
₴₮ØⱤɎ #3 : ₮ⱧɆ ⱤØØ₥₥₳₮Ɇ'₴ ĐɆ₳₮Ⱨ

I was feeling pretty great today!

Usually, I hear some kind of scratching noise on the wall when I'm trying sleep. But today was different, my beauty sleep was finally fulfilled and not interrupted like every other day. Sleep was important, especially today because I had to pay extra attention for the review the teacher was giving for today.

My dormmate Olivia, slept like it was nothing. I don't know how she does it, like the annoying sound doesn't even annoy her or does she not hear it at all? I asked her about it, but Olivia said she had never heard of anything like it at all.

I started to wonder if it was all in my ḫ̵̋e̴̪͋a̸͙͌d̸̬̕.̴̻͒.̸̱͐.̴͇̊_̵̺͆_̸̀ͅ.̷̤̓.̸̳̍.̸̨̀.̸̯̌.̷͈͊

As I woke up, she was already gone. Didn't take long to get ready and headed straight to the cafeteria where I had my breakfast. I loved breakfast, it was the single most favorite part of the day, well for me anyways. That's because the hottest guy in school comes here! The only thing I know about him is that his name is Leon. He doesn't seem to talk about himself that much so he's pretty much a hot mysterious guy.

As if today couldn't get any better, he sat right next to me!! I almost forgot to breath because of how hot he was. Everything he did was perfect, the way he talked, the way he sat, and even when he does nothing.

I wanted him for myself soo bad. For that single moment when he noticed me, I wanted him to me mine. My throbbing heart felt like it was about to burst because he spoke to me. I barely understood what he said, but what I did hear was like a wish come true.

"You look pretty, you wanna date?!"

Ya I know, his speech was pretty lame, but he wants me and I want ḣ̸̡͇̭̄i̴̬͓͋̌m̵̗̮̝̿̕̕

Class was about to start soon and it was the one I hated the most. At least I had that class with my roommate.

"Isabel! Isabel!," Olivia called out.

"Are you okay? You look like you just saw a murderer!," Olivia said while laughing.

I laughed back at her and said it was nothing, I was just overwhelmed for the mid-term that's coming up. The worst part of the class was not the subject, it was mainly the teacher. I just had to get the most worse and the most strict teacher, like she's cliché as hell!

I had heard there was a party today, and I didn't know if I wanted to study or go to the party with my new boyfriend. Yeah I accepted the proposal, like who wouldn't.

I tried to convince Olivia to go with me to the party.

She refused.

She would rather study than go, after all the mid-term is due tomorrow and that gave me second thoughts about going.

At the end of the day I went to the party. I really wanted Olivia to come. All she really does is study and doesn't seem to do anything fun. I knew her well as we are best friends and all. I'm just worried she might get hurt.

The party was amazing, it was crowded with so many college students. All the while with Leon the best boyfriend any girl would want.

And he's all mine!

"Hey Isabel, I think I'll head back early. Don't worry about a ride. One of my friends will take you back when you're done." Leon said it as if he was in a hurry.

Right before he turned, I saw a glimpse of a smile. Not just any smile, his smile looked a little menacing. The party went on without him, and I kind of felt guilty for leaving Olivia to study alone.

Time passed by... I went to one of Leon's friends to get me a ride back to the dorms.

I arrived at 2:00 AM.

I slowly opened the door. The room was really dark and I didn't want to turn the lights on as I assumed she was sleeping and I didn't want to wake her. The flashing of the lights always annoyed me when I tried to sleep.

So oddly enough I left the lights off.

I had just noticed she was snoring. I had never heard her snoring before so this was a first.

I quickly tucked myself into bed and reminded myself that I'll wake up early to study and get Olivia to help.

Before I could sleep, I heard a strange noise. It was unfamiliar, and I thought someone was there ready to k̶͈͑̈͝ȉ̴͔͎l̷͈͓̓̏ľ̴̨̥̳̓͂ me. So I went under my bed sheet to try to fall asleep...

The next day came by so fast. It always fascinated me that, when you fall asleep you're already awake because the next day came by really fast like in a second. I got out of bed startled when I saw Olivia sleeping on the chair. She was still snoring so I was careful not to interrupt her. I got closer and realized the snoring was emanating from a device, I was confused because I thought Olivia was the one snoring.

I was worried... I went to her to ask about why she would do that.

I turned her around to see her face in terror. The face in constant horror like she was stuck being jump scared. I was horrified to see her in such as state.

I couldn't breathe

I grasped for air when I saw blood dripping from her stomach.

I couldn't think

I couldn't breathe

I couldn't say a single word to call out for help.

Right then, I noticed something in the corner of my eyes.

Something was written in blood.

All I could make out was -

A̷̱̔ṙ̵̘ẽ̴͕n̷̳͘'̷̣͛t̷͖͑ ̴̲̃ Y̷͜͝ȯ̴̦u̵͖̔ ̵̳̓G̸̺͂ĺ̷̜ạ̶̉d̶̹̋ ̷̝̉ Y̴͈̒o̷̻̚ư̸͜ ̶͎̈́ Ḋ̴̮ḯ̴̜d̵̢̔n̴͈̋'̵̭͗ṯ̶̒ ̶̰̈ T̴̊ͅu̵͉͒r̶̝̿ň̴̯ ̵̻̋ o̵̳̊n̸̮͗ ̴͕͝ ţ̶̑h̶̹͠e̶̟̽ ̷̞̈́L̵̜̀ȉ̴͎g̶͆ͅh̶̯̓t̴͇̒?̸̹͠

乃卂匚长丂丅口尺丫 - This tale dates back 50 years ago, where a family member or a close friend would tell a story about a female protagonist and her roommate. The female protagonist goes to sleep with her lights off and finding that in the morning, her friend had been killed. As the story is sometimes told, the protagonist hears suspicious noises while the crime is being committed but is afraid to investigate because she thinks it could be an intruder coming after her.

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