
Capter 7

Chapter 7

-The next day-



-Class 1-A-

The students were talking to each other while they waited for their next subject and soon the door was burst open by Allmight. "I am here going through the door like a normal person!" he yelled walking in the class getting surprised and aww looks from the students.

"Hello students, I'm going to be your teacher in basic hero training, where I'm going to teach the basic concepts of being a hero and for our first lesson, we are going to have a battle trial and to start!" he shouted pointing at the wall making four shelves to come out with numbered cases.

"Dress up in your hero costume and meet me in training ground Beta!" he shouted getting replies of confirmation from the students.

-Training ground Beta-

All might stood in front of the class. "Alright students today, we are going to have battle training," he said making Tenya raise his hand.

"Sensei," he said getting the attention of the hero. "This is the training ground where the exam took place then are we going to do urban combat?" he asked getting a shook of the head from the hero.

"No, we are going to do something two steps ahead of that," Allmight said raising two fingers.

"Most of the fights with villains happen on the streets but the smart villains hide in the shadows in places of constricted space," he said lowering his fingers.

"And because of that today's lesson, you are going to be divided into two cell men teams of heroes and villains and going to fight against each other," he said making Tsuyu raise her hand.

"Without basic training?" she asked.

"That's the real battle to understand the fundamentals but this time it's not against robots," Allmight answered as other students started to make other questions in rapid secession making the hero do a fake cough to stop them as he opens a small notebook.

"The situation is that the villains are hiding a nuclear weapon somewhere in their hideout and the hero team's job is to either capture the villains or secure the weapon before the time ends while the villains protect the weapon or capture the heroes."

He said pocketing the notebook and pulled out a yellow box written lots. "And you're teams and opponents are going to be picked randomly."

"Are we going to be chosen so randomly?" Tenya questioned getting a shrug from Izuku.

"Well since pro heroes usually work with different heroes from the different agency this would be a good way to experience the situation," Izuku said getting a nod from the boy.

"I see forgive my lack of education," Tenya said giving a slight bow to Allmight who nodded.

"Alright let's go," Allmight said taking out a list and made a roll call splitting them into ten teams.

"Now the first teams to fight are…" Allmight said as he digs his hand into two different boxes one white written hero and the other black written villain and pulled two balls one was white and had A marked on it and the other was black with J.

"These two, team A, are going to be the heroes and team J as the villain, the rest of you go to the room with the monitors," Allmight said as the rest of the class followed the order only leaving the two teams.

Kirishima pumped his fist with a toothy grin looking at Izuku. "This is going to be a manly fight, Midoriya," he said getting a hesitated nod.

"Ah, Likewise Kirishima," Izuku said with a smile as they followed Allmight towards the building where the battle was to take place.

"Remember you can go all out in this fight, but if it goes too far I'll intervene," Allmight said at Kirishima and Sero who was walking into the building while Izuku and Ochaco stayed outside holding maps.

Ochacu let out a sigh of frustration. "It's complicated to memorize the whole scheme," she said looking at Izuku who was quietly looking at the map.

"At least this, isn't like Aniki's mazes," he thought as he kept analyzing the map but was pulled out of his thought by Ochacu.

"Izuku?" he lifts his head and looked at her. "Are you alright?"

"Oh sorry, I was distracted," Izuku said pocketing the map. "Yes?" he asked.

"I said it's complicated to remember the scheme."

"Yeah," he said. "But I at least memorized where the bomb is," Izuku said point at the top of the building.

"The bomb is on the last floor of the building," he said lowering his arm. "As for Team J, I have two plans to deal with them."

"Ah, alright," she said as Izuku explained her, his plan.

Meanwhile with Team J

Like team A, they were getting ready for the test to begin. "Man, this is going to be so much fun," Kirishima said with a smile while his teammate nodded.

"Alright then you're going to fight him," Sero said getting a nod from Kirishima.

"Not going to be a problem," Kirishima said. "By the way what is our plan?"

Sero started to think a little. "I think, it's better to face them head-on."

"Really?" Kirishima asked a bit confused getting a nod from Sero.

"Yup, so we can get the element of surprise and also, it would be better to fight them in a hallway, so we have a better chance to win," he explained getting a nod from Kirishima.

"Oh, I see yeah, that will work," he said as the speaker's made a crackling noise.

{Now let's start the battle training between team A and J!} Allmight's voice came out of the speakers. {The fight will last 15 minutes and you all have to do your best in each role!}

Kirishima looked at Sero who nodded. "Alright let's go," he said as they walked towards the door.

-With Allmight-

Allmight stood in front of a large set of monitors that were directed at the building where the fight will take place. "For each team, I wish the best of luck!" he shouted through the microphone as he took out a sheet of paper. "Young Midoriya, Let's see how you react while fighting someone."

-With Team A-

Izuku and Ochaco got into the building using the window. "Follow me," he said as he led the way towards the last floor but during their walk, Izuku had stopped and changed directions sometimes.

But soon Izuku stopped once again followed by Ochacu. "Is something wrong?" she asked.

Izuku stays silent for a bit. "They are coming that way," he said pointing at the entrance of a corridor on their left.

Ochacu nodded as she went to the corner on the wall as Izuku went to the other.

"Ready?" Izuku asked getting a nod from the girl. "Helmet on," he thought as his mask and mouthpiece formed as the sound of footsteps were audible.

Kirishima looked around. "Did you heard something?" he asked as they walked into the corridor.

Sero shook his head. "Not really."

Kirishima wanted to say something but stopped when two small dark balls, hit him in the chest causing smoke to envelope him and Sero.

"I can't see anything!" Sero shouted coughing trying to move the smoke out of his face but to no avail.

"Now," Izuku said getting a nod from the girl, as they ran toward the smoke.

Izuku went for Sero hitting him in the stomach making the boy hunch over. "Fire," he thought as Sero felt volts shocking his system making him let out a yell of surprise before he blacked out.

"Sero are you alright!?" Kirishima shouted as he could vaguely see Izuku through the smoke.

"Damn it, I can't see nothing," he thought as his skin turn jagged and rock-like, he was prepared to attack Izuku but before he could even move, he felt weightless and started to float.

"What the heck!" Kirishima yelled trying to regain his balance but to no avail as he floated to the wall and then a green metallic ball hit him making a foam-like substance stick him to the wall.

"Let's go," Izuku said as he ran out of the smoke followed by Ochaco who pressed her fingertips together.


"You did a great job Ochaco."

She nodded as they ran into the room where the bomb was and with no opposition, they easily secured the bomb in just 6 minutes.

{Winner Team hero!} Allmight's voice came out of the speakers making the two smile at each other.

-With Team J-

Kirishima sighed as he tried to move but the substance made it very difficult, he sighed again as he heard footsteps.

"You alright?" Izuku asked as he and Ochacu walked up to him.

"Yeah, just a bit stuck," he said with a sheepish smile making Izuku nod as he grabbed the boy's leg.

"Well, I'll lend a hand," green sparks surrounded him as he pulled Kirishima making him hit the ground. "Sorry," he said as Kirishima got up.

"It's alright and thanks for the help," he said with a smile. "That was truly a manly action," he said raising his fist awaiting a fist bump.

Izuku bump his fist with Kirishima and smiled. "Ah, thanks I guess," he said as Sero groaned making the three look at them.

"Sero," Kirishima went to his teammate's side. "Are you alright man?" he asked the boy who was a bit disoriented.

"Yeah, just a slight headache," he said getting a sigh of relief from the red-haired boy.

"That's good to hear, I'm sorry I wasn't of much help, I wasn't manly enough to win," he said looking down.

"No, worries we kinda fail because of my plan," Sero said with the help of Kirishima, he managed to stand up but a bit wobbly making Kirishima put Sero's arm around his shoulder.

"Come on, I'll help you," he said with a smile getting a nod from Sero.

"Thanks, man," he said as they started to walk.

"Well looks like, they are good friends," Izuku voiced his thought with a slight smile as his mask undid itself.

Ochacu nodded. "It seems like that," she said as they followed the two.

-With Allmight-

Allmight wrote his notes on the fight with a smile. "You did very well, young Midoriya," he thought while the other students gave, their own opinion on the fight but most were impressed with how Izuku and Ochaco won but others were quiet.

Kirishima and Sero walked in the room followed by Izuku and Ochaco getting the attention of his classmate and Allmight.

Allmight walked up to them looking at Izuku and Ochaco. "Team A, I have to congratulate you two for a very impressive win in such a short time and without any harm falling on you," the hero praised them getting nods and smiles from the two as he turned to look at the team J.

"Team J your plan of attack and execution was good, but you should've been more alerted and cautious for any change or signs that something could change if not that could not only cause, you to get injured in a fight but also your teammates," he said getting nods from the two.

"Now class take notes and use them for your advantage!" he shouted getting "Yes, sensei" from the class as he walked towards two boxes.

"Alright next will be Team B as hero and D as villains!" he shouted as the two teams glanced at each other.

-Training Ground B-

-With team D-

"Deku won in 8 minutes, I just have to beat that," that were the thoughts of Katsuki as he waited for the timer to start, while Tenya was mumbling to himself.

"Bakugou, what would be the best way for us to win?" Tenya asked but Katsuki only grumbled.

"We attack them as soon the timer starts," Katsuki growled as he looked at the door.

"But that would be a bad idea, you saw what happened to Team J," Tenya said making Katsuki glared at him.

"Do I look like someone that's going to be beaten like those extras!" he yelled creating small explosions in his hand. "Whoever's going to be against me is going to lose no matter what," he growled at Tenya as some flashes of what happened when he met Ben passed his mind.

Tenya gulped and nodded to avoid any more problems while Katsuki returns his stare to the door.

{Now let's start the battle training between team A and J!} Allmight's voice came out of the speakers. {The fight will last 15 minutes and you all have to do your best in each role!} Allmight's voice came out of the speakers making Katsuki run out of the room.

-Meanwhile Team B-

Shouto and Shoji walked into the building but the taller boy walked passed Shouto and extended, his six arms that were attached by a web of skin and on the end formed ears and then into a mouth.

"One of them is on the last floor of the building while the other is running towards us," he said getting a nod from Shouto.

"You should leave so, you won't get hurt," Shouto said putting his hand on the wall while his teammate walked out of the building to see that the building was being frozen.

-With Tenya-

Tenya was trying to move but couldn't as the ice-covered him from his foot to his knee. "Damn it," he said trying to pull his leg free but to no avail and even using his quirk to free himself it didn't work.

"Damn it, I hope Bakugou didn't get stuck too," he thought still trying to get free.

-With Shouto-

Shouto walked through the ice-covered floor towards the top but he stopped when he saw Katsuki on the end of the corridor glaring at him.

Sparks started to go off on his hand as he started to walk towards the peppermint hair boy. "You think, your ice trick is enough to keep me down?!" Katsuki yelled as he jumped towards Shouto with his hands backed. "I'll show you how to take someone down!"

Shouto stomps on the ground making an ice wall, making Katsuki blast it only causing it to crack. "I see then, I have to do it better."

Shouto sent his hand forward and send ice towards Katsuki sending the blond flying backward hitting a wall.

The wall cracked slightly on contact and punching the air out of his lung. "Shit!" Katsuki thought as he slumped to the ground gritting, his teeth.

Shouto looked at Katsuki and caused the ice from the floor to spread out to cover Katsuki who was now completely encased in the ice minus his head.

Katsuki started to tremble as his breaths was now visible, he tried to make explosions but he could hardly make any damage to the ice.

Katsuki looked at Shouto. "Get me the fuck out of here!" he yelled only getting a neutral expression from Shouto.

Shouto just started to walk away making Katsuki glare even more. "You get back here, you fucking extra!" he yelled making Shouto stop and glance at him slightly.

"I won't bother wasting my time with you," he said as he looked forward and started to walk. "The gap in our ability is too wide to compare," he said as Katsuki watched Shouto leave with widen eyes

He grits his teeth. "Don't you fucking compare me to an extra!" he yelled trying to get free. "You get back here, you good for nothing extra!" he yelled in anger.

Shouto walked through the hallways into the room to see Tenya trying to get his leg free from the ice but to no avail again.

Shouto walked passed the strangling boy. "Don't bother struggling," he said touching at the bomb causing the alarms to go off. "I already won."

{Winner team hero!} Allmight's voice came out of the speakers as steam started to spread out through the room melting the ice around them freeing Tenya.

Tenya sighed slumping his shoulder in defeat as he walked out of the room back towards the monitor room but he stopped when he saw Katsuki who was sat on the ground with his head leaning down.

"Bakugou," Tenya called him walking towards the boy. "Bakugou," he called again putting his hand on Katsuki's shoulder only to get smacked away.

"Don't fucking touch me," Katsuki growled getting up and walk off.

-With Allmight-

Allmight watched the fight and made notes turning around to face his class as both team return. "That was a very impressive show off your ability Team B especially of you Todoroki," the hero said walking towards them and looked at team D.

"I don't have a lot to say to you two but I advise you to take this defeat, not as fall but as a chance to improve and learn from it," he said getting a nod from Tenya while Katsuki was only looking at the ground.

"Alright to the next fight!" the hero yelled as he chooses the next two teams.

-After the other teams-

Allmight was with the class 1-A at the exit of the training ground B.

"Great job everyone, we didn't have no one injured meaning you took this seriously and did very well for your first training session," the hero said with a smile as he turns around.

"Change and go back to class," the hero said running off making a gust of wind behind him as the student looked at him in amazement.

Allmight sigh in relief now in his slim form walking towards the teacher's lounge while he thought on the fights during the simulation.

He entered the lounge to see Aizawa sleeping while Gwen was reading something.

"Afternoon Aizawa, Gwen," Allmight greeted walking towards a chair and sitting down.

"How did the training session go?" Gwen asked.

"It went well," he said getting a nod from Gwen.

"That's good to hear, it went better than that time, you made me train with one of your interns," she said with a smile making Allmight sigh.

"You are not going to let it go, are you?" he asked getting a shook of the head from the woman.

"Nope," she said making Aizawa yawn.

"You really are childish," he mumbled out making Gwen chuckled.

"Oh, Aizawa good to see you're awake for once," Gwen said sarcastically at the other teacher.

"Good to see you still have a sense of humor," he said in a dried tone.

"Yeah, thank you Koala," Gwen said going back to her book.

"Tomorrow's going to be, your turn," Aizawa said making Gwen glance at him and smirk slightly.

"Yeah, I know and also that I'm probably going to be a better teacher than you," she said getting a yawn from Aizawa.

"Sure, you will," he said getting up. "And now if you excuse me, I need to find a new hiding spot," he said walking out of the room.

Gwen looked at All Might. "Are you sure, he's qualified?" she asked getting a nod from the older man.

"He is, he just naps a lot," he answered getting a nod from her.

"Alright," she said returning to her book.

-Meanwhile with Class 1-A-

They were making their back to class while they chatted talking about each other performance during the trial.

"Todoroki-san sure is strong," Mina said looking at the split hair boy who didn't give any mind to her just kept walking. "And scary," she added getting nods from the group.

"Yeah, he won in like 5 minutes without any trouble almost like Midoriya's team," Denki said making some of them look back at the two.

"What Us?" Izuku questioned getting a nod from Kirishima

"Yeah, we didn't saw it coming," Kirishima said with a smirk. "You two went in like pros," he said making Izuku and Ochaco blush a little from the praise.

"Thanks but the real pro, Is Izuku here, he was the one that came up with the plan," Ochaco said making the boy blush even more and tried to stammer out a response.

"Really? Then Midoriya you are manly!" Kirishima cheered only making the boy worsen.

Tenya was hearing the conversation and about the fights making him look at his teammate Katsuki who was glaring at the ground. "Baku…"

"Don't fucking talk to me," he growled walking past them and intentionally bumped Izuku's shoulder forcefully making the boy bump into Kirishima.

"Sorry," Izuku said getting a nod from Kirishima.

"It's alright, what's up with him?" he asked pointing at Katsuki who already was distant from them.

"He's just mad about something," Izuku said with a sigh as they continue to walk.


-Musutafu airport-

- With Ben-

Ben was inside of his car, playing on his phone. "Why is she taking so long?" he thought with a yawn as he kept playing for a while then his phone started to ring. "Finally."

He answered the call. {Are you going to take any longer?}

{Not really, I'm already outside.}

Ben got out of the car and looked towards the airport. {I'm in my green Audi.}

{Nice choice,} she said with a chuckle.

{If you say so,} he said looking at the woman who was walking towards him talking on her phone.

The woman had pale skin and was of a height and physical built similar to Ben's, she had long black hair that reached her lower neck, and she had ruby eyes and lips.

Her attire was of a white button up blouse with red dots, a white skirt with red leggings under it and black shoes.

She carried a large traveling bag and pocketed her phone. "Well you look good," she said stopping in front of Ben and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Ben smirk a bit. "I can say the same to you, my little vampire," he said leaning in kissing her.

She kissed back and was the first to part the kiss. "I really missed that taste," she said with a slight smile getting a chuckle from Ben.

"Same here," he said backing away from the embrace. "Well let me take your bags," he said grabbing it.

Lilith chuckled. "Ah, such a gentleman," she teased as Ben open the trunk of the car.

"Only for my lovely lady," he said closing trunk. "So how was the trip?" he asked opening the door as Lilith went to the passenger seat.

"It went well but after 6 hours, it started to get boring," she said with a yawn. "Anyway how are things here?"

Ben turn on the car and started driving. "Well not a lot of things are different, people calling me a monster and Viska still after my head," he said making Lilith stare at him.

"So things are the same" she said with a sigh. "And what are you planning to do?"

Ben stayed silent for a bit and then sighed. "I'm not sure, yet," he said letting go of the wheel and lean on the seat. "Autopilot," he said.

{Auto Driving activated,} came the robotic voice out of the stereo.

"I'm not sure in what to do about Viska."

She placed her hand on top of his. "I'm sure, you at least have one idea," she said as she started to rub his knuckles with her thumb.

Ben closed his eyes and sighed. "I do but I think, it can easily go bad or something worse can happen."

Lilith frowns a bit. "What are you thinking?"

"I was thinking of making a quirk, where I can enter someone's mind to show my memories," he said with another sigh. "Just to make it, I have to analyze a lot of things."

Lilith interlocked her fingers with his. "I know, you do but I'm sure you will be able to make it."

"I hope so or she might hate me even more," he chuckled a bit as the car stopped. "Well, looks like we arrived."

She nodded as they got out of the car, Ben went to the trunk and took the luggage.

Lilith walked in the house followed by Ben. "Well everything still looks the same," she said looking around.

"Yeah, I just improved some things," Ben said closing the door.

Lilith smirk a bit. "I hope you improved the walls," she said walking up to him now with a bright smile. "Since the last, time we were together, we made Kara pass out," she said in a teasing tone wrapping her arms around his neck. "So did you?"

"I did, I just hope you stopped being a screamer," he said wrapping his arms around her waist and pulled her closer making the woman blush a bit.

"I think, we have to figure it out, don't we?" she asked with a smile.

"That, we do," she lean in to kiss him as the door opened.

"I'm…" Izuku started but stopped when he saw the two. "Home…"

Lilith poked her head to look at Izuku and smiled. "Bonjour Lil green," she greeted getting out of the embrace and walked up to him. "You are way cuter in full size!" she squealed hugging the smaller boy tightly lifting him off the ground.

"Neesan, let me breathe," he tried to say struggling since his face was pressed against her chest.

Ben chuckled and walked up putting his hand on her shoulder. "Lilith, can you let him breathe?" he asked making the woman look up at him and then down at Izuku who was turning a bright purple.

"Sorry, Sorry," she apologized letting go of the boy who was taking large gulps of air.

"I was expecting something like that," Ben said getting an elbow to the stomach from the woman.

"Shut it," she said as Izuku finally caught his breath and looked at her.

"It's alright, just don't hug me like that," he said getting a nod from Lilith.

"I'm sorry again."

"It's alright, Lili-nee," he said with a smile.

"So cute…" Lilith tried to hug him again but Ben stopped her.

"Easy there," he said pulling her back. "Can you take it easy?"

"It's not my fault, he's so adorable," she replied making Ben sigh.

"Fine, well good luck, ototo," he said letting go of her. "I'll be back shortly,

Lilith smiled down at him. "Well, tell me how your day was, Lil Izu?"

Ben walked into the elevator and pressed the button to the lab. "I hope this interval was enough?" he thought as the doors opened and he walked out to see, Yusei typing on the main computer.

{Have you found anything?} Yusei asked to the computer.

{Not yet, we haven't found anything but we still are searching through our sources,} came out a feminine voice through it.

Yusei sighed. {Alright, I might have found some information but I can't confirm it yet} he sighed again. {Let's just keep searching before another auction happens.}

{We'll double our efforts, Yu-Kya,} the voice said and hanged up.

Yusei stopped typing and lean back on his seat and took off his glasses, he rubbed his eyes. "Damn it," he muttered.

"What are you doing?" Ben said appearing next to Yusei and the silver hair almost jumped out of his chair.

[Bloody ell Man!] Yusei yelled in English as he patted his chest trying to get his heartbeat back to normal. [Almost gave me a fucking heart attack.]

[Sorry, I couldn't resist,] he said with a chuckle. [So how's the investigation going?]

Yusei sighed. [Still searching for information,] he said getting a nod from Ben.

[Alright, anyways, Lilith is upstairs.]

Yusei didn't say nothing just nodded and went back typing.


"I'm busy working, I'll greet her later."

Ben sighed and nodded. "Alright, I'm going upstairs."

Yusei nodded as Ben walked towards the elevator. "Well it's not enough time for him," Ben thought with a sigh as he got inside of the elevator and pressed the button closing the doors.

Yusei sighed as his hand started to tremble again, he clenched them and sighed shakily. "Damn it, I need to calm down," he thought leaning back on his chair

-Living room-

"And I accidently broke my arm when I armed wrestle him," Izuku said with a sigh making Lilith laugh.

After a few seconds, she finally calmed down. "Sorry, but It's good to hear that you are improving so fast," she said with a smile making Izuku blush a little.

"Well, it's all thanks to All Might, Aniki and Yusei," he said proudly making Lilith's smile to drop a bit and sigh leaning back on the couch.

"Yeah, that's good by the way, Izu what do you think of Yusei?" she asked.

Izuku put a hand on his chin and tapped for a bit. "Ah, well I think, Yusei is a good person like Aniki," he said as he thought a bit longer. "Besides of his horrible jokes, he really is nice and since he seems so close to Aniki, I believe he's very trustworthy."

Lilith nodded and smiled as she put her hand on the top of Izuku's head. "Such an adorable boy," she said ruffling Izuku's hair making him chuckle a bit as he backed away. "You should get changed and I'll give you your present later," she said making Izuku stand up.

"Can't wait to see, what you brought me," he said leaving the living room making Lilith chuckled a bit as she looked at the ceiling.

"You haven't told him, have you?" she asked as Ben walked in the living room.

Ben sighed as he walked towards her and she got up to face him. "No, I haven't."

Lilith stood in front of him. "And when are you planning to tell him?"

"I don't really know at the moment."

Lilith frown a bit. "But you are planning to tell him?"

He nodded. "I am but not now," he said getting a slight nod from Lilith.

"Alright then, I'm going to rest for a bit," she said walking passed him and headed upstairs making Ben sigh.

"Well at least, she's better than before," he thought as he sat on the couch as his phone started to vibrate, he picked up to see it was a message. "They found him," the texted read making Ben sigh again. "Well, they are getting somewhat faster," he said leaning on the couch.


-Allmight's house-

-With Allmight-

Allmight was in a rather large living room as he watched the news but his attention went to his phone that ranged his theme.

He answered the call. {Yes, Naomasa.}

{Allmight there will be a meeting in a few days from now, that we'll need to attend.}

Allmight lowered the volume of the TV. {What will be the meeting about?}

{It will be about Omuni, we have found another victim,} Naomasa said making the hero widen his eyes and then harden.

{Who was it?}

{This time it, was a villain know as Toxic Chainsaw.}

{Where is the meeting going to be held?}

{I wasn't told yet, but I'm certain that you will be informed soon.}

{If anything comes up, keep me alerted.}

{I will,} Naomasa said as he hanged up.

Allmight looked at his phone. "This is getting out of hands," he thought with a sigh. "I have to stop him as soon as possible."

Next chapter