
Veil of Surrender

Perched atop the summit of Mount Hualia, I gazed upon the swirling ballet of clouds, cloaked in tattered garments, my thoughts consumed by the deluge of misfortunes that had befallen me. An existence bereft of distinction, devoid of ambition, kinship, with the lingering memory of a single departed comrade I had failed to shield. My eyes mirrored the profound darkness of the ebony woods, their gaze as icy as the unforgiving Suelian Continent.

"You have failed," resonated a somber yet assured voice, jolting me from my reverie.

I remained motionless, a forlorn figure resigned to the impending conclusion. In a matter of minutes, I'd vanish, leaving no mourner behind, no legacy in a world teeming with enchantment, martial prowess, and enigmatic sects. I was beneath the mundane.

"I perceive your reluctance to avenge the sole individual who stood by you, cherished you, traversed the path alongside you. Shall you linger here in this frigid realm?" the voice exclaimed, tinged with frustration.

With a sigh, I pondered the futile passage of time. This person seemed on the verge of losing composure. I once believed myself unfortunate; now, I understood I was cursed, doomed. Slowly, I turned towards the source of the fervent voice, and before my eyes stood a slender, pallid figure. Who could this be? A disciple of the revered Saran sect or perchance the ominous Lihua sect? Had they come to exact vengeance for Kalan? My heart raced, realizing that demise wouldn't be my sole fate today.

"What do you seek? I am endeavoring to depart in tranquility. Can't you discern? I am bereft of hope for survival. There's naught I can accomplish presently—no retribution, no optimism. I refuse to allow these emotions to infiltrate my existence once more. They corrode you from within, leaving naught but desolation fit for the crows to feast upon," I wheezed, breathless.

His gaze, akin to cinnamon, felt as though it peered into the very recesses of my soul, scrutinizing it. After what felt like an eternity, he approached me.

"I am fated to detest you, yet I cannot. I made a vow to my kin that I'd shield you until my final breath. And though you harbor no aspirations, still aspirations persist within me. I shall bestow upon you a portion of my resolve, that you might find the fortitude to walk alongside me. Together, we shall avenge my kin. And should you grant yourself absolution, fear not, for we shall share this weight."

Each syllable he uttered seemed as incisive as a blade honed to cleave the prime cut of a beast. At each word, my eyes widened, grappling with the notion of a 'kin' and the notion of shared burdens. I desired none of it. I yearned for cessation.

"I do not wish—" My utterance remained unfinished as, in an ephemeral flash, he lunged towards me. When his hand met the core of my abdomen, a surge of vitality coursed through me.

"Live," were the final words I exhaled before succumbing to the welcoming embrace of darkness.