

The next morning, early in the morning, Melissa went to get the key to the mansion and then went to the labor agency to hire employees, since she was not going to clean that huge, single house, but not even dead. The 3 brothers went for a walk in the neighborhood.

They spent in school going to school. It was a rich school and most of its students are related in some way to politicians. Liam was only really studying why he was obliged, not by the government, but by his mother.

Because it was class time, they did not meet any students.

Leon, being major and responsible for them, finished the enrollment and both Liam and Lucas started the next day, unfortunately.

As Leon and Lucas finished talking to the director, Liam went out for a drink.

It was a private school, so it was in good condition and everything seemed expensive. This was the first time he was going to study at a private school, so he found it all new. There were even lockers, which he thought existed only in other countries.

He walked about 2 minutes before finding a water drinker. As he walked towards the drinker, the bell rang indicating the interval. The hallways quickly filled with students. Some saw Liam, dressed casually, walk up to the drinker and were surprised. There would always be those people who knew the faces of all the students.

Liam drink some water before turning around and heading back out. On his way, he saw a group of 5 students. There were two girls and three boys. They all looked good and looked spoiled rich. Among the group, he saw something that surprised him. There was an orb floating above them. One of them was an awakened one, and Liam just did not know who.

Obviously, the awakened one between them also saw the orb of Liam, but did not let appear in its face, so Liam could not find out who it was.

On his way to the exit, he saw another 7 orbs.

"Looks like this school will not be so boring..."

The 8-Awakened had their eyes on Liam and were surprised when Liam met someone who looked like him who also had an orb.


"So, what did you think of the new school?" Melissa asked the three of them at the table in a restaurant.

"Cool..." Lucas shrugged.

"Better than any school I've ever entered." Leon replied by slicing the meat on the plate.

"You have at least 8 awakened. They're all students." It was Liam's casual response.

Both Melissa, Leon and Lucas stopped what they were doing and faced Liam.

Melissa sighed.

"Just... do not get into trouble..."

Both Liam and Lucas nodded.


In the afternoon of that Tuesday, Liam entered his new room in the mansion.

The whole mansion was already decorated.

Earlier, the 3 brothers went out to buy new computers, televisions, cell phones and other electronics. With the right amount, everything was already installed and ready to use.

Liam fell heavily on the bed, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.


Jason Matthew came home anxious. He parked the car in front of the entrance of the mansion.

Looking at the cars, he saw that his girlfriend's car and his best friend's car were already here.

Jason is 16 years old and lives with his father as his mother eventually married and moved to a small town in Maine.

He's in junior high school and has a girlfriend, Jesse, since he was 15. Their best friend is Jack and they have known each other since they were 4 years old.

His parents divorced when he was 10 and was friendly. At age 13, his mother remarried to Peter, a man of about 38 to 42 years. Good person and has a son of the age of Jason, Pedro. The two do not do very well because they are very different.

Peter makes the strange style, the kind that lives by making references to something.

Jason is the captain of the basketball team, dating a cheerleader, but unlike any other, he is smart and friendly.

Living with your father, who is single, wealthy and well-off according to the girls, Jason spends the holidays with his mother. Especially at Christmas and New Year.

And it's one of those vacations that he just got.

Seeing his girlfriend's car and his best friend's car parked in front of the driveway, he smiled.

"They know I do not like parties, let alone surprises..."

He shrugged.

"What a shame for them that I arrived earlier than expected."

Jason would arrive at around 6:00 pm but he ended up getting an early flight and so arrived at 2:00 p.m. He had forgotten to report the time change.

Not bothering to pick up his suitcases, he stepped out of the black Ferrari and decided to surprise them.

Jason opened the huge door to the mansion's entrance hall. He frowned. There was no sign of anyone in the room.

There was a welcome sign, and some preparations for the surprise party he guessed, but no sign of his father, girlfriend, and friend.

"Ahh..." he heard a faint cry coming from upstairs.

Without thinking twice, he ran to the fireplace, picked up a metal bar and then climbed the ladder.

Without making a sound, he walked down the hall. The screaming sounds were getting louder.

He at the same time loosened his grip on the metal bar.

A strange sensation deepened in him. Those screams that before he thought were pain and someone in danger, were very much like the screams of videos he watched to know how to do it.

Her heart clenched. His eyes were wet. He did not want to see that. He did not want to know he was being betrayed, but he had to be sure.

His hand tightened on the metal bar and then he walked to his father's room and stood in front of the entrance. The door was open so I could see everything that was happening.

Dirty words were being spoken. His girlfriend was moaning like a... While it was... By two men. Your father and your best friend.

He could not believe what he was seeing.

His father, his best friend and his girlfriend for whom he was in love and thought it was reciprocal, were making a menage. Worst of all, both his father and his friend were talking dirty words, and many of them were depreciating Jason. They were something like: he was not man enough to satisfy her and they would show how they were done.

None of the 3 had yet noticed him. They were so focused on betraying their son, their best friend, and their boyfriend that they did not even realize they had a witness.

At that moment Jason felt like crap. How could they do that to him?

Worst of all was his own father. Someone Jason always respected and loved. He always tried to make him proud of his son. How could he do that?

And called his best friend. His brother not blood related. It was all a lie.

And the one who said she loved him. The nerd who joined the team of cheerleaders, but who always kept their ideals. Now she was screaming like a bitch in heat.

His hand tightened on the metal bar and for a moment he imagined himself entering the room and like a baseball player, slamming the metal object into Jack's head causing blood to flutter all around. Then his father and finally Jesse.

For a moment, he wanted to kill the three of them.

At that moment, Jesse, who had his eyes closed, opened his eyes and looked at the door.

"AHHH!" She shouted, but this time it was scary.

Jason's father, William, and his best friend, Jack, noticed something was wrong and turned to see what Jesse was staring at.

Jason could see the shock rising in their faces. He just stared coldly at them before releasing the metal bar and turning and striding.

"Damn!" He heard Jack exclaim.

"Jason!" William called out. "Wait, I can explain..."

Jason did not stop. He went down the stairs and out of the mansion with William running after him already dressed in sweatpants and a white shirt.

Jason said nothing. He got in his car, started and hit the gas pedal without caring.

"Damn!" William exclaimed as he watched his son walk out the door without hesitation. "What did I do?"

What Jason did not know about his parents was that the split was because of what William did. Esther, Jason's mother, discovered that William was cheating on her with her best friend. After that she discovered all the other cases. She just did not reveal it, because she wanted to keep the perfect father image that Jason had of him.

William turned to enter when he heard the sound of skidding and then the impact of something.

"No..." His heart stopped. "Please... Anything but..." he murmured as he ran into the street.

When he reached the street, he saw what he feared most. The Ferrari of Jason overturned and destroyed by the impact with a truck.

Next chapter