utensil. A rich, nutty flavor with a sweet sugary taste coated his tongue pleasantly. "This is really good," Demian said after swallowing his food. "I'm excited to try other dishes made by you." Remi flushed crimson once again. It was interesting to see such contrasting reactions out of him. One minute, Remi could be daring and confident, and in the next he could be timid and shy. "How about some vegetables this time?" Demian once again opened his mouth. A salty, leafy taste filled his senses this time. The salt wasn't overpowering and it brought out the natural flavors of the mixed vegetables that included asparagus and carrots. Remi lowered the utensils and looked away. "You have two perfectly good hands, feed yourself," he mumbled. The back of his ears and neck were tinged red.

    C_E_W · LGBT+
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    A Girl's Life in a Gaming World

    5 years after saving the world from destruction, Archeon Corporation has announced the creation of the second VRMMO world that will shake the world once more. Alexandria Athena, a girl gamer unbeknownst to everyone is a top player of a lot of famous computer games beating anyone with her godly skills, controls, and instinct. Watch as Alexandria Athena with her extreme thirst for fighting enter new world full of dangers. With her comrade in arms to create glorious myths, stories, and legends of them exploring the world.

    M_W · Teen
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    Rise My Elementals!

    All the Humans from Earth was suddenly transported into a new world called Celestial World. No one knew the reason why nor what the purpose was all about. All of the Humans were suddenly transported without any warnings or signs and was then forced to lived in a mysterious and unfamiliar new world. 50 years, the Humans lived in endless suffering and torments. They were all forced to run from one place to another or else they would be enslaved by other Foreign races that had long been living in the Celestial World. Fortunately, the Humans were finally able to slowly developed its strength and power in the Celestial World through the sacrifice of countless Humans after that 50 years span of time. However, it was mysteriously Fated not to last long as an unknown power has suddenly started doing everything to destroy the Humanity's Kingdoms and Empires. A young man by the name Leo Heart had its Fate suddenly rewritten by some unknown power to stop this unprecedented doom of the Humans after a red cube, that the Heart Noble Household had been keeping as a Family Heirloom from the very start of the Humans existence in the Celestial World, suddenly jumped up and embedded itself into his right palm. A world full of Mystery, which Magic and Mana had become every races foundation of existence. A young man that had lost its family for the Humans existence has its Fate unexpectedly rewritten after such encounter. But, would it be enough to stop this so called unprecedented doom? Would the Humans existence be saved by Leo from the unknown yet powerful existence? Or would the Humans sadly become nothing but a mere history in this new world? Note: The art of the book cover is not mine. All the credits goes to its rightful owner... --------------------------------- If you find the story interesting and wanted to know how to support the Author and the Work (Rise my Elementals), you can just simply send a gift through that gift icon below or just buy access to Privileged Chapters, which is 1 coin to access 2 chapters in advance. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT AND HAVE A HAPPY READING!

    M_W · Fantasy
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    Świat Qirix: Kroniki Yeris

    Justyna_Oleksik · Fantasy
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    Revenge on my ex-husband

    Wendy Simons deeply loved Hanson Yale.Well because of him, she lost her child and her reputation was ruined. In the end, she died in front of him... In the new Samsara , things had changed, Hanson had fallen for Wendy. Well Wendy had everything and lived in a leisure and pleasant life. S she just pushed him away. She would never be with him again, unless he was willing to die for her...

    W.J.Xia · Urban
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    Cammie_Duyzer · Urban
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    Grace Bush, the only child of a prominent Canadian family, was known for her modesty, kindness, and respectfulness. Regrettably, a traumatic incident transpired on the happiest day of her life, claiming the lives of her entire family, shattering her world, and leaving an indelible mark on her very being. With her father dead and her mother in a vegetative state, she found herself as the sole eyewitness and survivor of the fatal incident. She underwent a profound transformation; the once sweet, innocent child became wild, self-centered, and disrespectful. Some even call her crazy. To lay claim to her late father's wealth, she had to learn the ropes of the firm industry. However, things didn't unfold as expected. Just when she felt like giving up, fate intervened, offering her an unforeseen chance to break free from the confines of her troubled hometown through a life-altering job opportunity. Enter Noah Creed, the stunningly handsome billionaire CEO of the S.O. publishing industry in New York, who seemed to have it all—wealth, looks, and success. Despite being a three-time divorcee, a father, and engaged to an aspiring model, Noah had never truly understood or desired love. That is, until he crossed paths with the unpredictable and wild Grace Bush, a newcomer in his film industry. Little did he know that meeting Grace would open a new chapter in his life. The catch? Grace worked for him, and romantic involvement among staff members was strictly prohibited. Prepare yourself for a captivating office romance novel that is a must-read as the story of Grace and Noah unfolds in unexpected and exciting ways.

    ClaraStar · Urban
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    Maxi_Rojas_7430 · Horror
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    BE THE HERO NOT THE BULLY CUT THE DRAMA be part of the solution not the probelm started with teh grocery store now i own the grocery store

    getoutofmyhousepls · History
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    Historia zimnego cesarza (PL)

    [18+ rozdziały] Sporo okrucieństwa, zimny bohater, realistyczne sceny :D Historia tajemniczego chłopca, którego okrutny świat kultywacji zmienia w wielkiego zimnego Cesarza.

    Guban · Fantasy
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    Naomi_Ibeawuchi · Fantasy
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    Mr. Charles's Hidden Wife

    Wendy had never expected one day she would sleep with Henson Charles, the business tycoon of this City. She thought it would only be one night stand, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be an " absolutely matched" marriage. One day, a reporter had an interview with Henson. "Mr. Charles, on behalf of all your fans, I would like to ask you what kind of girl do you like most?" "I only like my wife." Then, the news about Mr. Charles’s secret marriage spread throughout the whole world. After they got married, Wendy felt even more tired because of her energetic husband. "Henson, I am not feeling well!" "It means you lack exercises. So come on to join me in the bed." Finally, Wendy burst into anger, “Henson Charles! Are you done now?!"

    W.J.Xia · Urban
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    Apdalla_Sky · History
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    The Weekender

    When cowboy Gage Wellton visits boyhood friend, Corey Cassidy, for a fun-filled weekend in New York City, Corey's life is turned upside down. The two have the time of their lives in the big city. As memories of their childhoods unfold, dancing, drinking, and a night of heavy sex ensue.<br><br>Gage soon finds himself smitten, which he didn't expect. It's too late for romance though, since Gage has to head back to his ranch, ending the weekend of fun and good memories. Corey asks him to stay, but Gage has obligations in Kansas and decides to return home, leaving Corey and the city behind.<br><br>Once back home, Gage struggles without Corey at his side. Then a rodeo accident sends Gage to the hospital and Corey shows up to visit. Corey becomes medicine for Gage. During his visit, the two become intimate again. But it's hard for a closeted, gay cowboy to survive in a straight man's world. Will love be enough to make one man change his entire life for another?

    R.W. Clinger · LGBT+
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    Stockton County Cowboys Book 1: Chasing Cowboys

    Rugged and sexy Cord Darringer finds himself leaving Stockton County, Oklahoma, for three days when a business meeting for his belt buckle company sends him to Florida. While there, he meets adorable Bradley Hull, a no-nonsense businessman with a fondness for cowboys. Before Cord returns to Oklahoma, he agrees to have a date with Bradley. Unexpectedly the country boy falls for the city boy, and vice versa.<br><br>Cute and charming Bradley always ends up getting burned. Chasing Cord feels safe to him, though. Not only does Bradley’s clothes come off for Cord, but his heart begins to open up to the wealthy cowboy, and he wonders if he has finally met Mr. Right. Is loving Cord a risk worth taking?<br><br>Following his visit, Cord returns to Stockton County alone, but Bradley soon chases after him. But when Bradley arrives, a raging tornado sweeps through the county, destroying everything in its path. Will the two men survive the storm and live happily ever after? Or will the miles that separate them, and the tornado’s fury, keep them apart forever?

    R.W. Clinger · LGBT+
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    Help pls

    abc_ss · Fantasy
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