
Chapter 12

Chapter 12

-Yìshí 's box-

Focusing his aura into his right arm, Ben lunched a punch colliding once again with Allmight's causing a slight shockwave. Ben gritted his teeth as he went for another punch only for Allmight to replicate.

They soon started clashing punch after punch against each other causing shockwaves each getting stronger and stronger, Ben struggled to keep up with the larger man, but due to adaptation he was able to match the hero's strength temporarily but at the cost of his arms constantly getting fractured or breaking and being healed causing steam to pour out of his costume.

Ben dodged one of Allmight's punches, and fired a smoke bomb hitting the hero's face and smoke covered the man while Ben delivered a hard punch on the hero's midsection, making the hero stumble slightly and inhale the smoke.

Allmight coughed a bit as he narrowed his eyes seeing Ben's outline through the smoke, he dashed out of the smoke and before Ben could react the hero punched him in the stomach sending him hitting the window cracking it and causing spider cracks on his chest plate.

"Damn, you hit pretty hard." Ben said as steam came out of his chest and the cracks disappear. "Even when you aren't using your max from that borrowed quirk of yours," he added but it Allmight's face didn't change.

"Does he know about OFA," he thought clenching his fist. "Unlike you, I don't kill my opponents. I'll make sure you will be judged for every single person you harmed." Allmight said definitely.

Chuckling slightly Ben shook his head. "Ah, yes "the heroic problem" of not killing their opponents, I think you should tell that to Endeavor," he said with a slight shrug. "But when have you been able to see the problem in front of you, anyways?"

"Another villain, that hates heroes?" he thought but he knew that the villain in front of him was different from most he fought against. "You sound like you know me, but I highly doubt you understand me."

"In a way you are correct, but what can I say. I like talking during fights," Ben said. {Shocking gloves at max,} he gave the command as his gloves started glowing blue and crackle. "Round 2?"

Ben asked once again being the first to attack but this time he approached with his fist up, Allmight seeing this went straight to deliver a punch. "Detroit Smash!"

Barely dodging the punch, Ben delivered a hard right hook on the hero's stomach as the shock crackled, Ben continued by delivering another punch and kept punching at the hero's face taking advantage of his dazed state, but it stopped When Allmight dodged one of Ben's punches and delivered a hard fist on Ben's chest sending him into the cement wall.

Ben coughed slightly as his chest plate was completely cracked, it started to fix but even the slightly dazed state Allmight followed up with another hard punch completely shattering the chest plate and send Ben through the cement wall into the next room.

"Okay, that hurt," he thought removing his face mask coughing out blood on floor. "Shit, I forgot that pain stinged like this," he thought coughing a few times as steam came from his chest healing his fractured bones. {Power at 45%, recommend shutting down a few functions,} Atlas told him as Ben slowly was getting up.

Allmight shook his head trying to regain his bearings while he coughed a few times. He could his insides burning slightly probably because of the smoke, he inhaled "I have to finish this soon," he thought getting up seeing through the hole that Ben was still on the floor. {Nighteye…} he tried communicating but it only returned loud static. "It was probably fried while he attacked." Allmight thought seeing that Ben was getting up.

The hero walked over to him grabbing Ben by the right hand and applied pressure making sure, Ben can't escape and making the brunette grunt in pain.

"This is the best chance, I have." Ben thought as anti-quirk spread into the hero, and kicked Allmight on his side with full force causing Ben's leg to snap but still caused the hero to let him go and backed away grunting in pain holding his side.

Ben's leg snapped back in place and dashed tackling the hero into the wall, covering his arms in ki, Ben started to deliver hit after hit turning into a blur of fists as Allmight was getting pressed against the wall going deeper and deeper with each of Ben's punches. Backing his fist with all he got, Ben punched the hero in the chest breaking the wall and sending Allmight falling into the lobby of the auction causing screams from people there.

Ben fell to his knees breathing heavily as his arms once again were erupting in steam healing the fractured bones. "Shit, this was way more than I expected," he thought getting up.

As soon he did, his senses went haywire once again as Allmight jumped back appearing in front of Ben. "I'm not done yet!" he yelled throwing his fist forward.

Crossing his arms in protection and using ki on his limbs. Allmight delivered a Detroit smash sending Ben flying backwards going through cement wall one after one. "Fuck!" Ben yelled in pain as not only his arms were completely broken with a few ribs, but his back was also getting damaged as he broke through the cement wall.

Forcing himself to stop digging his feet on the ground skidding to a stop with his back against another wall. Ben's costume on the back was missing pieces and wasn't fixing like before. {10%} the ai told him.

Ben grunted as he lowered his limps arms this time healing slower as his body started overheating. He took deep breathes as he forced his body to keep standing, as he could hear the hero get closer.

Almight coughed once again, as his breathing canal was burning at this point, he ignored it the best he could while approaching Ben. "Are going willingly or do I have to beat some more sense into you?"

Ben gritted his teeth, as he lowered his head. "Dammit, I need more time," he thought clenching his fist. "I have to admit, now I see why you are the number one hero," Ben started making Allmight narrow his eyes and ready himself for any attack.

"I just wished you would've put as much effort you are into capturing me, in the Minogashita murder case," Ben said making the hero stop and glare at him.

"And what you mean by that?" Allmight asked fully now ignoring his burning insides completely focusing on the villain in front of him.

"By that, I mean you let the murderer walk away unpunished," Ben said looking up at the hero. "Take a guess, which villain has a personal vendetta with you and he fancy in killing people who are friend's of OFA users?" he said making the hero clench his fist tightly. "By the looks of it, you know the answer."

"How…" Allmight didn't get to finish as another smoke bomb exploded on his feet causing smoke the cover him again, and his coughs to worsen.

Ben sighed in relief, as he clenched both fists. {Direct all material and collected Kinect energy to my left arm and detach and right glove in 5 seconds,} Ben ordered as he aimed his right hand at the hero.

Allmight waved the smoke away with a strong gust of wind, and had to take deep breathes while that, he felt something hit the right of his midsection. "Sorry, but I can't be taken now." Ben said as volts spread into the hero's body making him grunt in pain.

{Unload all bombs at once on the right glove.} Ben ordered as the glove unloaded all bombs causing smoke to cover the hero and followed by even stronger volts and sticking to the hero's side because of the sticky glue.

{Unleash in 5 seconds,} Ben added covering his left arm in ki and using the moment the hero was distracted delivering, his own hard punch that followed a large shockwave against the man's chest sending Allmight flying going through the same holes as Ben and stopping at the entrance of the lobby.

Breathing heavily, Ben looked at his completely broken, limp and purple arm. "So that's how Izuku feels," he thought stumbling forward and fell forward gritting his teeth. {Armor at 5%, entering standby mode,} the ai said as Ben's costume started to retract and went back to his watch leaving Ben, in his black attire from when he left the house.

{Yusei, I'm pretty beat up. Tell Yuga to get ready,} Ben forced himself up and did his best to ran towards where he left Yìshí , stumbling slightly as his vision was getting blurry.

-With Yusei-

Yusei sighed in relief. "Thank goodness" he thought looking over Yuga who was still a bit tired but nodded, ready to go. Yusei showed him a 3d model of where to go. "Head there now, Endeavor is heading your way as we speak." Yusei said as he looked back at the screen putting the car in autopilot and changed cameras to the parking lot. "They already took care of the decoys," he muttered.

-Meanwhile with Allmight-

Allmight was grunting in pain and coughing a lot. The smoke really did a number on him while the shock and sticky bomb made it harder for him to focus, he tried to pull the sticky bomb but his hand was getting stuck in the foam like substance while the volts were making it harder to remove it. "Damn it," he thought pushing through the pain but both the smoke and volts were getting to him. "Where are the others," he thought with his answer being his colleague finally arriving.

"What the hell you are doing, Allmight!?" Endeavor yelled looking forward seeing the holes in the walls.

"His that way, be careful," Allmight groaned forcing himself up. "He can lessen the effect of others quirks," Allmight said coughing once again heavily. Endeavor nodded and went off using his flames to boost himself forward.

"He couldn't defeat this villain?" Endeavor thought smirking a bit. "If I get him, I'll prove everyone that I'm better," he thought with his goal in mind to capture Omuni whatever the cost.

-With Ben-

Ben finally arrived at Yìshí who was still unconscious. "Good one less problem," he thought breathing heavily as he approaching Yìshí and slung him on his shoulder.

{Endeavor on his way, get out now.} Yusei told him making Ben groan loudly as he ran out of the room and ahead towards the opposite elevator on the end of the hallway. "Yusei, reload my stock," he ordered as he kept running as best as could trying to ignore the feeling of his joints screaming him to stop.

But he soon had to dodge a flame javelin almost hitting Yìshí making Ben growl, as he had to lean against a wall to keep himself from falling.

"Shit," Ben thought seeing another fire attack using his good hand to wave the attack away making the flame disappear. "I don't have time for this."

Endeavor stopped his flames and looked at Ben. "This is Omuni?" he thought honestly expecting more from the so called most wanted villain. "You can surrender and avoid getting burn," Endeavor said approaching Ben with his hand already on fire, while Ben looked at him with a mix of bored look and glare.

Taking a shaky breath, Ben growled as he clenched his fist. "Like I told Allmight…I still have bigger plans before being caught!" he yelled as a massive wave of killer intent washed over the hallway.

Endeavor froze as the aura of pure hate and anger made him think twice before attacking, meanwhile Ben fired a sticky bomb on the man's face, causing the hero the snap out of his daze and try to pull the foam off of his face, firing another sticky bomb at the hero's feet. Using the chance, Ben ran off forcing his body way beyond, his usual limits.

Ben ran at top speed arriving at the elevator and forced the door opened with a kick, entering he stomped on the metal floor of the elevator sending the box underground in high speed. "Fuck, I'm about to pass out," he thought shaking his head as he was fighting to stay awake.

He got a bit of a jump when the elevator hit the floor sending the two to the ground. "Lilith's for sure is going to kill me," he thought grunting as he tried to get up but fall to the ground again.

He grunted looking up slightly seeing Yuga running over him making him sigh a bit in relief. "I'm glad seeing you Yuga."

Yuga nodded grabbing Ben and Yìshí dragging them to the get away car.

-With Endeavor-

Endeavor was still trying to pull the foam off of his face, only for it to get harder with how much he struggled. "Damn It, I'm start losing air," he thought as it was getting harder and harder for him to breathe. He used his flames to free himself but instead it made the foam to solidify.

In rage, he forcefully pulled his hand breaking the now solid and freeing his head. He took deep gulps of air and coughed slightly. "What kind of quirk that villain has?" he thought looking at his feet and did the same freeing himself.

Regaining his bearing, he went off running towards the elevator. "I can't let him escape," he thought using his flames as a booster to get to it. Seeing that the elevator was down he jumped off landing and melting the ceiling of the elevator.

He landed on the metal floor only to see that the door was covered in foam making Endeavor growled as he fires a large torrent of fire solidifying and break it.

He ran out of the elevator to see an empty underground road with no signs of Omuni or the sound of a car engine. Endeavor growled tighten his fist.

He tried using his earpiece but it only static was on the other end making him even angrier. "That trash escaped," he growled clenching his fist. "Maybe his outside the barricade," he thought running off back to the elevator and climbed his way back.

-With Yusei-

Yusei was more relaxed still driving the armored van, heading straight to the backstage, he was loud with horns honking each second easily getting the attention of most guards in the backstage. They were armored guards that started firing at the van only making Yusei increase his car speed aiming to hit the wall making the guards to jump out of the way.

As soon the van got closer to the wall it disappeared cutting the signal of his screen making him sigh slightly.

"Well, we are done," Yusei said looking over at Lilith. "The mission was a success." He said making Lilith sigh in relied.

"Good, now I can murder that idiot for doing something so stupid," she said growling slightly. "Where are they heading?" she asked lifting a sleeping Amber into the van while Yusei went to drag Kizaru.

"They are heading to Titan Enterprise, Byoki is already knows what happened," Yusei answered closing the van door as Lilith tapped her watch returning to her normal wear and did the same for Amber. "So probably she's going to do that, first." Yusei joked getting a glare from Lilith.

"Shut up and drive," she said as Yusei turned on the car and drove out the hideout and driving the opposite way heading straight towards one of the largest building in the city.

-Backstage of the auction-

The guards were left confused. "What the hell happen?" one of them asked getting up but soon enough they felt restricted and fell to the ground.

"I already captured the armored culprits," Best Jeanist said into the com as he and Edgeshot made their way past the guard while the swat members with them arrested the down guards.

Edgeshot was in front folding himself under the door and turning into string piercing the few guards left causing them to stay still. "Get in," he said as Best Jeanist and other swat members came in rushing towards the stage causing the already panicking buyers try desperately to force themselves though the door but to no avail.

"Freeze everyone here is under arrest!" The captain of the swat team yelled having zero effect but Best Jeanist used his quirk once again making the people that were trying to leave fall to the floor tied up with their own clothes.

After cuffing the rest of the guards, Edgeshot and the few swat members went to the captured women who were hiding in the corner.

"We cleared the area; every culprit has been arrested. We need more vans to take them." Edgeshot said looking at them frowning slightly under his mask. "And some ambulances," he said looking at the terrified and hopeless faces of the women.

-Meanwhile with Yuga-

He drove like his life depended on, going at max speed. "Hold on a bit longer Boss," he thought as he finally found an exit of the underground to the empty streets. He sighed in relief seeing no cops or heroes nearby. "Probably still dealing with fake Omunis," he thought taking the car straight towards a large building.

The building was an odd sight, it was easily one of the highest towers in the city, but it all atheistic was technological looking almost something ripped out a cyberpunk future. He took a turn going in front of a garage door.

The door opened and Yuga drove in the now going a bit lower, as he went passed the white walls of the garage and took another left approaching a large side way door that opened revealing a large medical/laboratory.

{Bring him to the healing pods.} came a female voice from the speakers and Yuga followed the order getting out of the car and slung a limp Ben on his shoulder. He ran towards the assign section of the building to find a woman near the pods.

She looked extremely paled like she was at death's door, she had toxic green hair and matching eyes, her attire was of a white doctor lab coat, pink strip undershirt and white pants. She also had a metallic face mask covering her lower face.

"Put him in the pond." She ordered sounding pretty annoyed typing on the side of a pod, making it lay down.

Yuga followed her orders and laid Ben on the pond, and she grabbed a breathing mask strapping on Ben's mouth and closed the pond. Typing once again the pod started filling with blue-ish liquid. "6 years and I still have to take care of him, I don't know how Kara could handle him." She muttered under her breath as the pod was filled with the liquid.

She looked at the screen and groaned. "Broken ribs, fractured right arm and his left arm is completely dismantled…he even vaporised all the cartilage in his left arm," she thought pinching the bridge of her nose. "Thank whichever god that exist, for his healing factor," she said while Yuga was looking at her.

"Sorry, got distracted," she said yawning. "Did the idiot really fight Allmight?" she asked getting a nod from Yuga. "Oh, Lilith will rip him a new one," she said chuckling slightly as she walked over to one of the many tables of the lab.

"I don't about you, but I'm going back to sleep. Wake me when the others arrive." She said yawning sitting on her chair and laying on the table like a switch fell asleep.

Yuga nodded, as he went to make sure Yìshí doesn't have anything that could aid him in escaping.

-Meanwhile with the heroes-

-With Endeavor-

He arrived at the first floor of the lobby, seeing some police officers taking a few people in cuffs, before he could take another step his com came to life. {Endeavor what happened?} came the voice of Gran Torino. {We lost connection as soon, you went into elevator.}

"Omuni escaped, explore the area outside of the barricade," Endeavor growled as he saw Nighteye and Naomasa run in the casino.

"By the looks of it, I presume Omuni escaped?" Naomasa questioned Endeavor who walked past them.

"He and Yìshí , escaped. Allmight fucked it up," he said walking past as he stomped out of the casino, shaking his head slightly as he saw things distorted for a moment.

"I'm going to check on Allmight," Nighteye said heading to the elevator as Allmight still in his buff form walked out of the elevator coughing slightly. "Allmight," Naomasa said approaching the hero who tried to keep himself straight.

"Naomasa…" He started but stopped when he coughed into his fist and notice he coughed a bit of blood. "I need to talk to you and Nighteye later, right now I need an ambulance," he grunted out going into a coughing fit.

"Gran Torino, we need an ambulance for Allmight," Nighteye told the older hero through the com and getting a confirmation. "It's on the way," he said getting a nod from Allmight. "I really hope Omuni, isn't the villain in my vison," he thought while the rest took cleared the property.

-A few hours later-

-Titan Enterprise's Lab -

Byoki yawned stretching on her seat, looking around she noticed that Lilith and Yusei already arrived. Lilith was looking at the healing pod that held Ben with a slight inpatient look while Yusei was taping on a laptop.

"I thought, I told Yuga to wake me up when the others arrive," she said getting up as Lilith looked over at her.

"Well, it's just me and Yusei, Jen and Tarkin haven't arrived," Lilith said getting a yawned from Byoki.

"And I thought, I was the lazy member of the group," she commented glancing over at Yusei, who seemed to intentionally leaned closer to screen avoiding glancing at the woman. "Anyways, you know he won't wake up now, right?"

Lilith sighed. "What's the estimated?"

"5 days to a week, probably be his shortest coma yet," Byoki said yawning once again as they heard a dig. "Finally, you two are here," Byoki said looking at the entrance to see a man and a woman.

The male was around Ben's height but, he clearly was muscular than the brunette. He had short dark crimson hair with purple eyes and tan ish skin tone, he was dressed in a red vest jacket with a white undershirt and blue pants.

Meanwhile the woman besides him, was shorter reaching his shoulder. She had a short indigo hair tied up in a ponytail, with matching eyes that were behind a par of square glasses, she had brown ish skin tone and her attire was similar to Byoki's.

"You call us at 1 am out of nowhere, for the report of a mission while who did the mission, is out cold," Jen said with a yawned rubbing her eyes. "We aren't like you two, being awake for days without an end."

"Are you done complaining?" Byoki asked as the man walked past them grabbing a seat.

"Trust me, she did it all the way here," he grumbled yawning himself looking over at the healing pod. "How messed up, is he?"

"Pretty bad, almost like when we fought Maxwell," Byoki said making the man raise an eyebrow.

"Really? And how long is he going to be out? Two months?" he asked.

"1 week at least, Tarkin." Byoki answered while the red head glanced once again at Ben.

"He was pretty reckless, and that's usually me," Tarkin said getting a sigh in agreement from Lilith.

"Yes, it was and since Ben is out and Salazar isn't here, who's taking Ben place for the week?" she asked making the room look at one other.

Tarkin raised his hand. "I just need a script and his logs," he said as Byoki waited a few seconds.

"Well, who's against it?" She asked as no one raised their hands making her nod.

"Well first thing, Yusei finished whatever you are doing and then send a good annoying message to the police and heroes," Tarkin said getting up. "After that send me Ben's to do list for the week."

Yusei simply nodded. "Good, now as temporary leader. I call this meeting over and we can return to our bed. It has been a long night for some," he said yawning as he started heading to the elevator followed by Lilith and Yusei.

"Agreed," Jen said about to leave but stopped when she saw Byoki heading back to her table. "What you going to do?"

Byoki looked back. "Have to finish some work, that I've been delaying," she said making Jen sighed. "You don't have to stay, you know?"

Jen already grabbed a chair pulling closer to the pale woman. "I know, but don't want to leave you with a sleeping body as your own company," she said siting near her.

"Well goodnight for you two," Tarkin said pressing a button as the door closed and the elevator went up.

Next chapter