
Beyond Existence: The MirSig Chronicles

In a vast and mysterious universe, there existed a God named MirSig. MirSig was unlike any other deity ever known, transcending the limitations of other gods and dimensions. This enigmatic God possessed the ability to create both living and non-living matter, shaping countless worlds and dimensions beyond our comprehension. However, MirSig harbored an unforeseen weakness, unbeknownst to anyone but the author of his existence. Only the author possessed the knowledge that a mere word from their mouth could weaken MirSig and render him vulnerable.

MirSig · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Shadows Unveiled

Rebecca gave strict instructions to her head maid, commanding her to discreetly hire an assassin whossole purpose was to eliminate Funmi's child. The head maid obediently carried out her orders and later informed Lady Rebecca that the deed would be carried out under the cover of darkness tonight.

As the wicked plan unfolded within the walls of the estate, an ominous atmosphere settled upon everyone present. The head maid diligently made secretive arrangements with a skilled assassin, ensuring absolute confidentiality and calculated precision in the imminent strike.

As night descends upon the Sokeye estate, an eerie silence blankets the corridors, concealing the unfolding danger. The hired assassin, shrouded in darkness, stealthily infiltrates the heavily guarded quarters of Funmi and her child, Miracle Sig.

The dimly lit passageways serve as a backdrop for the nefarious intentions, and the assassin moves with calculated precision, aiming to fulfill Rebecca's ruthless command. Silently gliding through the shadows, the intruder inches closer to Miracle Sig's room, the faint sound of footsteps barely registering in the quietude of the night.

Upon reaching the chamber where the young Miracle rests, the assassin, a figure obscured in the darkness, prepares to execute the deadly deed. A poisoned needle, the tool of assassination is readied, aimed at the unsuspecting child.

However as the assassin attempts to administer the fatal strike, an unforeseen barrier, a powerful protection spell activated, thwarts the malevolent intent. The atmosphere crackles with magic as the protection spell manifests, creating a sudden shockwave that propels the would-be assailant backward, causing him to collide with the chamber wall.

The unexpected forceful impact leaves the assassin reeling, blood oozing from his mouth, disoriented and incapacitated. The guards stationed nearby, alerted by the commotion, swiftly converged upon the scene, encircling the bewildered intruder, who struggled to refrain his footing and flee the fire consequences of his failed mission.

Simultaneously, Funmi, attuned to the danger surrounding her child, rushes into the room upon hearing the disturbance. With maternal instinct guiding her, she swiftly scoops up Miracle, ensuring his safety and casting a protective shield around them both.

The family's vigilant guards, responding promptly, intercept and apprehend the incapacitated assassin before he can escape through the window, preventing any chance of further harm. The subdued intruder is quickly restrained, ensuring that he poses no additional threat.

The failed attempt on Miracle Sig's life sends ripples of tension and apprehension throughout the Sokeye household. Funmi, holding her son proactively, orders the swift packing of her son's belongings, determined to keep her child, Miracle Sig, under her constant watch and protection.

In the aftermath of the foiled assassination, the Patriarch, Archduke Paul, alerted to the disturbance, arrives at the scene, questioning the situation with blend of concern and apprehension. Funmi, still visibly shaken but resolute, assured her husband of their safety and demands to be shown where the captured assassin is being detained.

Meanwhile, Rebecca, as news of the botched assasination attempt reaches her, experiences a surge of anxiety and fear. Witnessing her meticulously orchestrated plan unravel fill her with a sense of dread and uncertainty, realizing that the repercussions of her actions may be more dire than anticipated. She retreats to her quarters, shaken and petrified by the unexpected turn of events.

Funmi was taken to the location where the assassin was being held. Upon laying eyes on the assassin, she swiftly seized one of the guards' swords and deftly removed two of the assassin's fingers. Just as she was about to extract valuable information about the mastermind behind the assasination plot, the assassin tragically succumbed to the hidden poison concealed in his mouth, leaving Funmi infuriated. She stormed off to her living quarters, filled with anger and frustration.

Funmi brought her unaware child unto the bed as they both slept peacefully. The following morning, Rebecca paid Funmi a visit, feigning concern. However, Funmi was not oblivious to the ulterior motives behind Rebecca's visit. She suspected that Rebecca was the mastermind behind the assasination attempt, although she lacked concrete evidence to support her accusation. Funmi calmly replied to Rebecca's inquiry, stating, "I'm fine and so is my child. The assassin took his own life before we had the chance to to interrogate him about the mastermind. By the way what do you think I did with his body after he tried to harm my child? I scattered it." Funmi's mischievous smile hinted at her deception as she added, "Just kidding, Lady Rebecca." With that, Rebecca left without uttering a word in response.

As she retreated to her own room, she was overwhelmed with fear and disbelief at what had transpired. She pondered, "I ways underestimated her, thinking she was merely naive. Who knew she was a tiger disguised as a house cat?" Realizing the danger she was in, Rebecca resolved to lay low for the time being. She instructed her maid to refrain from taking any action and advised against any interaction with the spy residing in Funmi's quarters.

In the cloak of secrecy and looming danger, trust frays and intentions surface, unraveling hidden facets and testing the strength of maternal ferocity.

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