
Beyond Existence: The MirSig Chronicles

In a vast and mysterious universe, there existed a God named MirSig. MirSig was unlike any other deity ever known, transcending the limitations of other gods and dimensions. This enigmatic God possessed the ability to create both living and non-living matter, shaping countless worlds and dimensions beyond our comprehension. However, MirSig harbored an unforeseen weakness, unbeknownst to anyone but the author of his existence. Only the author possessed the knowledge that a mere word from their mouth could weaken MirSig and render him vulnerable.

MirSig · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Divine Descent

MirSig found himself in an inexplicable state, surrounded by white void that defied his divine senses. Attempting to use his divine sense and eyes to grasp the situation, he was alarmed to discover that they were inexplicable blocked. Panic set in, and desperately tried to use his powers to break free, only to find that they were futile against the white space. Confusion and fear overwhelmed him as he grappled with the inexplicable loss of his powers.

In the midst of this turmoil, a mysterious voice echoed, questioning MirSig's affinity for Earth and its inhabitants. Bewildered, MirSig responded to the voice's inquires, affirming his liking for Earth and its human denizens. The voice probed further, asking if he desired the human experience. MirSig, intrigued, expressed his wish to undergo such an experience. The mysterious voice then offered to fulfill his desire but at the cost of his memories and powers, assuring him that they would be restored upon reaching a certain level of power on Earth. Contemplating the conditions, MirSig driven by desire for a new experience, willingly accepted the mysterious offer.

In an instant, a white light enveloped MirSig, and he vanished, transitioning to an unknown realm.

Now on Earth, the Sokeye family stood as a prominent force in the Miranda Cotinent. Archduke Paul Aki Sokeye, a level 9 powerhouse, held the patriarchal role. The household included two wives—Funmi Buk Sokeye, the first wife, and Rebecca, the second wife. The family had two children, John Van, who is 12 years old, and Johan Dan, who is 8 years old. Notably, Funmi, who had been childless, was now eleven months pregnant with a child of exceptional qualities, leading to an extended pregnancy.

In Funmi's room, a sense of inadequacy loomed as she contemplated her humble origins and perceived inability to contribute to her husband's political endeavors. Suddenly, a cry pierced the air, prompting a frantic call for help. AHHHHH! The headmaid hastily summoned the household physician, and maid rushed to respond.

The physician entered, attending to Funmi during childbirth. Surprisingly the Archduke remained indifferent, not visiting the wife he loved. Hours later, Funmi gave birth to a baby boy with eyes suggesting an ability to peer into others' minds. Unbeknownst to all, this child named Miracle Sig Sokeye, was a reincarnated God. As Funmi gazed at her newborn, she tearfully pledged protection before succumbing to a peaceful slumber.

Patriarch Paul entered, acknowledging the child uniqueness. Smiling, he named the boy Miracle Sig, casting protective spells on both the baby and his wife before departing. Meanwhile, Rebecca seethed with anger upon learning of Funmi's male offspring, realizing that Funmi's son would automatically become the next Patriarch.

Driven by jealousy and malice, Rebecca plotted harm against Funmi's child. She enlisted the headmaid to send a spy to Funmi's quarters to monitor her activities.

Months passed, and Miracle, now able to crawl and climb, stumbled upon a Gilmore belonging to his mother, opening this book, he began skimming its contents. Funmi found him engrossed in the mystical tome and, with maternal care, read its contents to him. Miracle an extraordinary child with an impeccable memory, absorbed the information. Left alone, he recalled what he had learned and began practicing, showcasing a profound understanding.

One hour later, Miracle initiated the sensing of mana, circulating it in his heart to form his first magical circle, Despite the tingling pain, he endured, forming the circle before busting into tears. Attended to by his vigilant mother, Miracle's needs were meticulously cared for, as Funmi trusted no one in her quarter except her trustworthy personal maid.

In Rebecca's quarter, she interrogated the spy planted in Funmi's quarter. The spy divulged Funmi's unwavering care for her son, not allowing any other maid to tend to him. Satisfied, Rebecca dismissed the spy and contemplated on her next move. Determined to eliminate the perceived threat, she resolved to assassinate the boy.

As she contemplated the details of the impending assassination, an eerie laughter echoed from within Rebecca's room. HEHEHEHE! The ominous sound hinted at a darker schemes yet to unfold in the intricate tapestry of the Sokeye family's destiny.

In the intricate dance of gods and mortals, 'Divine Descent' unravels the threads of MirSig's rebirth and Miracle's awakening, foretelling a destiny entwined with magic and malice.

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