
Sovereigns & Apostles

The Dimension Sovereigns are rulers who are born with conceptual abilities, an unknown power that resides beyond the borders of a universe. They are said to be the superior divine beings who were destined to wield the power of the concepts. These deities are superior to the greater gods of the lower realms, inhabiting the plane of realms and dimensions.

The Dimension Apostles are the highest servants of a Sovereign, appointed towards the plane of realms. They are said to be born with unique and destined powers from the lower worlds fated to serve them. However, some servants are created by their own rulers, becoming an individual after Transcending over Ascendancy.

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Noro Aeyin, born on the 33rd of March in the World of ?????. An unknown world that is almost considered as the paradise; now residing in the midst of truth and reality.

– Ascendancy: Sovereign of Nothingness –

Likes: Reading, Eating, Sleeping, Teaching.

Dislikes: Burden, Instability, Arrogance, Selfishness.

Noro tends to help other people who is in need for his own satisfaction. He is the kind of man who prioritizes others more than oneself, leaving himself in the dark.

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Ochira Exsce, born on the 8th of June in the World of Genesia. A world known to its brimming essence of magic; residing within the spherical dimension of existence.

– Ascendancy: Goddess of Existence –

Likes: Cooking, Cleaning, Caring.

Dislikes: Discrimination, Discordance, Deceit.

Ochira tends to be humble at all times, respecting other despite the difference in races. She can be a bit clumsy when helping others, but is a mother figure to all children.

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Sakoro, born on the 1st of December in the World of Ienoroise. A world that is brimming with the vast majorities of magic, inhabiting the 9 Nations of the Gathering Seals; a world, residing in the spherical dimension of existence.

– Ascendancy: Apostle of Nothingness –

Likes: Eating, Hunting, Playing with any shaped ball.

Dislikes: Malicious/Ominous Intent, Humans, Deceivers, Chains/Magic Chains.

Sakoro acts like a spoiled child whenever she senses kindness towards the person who cares for her but acts as a ferocious beast when she felt a faint sinister intent lingering within them. She also has another side of her whose personality is more dignified than any prestigious noble.

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Ente, N/A

– Ascendancy: Eye of Beginning –

Likes: Books, History, Creations, Entus.

Dislikes: Works that are not assigned to him, Intruders, Corrupted creatures, Last Omen.

Ente is known as the Silent Manye of Beginning in the many worlds. Despite his tiresome looks, he is kind towards the beings who performs hospitality and humbleness. He is also the first Manye who experience how to love.

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Entus, N/A

– Ascendancy: Eye of Nihility –

Likes: Unique Powers, Iaido, Orchestral Voices, Harmonic Screams, Insanity.

Dislikes: Normal things, Work, Boredom, Last Omen.

Entus is known as the Masked Manye of Nihility in the many worlds. The many people known her for her kindness towards the children and cruelty against the malicious. She also tends to frighten the arrogant and performs cruelty when entering a pleasure of being unrestrained by the laws and systems; insanity is one of her main source while lust is her most threatening source.

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(This page will be updated as the story progresses)

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