
Danger Sensors

It was perfect for Jonathan that Richard joined the group; not only would they be more, but their chances of survival also increased. Therefore, after handing him a weapon, everyone got ready.

"Here we go..." Jonathan was the first to step forward, feeling an urgency to explore as many places as possible before time ran out. Hopefully, he could explore the entire mansion and complete those silly missions.

They all entered very cautiously, and after a few seconds, an enormous snake, the same one that had attacked Richard before, jumped from what seemed to be a rather large room.

This creature was a biological weapon created from the T-virus, so all its qualities mutated into traits that made it a much more dangerous monster than even a giant centipede.


The enormous snake roared at the trio that had entered its domain, looked at Richard, one of its escaped prey, and opened its bloodied mouth. In an instant, it moved its large body and headed towards the trio at an impressive speed.

"Fire!" Richard shouted, squeezing the trigger of his rifle without waiting for this huge monster to get closer to them.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Bullets headed towards the snake, and in just a few seconds, hundreds of them hit its skin. Obviously, its skin was not as tough and fleshy as the centipede's back. With their coordinated shots, the snake was obviously injured instantly, and in response, it moved its long tail.


Dust, along with some rocks, rose from the ground, causing Jonathan, who was shooting like a maniac, to stop. Seeing that he had lost the rhythm, he pulled a grenade from his vest.

"Just one shot..." Jonathan murmured as his hands trembled, and after sensing a figure right in front of him, he looked up at the sky. The snake, covered in blood, looked at Jonathan, opened its horrible mouth, and as if wanting to swallow him whole, attacked. But at that moment, he threw the grenade into its open mouth, at the same time running towards the other end as if he didn't care about anything else, and in an instant, an explosion that threw Jonathan to the ground resonated.


Jonathan, who was closest, was the one who got injured; part of his arms received not-so-serious but painful wounds. Some of the skin on Jonathan's hands opened, and if it weren't for the bandages protecting his arms, the wounds would have been more horrible.

"Damn, it seems I'm the only crazy one who got injured..." Jonathan muttered as he stood up and looked at Richard, who continued shooting the snake in the head, now lying on the ground.

Jill Valentine stood in front of Jonathan, aiming her gun at the snake. She turned her head and asked, "Are you okay?"

"I just stumbled..."

Initially, he had thought the battle would be as intense as the centipede, but unlike last time, his firepower was incomparable. He held the monsters here in high esteem, so he forgot that with the weapons he had with him, he could defeat any enemy as long as he was well accompanied.

After finishing what they came for, Jill walked to the other end of the room and found a mask, which is what they came to look for in the first place.

At the moment she took the mask, something unexpected happened.

The snake, with half its face torn apart, stood up again and instantly headed towards where Jonathan and Richard were, who were farther away from Jill.

Seeing the sudden change of events, Richard, who was the closest, reacted very quickly and continued shooting at that snake.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Bullets penetrated the snake's head; he didn't even understand how it could still move after so many shots.

Jonathan, who was farther away, wanted to react and shoot, but at this point, things were very much against him, so he jumped to the side, trying to get as far away as possible from the snake's attack.

Richard beside him, who was in the same direction, wasn't so lucky, as he was the only one who didn't move and instead focused on attacking the snake until the bullets in his gun ran out.

But even that wasn't enough; his body was bitten and forcefully dragged backward.

"Richard!" Jill, who saw how Richard was dragged, immediately shot the giant snake.

But this didn't stop the snake from crushing Richard's body with the remaining power of its jaws.

"Die! Die! Die!"

Regardless of the danger, Jill picked up the shotgun from the ground that had fallen from Jonathan and fired wildly at the snake.

This obviously infuriated the snake, who knew it would die. After crushing Richard's body, it turned around, staring at Jill with obvious intentions.

Jonathan, who was stunned, immediately shouted, "Jill, be careful!"

At this moment, Jill was obviously influenced by anger, so when facing the attack of the giant snake, she didn't react for a while.

Jonathan, on the side, grabbed an Incendiary Grenade and swiftly threw it towards the disfigured face of the snake. He didn't understand how that thing was still alive; the snake should be dead at this point.

After throwing that incendiary grenade, Jonathan, who was further back, took the grenade launcher that still had enough ammunition to reload once more.

Realizing the danger, Jonathan didn't wait for Jill to be far enough. He fired; his attacks were enough to kill a whale, so it was impossible for a half-dead snake to survive.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

After three thunderous shots, Jonathan stood there with heavy breathing. It was obvious that he had underestimated the giant snake, as everyone had, and that likely led to Richard's death.

Jonathan, who looked at Jill on the ground, limped toward her and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Cough... How's Richard?" Jill asked with difficulty, still incredibly confused by what had happened in just a few minutes.

"He's not okay..." It was the only thing Jonathan could say as he saw Richard's lifeless body in the distance. He thought Richard would be of great help in defeating the snake with ease, but he didn't realize he sentenced his life to death when he shouldn't have perished in this place.

Is Jonathan guilty of this? To him, he is, but still, he tried not to give it much importance because right now he simply felt nothing.

"We have to move, Jill. We can't stay in this place for too long," Jonathan said, extending a hand to lift Jill, who was on the ground.

Of course, it wasn't the time to lament because they could also be killed at any moment just like Richard.

Jill understood perfectly that they weren't free from dangers, so she nodded and said with a cold voice, "Let's get out of here!"

After leaving the room, Jonathan and Jill continued to search for those masks. As time passed, Jonathan, with some of his knowledge, could remember the place where another mask was.

But at that moment, they had already returned, so after placing the other mask on the door, it opened, revealing a diary.

It recorded the circumstances in which the diary owner was infected, and finally, he lost his mind and began attacking his teammates, slowly turning into a zombie.

After that, two zombies appeared at the other end of the room, to which Jonathan shot twice without even blinking. The way he did it was as if he were an expert, without asking for permission, and after killing those two zombies, they went in search of the other masks.

One is a room full of ancient soldier dolls, and the other is in a hallway that changes the colors of other hanging paintings according to Lisa's portrait.

To be honest, Lisa's portrait is really pleasing to the eye. However, Jonathan, who knew this woman's final fate, could only feel pity and sorrow at the same time.

But remembering what she had become and that she is actually a monster to eliminate, Jonathan feels as if he won't reach that point in the future.

What he needs to do now is recover from his injuries, and for that, he needs to eat a green herb. Thanks to these herbs that heal his wounds and alleviate his fatigue, it's useful to move forward even though his mental state is not entirely well.

The two returned to the cemetery and entered the strange stone room from a moment ago.

After putting the last mask on the strange stone tablet's face, the iron chain that closed the coffin suddenly broke.

Each time a mask is used, a chain breaks.

After two pieces of the chain broke, the coffin was upside down vertically, and it began to emanate blood.

In the end, Jill placed the last mask.


As the coffin fell heavily, Trevor, who had been a zombie for 31 years, slowly rose from the coffin.

His whole body was moderately rotten like other zombies, but he had a strange bright red color on his body.

The sharp claws on his hands were enough to tear Jonathan's body enough to never wake up again.

Looking at the two unknown people, the mutated zombie roared like a beast and ran fiercely towards them.

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