
Beyond Office Walls

Synopsis: In the luxurious world of corporate power and forbidden desires, a dedicated secretary and a charismatic billionaire CEO find themselves entangled in a passionate love affair that tests their boundaries and challenges societal norms. Meet Olivia Peterson, a diligent and hardworking secretary, known for her exceptional organizational skills and unwavering loyalty. Olivia is content with her role, gracefully blending into the background while ensuring the smooth operation of her boss's empire. Behind her professional facade, she hides a creative spirit and a longing for something more fulfilling. Enter Sebastian Westwood, a captivating and influential billionaire CEO, renowned for his ruthless business tactics and magnetic charm. With a reputation for being unattainable, Sebastian's life revolves around wealth and power. However, beneath his formidable exterior, he yearns for a genuine connection that goes beyond superficiality and wealth. When Olivia catches Sebastian's eye with her competence and subtle beauty, he offers her a promotion as his personal secretary. As Olivia steps into her new role, the boundaries between professional and personal become blurred, and an intense attraction develops between them. Caught in a whirlwind of forbidden desires, they must navigate the treacherous waters of secret rendezvous and hidden affections. Join Olivia and Sebastian on a captivating journey of passion, secrecy, and the pursuit of a love that knows no bounds. Together, they will discover that sometimes, true love can be found in the most unexpected places, even within the confines of an office romance.

majeeree · Realistic
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5 Chs

Chapter Four

Sebastian woke with a start as the blaring sound of his alarm shattered the silence of his bedroom. Rubbing his eyes, he sat up on the edge of the bed, his mind groggily transitioning from dreams to reality. As his senses sharpened, he couldn't help but notice that a certain woman had occupied his thoughts since the previous day—a woman he couldn't shake from his mind.

Annoyed with himself, Sebastian shook his head and muttered under his breath, his voice filled with frustration.

"Why the fuck am I thinking about her?" Sebastian thought to himself

He ran a hand through his disheveled hair, trying to clear his mind of the enticing image that had lingered in his thoughts. He had built a reputation as a focused and driven CEO,in less than 24 hours of being in position, never allowing personal distractions to cloud his professional judgment. Yet, there was something about her, something that defied his usual self-control.

As he stood up, his thoughts continued to drift back to her—her captivating smile, the way her eyes sparkled with intelligence, and the unexpected confidence she displayed in the office. It was as if she possessed a magnetic pull, drawing his attention even when he least expected it.

Sebastian cursed himself for allowing his thoughts to wander. He had important matters to attend to—a company to run, a stupid merger deal to finalize, and a myriad of responsibilities that demanded his full attention. He couldn't afford to be distracted by thoughts of a woman, no matter how intriguing or tempting she might be.

With a determined shake of his head, Sebastian pushed the thoughts of her to the back of his mind, focusing on the tasks ahead. He dressed swiftly, donning a meticulously tailored suit that exuded power and confidence. As he glanced at himself in the mirror, he took a deep breath, reminding himself of the unwavering control he had always maintained.

"It's business as usual. No distractions, no room for anything else"

He left his bedroom, his steps purposeful as he made his way to face the day. But deep down, he couldn't deny the nagging feeling that this woman, with her captivating presence, had already left an indelible mark on his heart—a mark that refused to be ignored, no matter how hard he tried to suppress it.

Sebastian, determined to shake off the lingering thoughts of the woman who had captured his attention, made his way down to the expansive garage of his luxurious mansion. The scent of polished leather and the faint aroma of engine oil filled the air as he approached the row of gleaming cars. As his gaze scanned the assortment of keys hanging on the designated wall, he reached out and randomly plucked one from the cluster.

A Sleek Black Porsche 911 G2T RS

Opening the door, he sank into the plush leather seats, inhaling the distinct scent that enveloped him.

Sebastian ignited the engine, the roar of power filling the air as he maneuvered the car out of the garage.

As he effortlessly navigated the winding roads, the wind rushing through his hair, Sebastian couldn't help but appreciate the artistry of the vehicle. The acceleration was swift, the handling impeccable—a perfect symbiosis of man and machine.

Sebastian parked his black Porsche 911 G2T RS in the lot adjacent to the café situated just across from his company. He felt the need to clear his mind, and a fresh cup of coffee seemed like the perfect remedy. Stepping out of his car, he couldn't help but glance around, absorbing the vibrant energy of the bustling street.

As he approached the café entrance, his gaze fell upon a familiar figure standing near the window. His heart skipped a beat, for there she was—the woman who had unknowingly captivated his thoughts and stirred a whirlwind of emotions within him. The sight of her caused a cascade of emotions to flood his senses once more

Her back was turned to him, her silhouette illuminated by the soft glow of the café's interior. Her graceful posture and the way she absentmindedly twirled a strand of hair with her fingertips caught his attention. Sebastian's steps faltered as he watched her, his usual composure momentarily slipping away.

But then his face turned rigid as he spotted Olivia standing just outside the café, engaged in conversation with another man. His heart sank, and a surge of jealousy surged through his veins. His face turned cold, his jaw clenched tightly as his mind raced with questions—Who was this man? What was their relationship?

Determined to gain her attention, Sebastian squared his shoulders and strode purposefully past them, his gaze fixed on Olivia. He made sure to walk with an air of confidence, hoping she would notice his presence.

Olivia, sensing his presence, turned her head and locked eyes with Sebastian. Recognition flickered in her gaze, mixed with surprise at his sudden appearance. The other man noticed Sebastian as well, his expression shifting from casual conversation to guarded curiosity.

Sebastian's voice was laced with controlled determination as he addressed Olivia, his eyes piercing into hers.

"Ms. Peterson, there you are. I didn't expect to see you here with company."

His words hung in the air, filled with a subtle undercurrent of possessiveness. He couldn't hide the sharp edge in his tone, a sign of the emotions churning within him.

"Ok what's up with him again, is he in his period or something?" Olivia thought to herself.

Olivia, caught off guard by Sebastian's direct approach, struggled to find the right words. She glanced briefly at the man beside her before refocusing on Sebastian, her voice tinged with a hint of unease.

"Oh...uh sir, this is my friend, Alex from highschool. We were just catching up."

Sebastian's gaze shifted momentarily to Alex, his eyes narrowing as he sized him up. He offered a curt nod, acknowledging his presence before redirecting his attention to Olivia.

"I see. Well, it's good to know you have friends to keep you company." Sebastian commented with his ever rigid face and a little bit of attitude.

"Seems like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" Olivia mentally rolled her eyes.

and besides what's that supposed to mean.

" But next time you want to have a reunion do it somewhere else not in front of my fucking company" Sebastian said while looking at Alex.

The fuck. who does he think he is

uhhhh....your boss

shut up brain

"Alex I'm really sorry about my boss we'll see later maybe during lunch at that cafe" Olivia suggested while pointing towards the cafe opposite to them.

"Ok then let's exchange numbers"  Alex suggested and they exchanged each others numbers. Olivia waved to Alex as he left and he smiled in return.

As she turned to take a quick look at the cafe she spotted Sebastian's car and smirked.

That jerk is so gonna get a parking ticket.

She smiled as she walked into the company building.