
Beyond Sanity

In an unexpected twist of events Ryota finds himself in a fictional world with an even more unexpected gift. Follow the captivating journey of a reincarnated psychopath as he discovers life anew. Armed with knowledge and rotten to the core, he set his eyes on his new stage, as well as the pawns that rummaged around it.

TheNeutralEvil · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Chapter 5


Following the directions that his victim had given to him before his mutation, he arrived in front of an unassuming building in a busy sector of the city. 

He had long removed the jewelry that signified his status in the Yakuza, changing his appearance to further hide his identity. 

Looking around to make sure he wasn't being watched, he made a sharp turn into an alley. He immediately reinforced his leg muscles before leaping high into the air and rolling into a stand on top of the building. 

By strengthening his muscles while hollowing his bones, he increased the amount of power he could exert while reducing the strain. 

'I'm really enjoying this.' He thought, referring to his testing and experimenting of his quirk. 

Looking down at the building in front of him which was the headquarters of the Matsuba gang, he pulled out small objects from his pockets. 

Upon closer inspection, the objects were revealed to be the shrunken forms of his victims.

'By targeting the body as a whole, I can reduce or increase the size of my target however I wish.' He thought, activating his quirk as they were restored to their normal sizes. 

A smile surfaced on his lips. "I have one simple task for you." Ryota said to his transfigured victims who let out low groans and growls. 

He had spent some time tinkering with their brains to work out how to make them somewhat cognizant and obedient. There was no rush so he wasn't upset by how much time it took him to figure it out. 

Ryota pointed to the building which housed the Yakuza organization. "Destroy this place. Kill everyone inside." He ordered, his smile growing as the bat monster led the charge, flapping its monstrous wings as it flew forward at high speed. 

The others followed suit, leaping after it to join in. 

'If I recall correctly, there aren't many heroes around here. That means they'll at least do some damage before they're stopped.' He was under no delusion that his monsters were invincible. 

He could name a few heroes that could easily take them down but they weren't close enough to get here before the damage was done. This area was known to be a place with a low saturation of pro heroes, at least known to the Yakuza. It was why some of them decided to set up their base in the area but that very factor would be their demise. 

In his guise as a red haired man with green eyes, he watched from his vantage point as the monsters crashed into the building. 


Walking through the building with a calm smile on his face, he made his way to the boss's office. It was a happy day for them all, more so for him. 

They had figured out a way to get rid of the Kyodokai who had been a pain in the ass for a long while and he was the one who came up with the idea. 

The foolish young head of the other organization was terribly immature and impulsive, making it easy to predict his nature, actions and thought process. 

Ryota Takahashi, he would no doubt get into a fight with the fodder they sent to rile him up. With that as well as his recent successful performances, he had no doubt that he was being called up for a reward. 

Getting into the elevator, he selected the option to take him to the top floor only for something to come crashing through the wall. 


He died within seconds, the violent intrusion causing enough blunt trauma to crack his neck and skull. 

Alarms blared throughout the building as the cause of the intrusion was easily found as people rushed into the scene. 

"What the hell is that?!" One of the Yakuza members asked out loud in shock. 

Before any answers could be given, two more creatures made their way through the opening, drool pouring from their mouths as they seemed to glower at them. 

"There's more of them?!"

"Let's kill them!" Another one said, aggressively forming blades on his arms only to wince at a shout. 

"Are you crazy?! Run away!" The man who spoke immediately turned heels and took off. 

His reaction sparked the rest of them into action as they followed his lead, running away as fast as they could. 

It was for naught as the bat-like creature quickly shot forward into the fleeing mass, its teeth clamping on a man's head and devouring it in an instant. 

Their stunned reaction didn't give them the chance to dodge as the muscled porcupine monster made its move, spikes shooting forward and impaling a number of them. 

A select few had defense type quirks, just barely saving them from being turned into human kebabss…for the moment. 

The scorpion monster picked up a piece of debris with its tail, fling it towards a few survivors. 

Despite their best efforts, the invasion soon turned into a massacre with the monsters quickly tearing through the resistance and going ahead to wreak havoc. 


He watched the chaos from above as the hidden yakuza organization was slowly and violently being destroyed. 

The screams from below and inside the building could be heard as well as the feeling of terror spreading. 

'They're doing surprisingly well.' He thought, seeing as how the mutations hadn't been stopped yet.

It was with a bit of sadness that he watched a handful of people in costumes rush into the scene as fast as they could. 

'I guess that's enough for now.' He thought before pausing as he looked behind him. 

"What are you doing up here?" A voice from behind him asked. 

He turned to observe the newcomer, a masked man in a sleeveless black and honestly bland costume. 

"I'm simply enjoying the show. It's not every day this kind of thing happens." Ryota answered, his smile not leaving his face as he watched the man's eyes narrow. 

"I see. I take it you're with those…things." The man said, tense and cautious. 

Ryota took a step forward. "What if I am? Are you going to stop me, hero?" He said the last part with a hint of mockery. 

Rather than a verbal response, the hero stretched forth his hand, a metal chain growing and shooting out of his skin. 

Ryota's eyes widened in surprise, leaning to the side just in time to escape with only a cut on his cheek. 

"So that's your quirk…" Ryota muttered, dodging to the side as another chain shot out and attempted to skewer him again. 

Rushing towards the hero, Ryota dodged into a roll as the chains he dodged earlier moved to pierce him. 

He got close, throwing a hard punch that sent the hero flying towards the next roof. 

In an attempt to regain his balance, the hero created more chains from his body, the chains stabbing into the building to halt himself. 

He controlled the chains like arms, using them to pull himself to the roof. 

'So that's how he got up here in the first place.' He thought, leaping across the building to where his opponent was. 

Seeing Ryota incoming in mid air, the hero manipulated two chains to move at high speed into his path.

Ryota only grinned upon seeing this, using his quirk once more as the back of his shirt burst open, strong black wings revealing themselves and flapping to change his direction and keep him in the air. 

"Since when do heroes use lethal force?" Ryota asked, partly mocking but also curious. 

"You monster, do you know how many people have died because of you and those things?!" The hero sneered, his eyes not leaving Ryota who quickly figured out the mechanics of using his wings.

A mad glint appeared in Ryota's eyes. "I don't care. Sheep shouldn't complain when they're culled." He said, forcing a few feathers to harden and sharpen before firing them forward. 

The hero's eyes widened in surprise before quickly manifesting multiple chains from his body to block the assault of feathers. 

"Super strength? Wings? Now this? Just what is your quirk?!" The hero questioned only for his eyes to widen once more as a hand appeared in his vision. 

Ryota's lengthened arm grabbed his neck before lifting him into the air. 

"Aackk!" The hero struggled, trying to pry himself free. "What…are you?!" He managed to ask. 

"Now why would I tell you that?" Ryota countered, stimulating and manipulating the melatonin in the man's body. 

As expected, sleep quickly overtook him but not without struggle. 

Flying back to the top of the building to land, he dismissed the wings, pulling them back into his body while still holding the man. 

'Quirks are an extension of a person's bodily functions. Quirk factor refers to the collective physical and genetic traits that compose a person's Quirk. This includes the primary Quirk power, as well as all the biological mechanisms that allow said primary power to function properly.' He thought, quoting what he had learnt from his studies. 

With the ability to manipulate biology itself, he should be able to recreate the biological mechanisms that compose a quirk. 

'I was too hasty earlier.' He thought, focusing his quirk on the man in his grasp. 

Rather than mutating him, he used his quirk to carefully 'scan' the man's body and biological functions. It was agonizingly slow but he soon found what he was looking for. 

Now focusing on himself, he mirrored what he had found in his own body, setting the man on the floor. 

Concentrating, chains began manifesting from his skin, mimicking a snake's movement as it danced in the air. 

'Success!' His lips stretched into a grin as he thought of the possibilities, a list of targets forming in his head. 

'That's for later. Now, what do I do with you?' He thought before manipulating the sharp end of the chain, stabbing it into his heart and killing him instantly. 

He controlled the chains to wrap around the dead hero's body before throwing the corpse off the building to the ground below. 

Just as he was about to leave, he remembered that his upper body was without clothing. Getting an idea, he manipulated the previously absorbed biomass to coat his body in the shape of the shirt he previously wore. 

Introducing and manipulating the melanin in it, it gained color, now looking no different from the shirt he ruined. 

"I love my powers." He muttered, manipulating the shirt and creating a space for wings as the feathered appendage formed from his back. 

Flapping powerfully, he took off towards his next destination.