
Beyond Our Imagination

Hyewon has only ever known a life in the Kanen ghettos of hardships, starvation and pain until one day, her father is laid off from work, leaving only Hyewon suitable to provide income for her family. Her new job as a blue-collar worker for a large corporation forces her to move out of her familiar world of the Kanen ghettos to encounter one totally opposite of it - the Triary suburbans. The craziest part? These seemingly new worlds are separated by only a mere fence.

xxseraphinaaxx · Teen
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2 Chs



The wait is over, Beyond Our Imagination is now up on MoboReader! Here's the link: https://www.moboreader.net/Home/BookDetail/19021322

There are edits and whatnot from the version up here so it's still worth keeping up with the chapters I have there so far. As this book is now under a non-exclusive contract, I'll be unpublishing the story from here.

Hope you stay with me on my journey as a writer! (Or go to sera's announcements under my profile to stay up to date with random extras, rants, notes, other announcements and whatever I feel like).

Serious thanks to all of you who thought it would be a good idea to read anything by me! I can't even begin to express how grateful I am!

Cheers, Sera