
Chapter 14-Thank you..

|Mc pov|

Moving through the trees, me and itachi stayed silent. When he was finally going to say something. The deafening sound of an explosion ripped through the silent atmosphere. We stopped, moving up to the top of the trees, looking back at a massive explosion far bigger then the one we set off. Seeing trees fall and a giant dust cloud.

"Where are you going oketsu?" Itachi said seeing me jump towards where we came.

"I'm just going to confirm something." I said looking back at his some what worried face.

"Why? We need to get to father, after we can find out the situation." Itachi spoke looking down at me.

"That explosion earlier, I don't think the enemies would deliberately set it off." I leaned on the tree a little looking up to the sky.

"It wouldn't make sense, so. . . Mira." Itachi jumped down to me.

"Yes and for all our differences she chose this, I'm going Itachi. . . Meet up with father, i promise I'll be behind you." I spoke with a serious tone as I looked over to him.

"We told mother we would stay together and father. If you feel like there is something more let's go." Itachi said not wanting to leave my side.

"Alright, let's go." I smiled making my way back through the trees. Happy that Itachi understood what I meant in a way, taking off faster to catch him.

Making it back we landed on trees overlooking the once camp, seeing a large Crater in a area and the bodies who were thrown all over. The tent was still on fire and Mira's body had been blown to the side, unmoving with a smile on her face.

"Looks like she had a back up plan." Itachi said, jumping to the ground seeing burned paper tags, which some how failed to go off.

Saying nothing I walked over to Mira's body, even on her side, her hand was still in a seal sign. Smiling I bowed my head a little and joined Itachi.

"Cloud shinobi?" I said picking up a head band beside a burnt gray haired man.

"Probably the others she was talking about, all the members of are clan are dead and 4 bodies for the cloud shinobi." Itachi said looking at the bloody bodies as his eyes became somber.

"Itachi. . I'm here." I said tapping his forehead with a smile. Seeing him try and smile I said no more.

Both of us stopped, hearing groans as we pulled kunai out. Looking towards a fallen tree, seeing in the bushes there looked to be someone. Walking over I moved into the bushes, itachi waited for a moment as I dragged out a young blonde haired girl.

'Another cloud Shinobi, how many did they send.' Itachi spoke looking around the area.

Looking down at the girl, I saw she was hit with something at her head that was bleeding and shards of bark had hit her stomach. She looked only to be around eight, I pulled out a water bamboo gourd, holding her head and making her drink.

Her eyes opened, blurry at first and then focused on me, she looked at my face, my cute face that had a few cuts, my long black hair and black eyes as I looked at Itachi. Seeing a glimpse of a Kunai in my hand she was going to move.

"Calm down." She heard dead words as my black eyes looked down at her, Feeling the kunai by her neck.

"You are going to kill me?" The girl asked turning her eyes away.

"No, not unless you wish it." I spoke seeing Itachi look at us talk.

"If I wish? We're from to different villages, my team was killed in that sneak attack and I failed to complete the mission. What other option is.." the girl spoke.

"What Is your name?" I said cutting her off as I looked down with softer eyes.

She just sat there, why did it matter if she was going to be killed anyway. Then why would it matter if she with held it, she had no information and her name didn't have any actual significance in her village now.

"Samui." She said quietly, after waiting for a few minutes.

"That's a pretty name, tell me Samui. Is this mission worth dying for." I spoke giving her more water.

"A mission only ends in two ways, I failed to complete it.." Samui again tried to go on about it.

"I'm not asking you to tell me what you were told, or about how someone else told you to live. I'm asking you, not as a shinobi but as Samui. Is this mission worth dying for? Do you wish to die here like this?" I asked pulling my kunai away.

'Why is he asking this, I'm weak and can't even fight back. Does it matter if I wish to live? It won't change anything.' Samui thought, choosing to not speak as she didn't know what I wanted.

Shaking my head I reached at her shirt, seeing her eyes open as she felt my hand on her stomach.

"What are you doing?! Get off me, uh,," Samui let out a pained cry as she felt the kunai again.

"Just lay down, itachi come help me." I called out to itachi who was checking for survivors. Watching him run over to us.

"What is it oketsu." Itachi spoke seeing my kunai at her neck.

'There's two? I didn't even see him.' Samui thought unable to move.

"Just hold her arms down, I need to keep her still." I said climbing on her legs and holding her down as he held her arm and the kunai.

'What is he doing?!' Samui screamed in her mind, feeling me lift her shirt.

Feeling my hand move across her stomach, she was going to yell, only to feel me gently pull shards of rock and bark from her skin. Looking up to itachi who closed his eyes, while she blushed at this embarrassing position she found herself in. Soon I finished, pulling the larger ones out and gently pressed on them with a bandage as she let out a few pained cries.

Feeling me hold it as I wrapped her stomach going over and under her body. Feeling the stickiness of antibiotics I put on them.

Finishing up as I pulled her shirt down, and watched itachi open his eyes as I smiled.

'*sigh, it's a lot easier to breathe, not 100% but a lot better then the pain from earlier. But why?' Samui asked feeling better after her stomach was patched up, only to feel me wipe her bloody forehead with cold water.

"We need to move, we can't stay out in the open like this or leave her here." Itachi said pulling the kunai away and seeing me nod.

Grabbing her arm I carried her as itachi moved in front of us. I could feel Samui looking at my face as I turned to her.

"Do you have away to contact your village?" I asked with a smile as I watched her nod her head lightly.

"Which Direction is best if they needed to find your team." I asked.

"Continue this way.." Samui got her words out finally, confused about everything.

Nodding we kept moving, until I thought it was far enough, seeing a clearing and a large tree. Jumping down with itachi and walking over I placed her in front of the tree, while the light shined through the gaps, dancing across her face, being able to see more with the blood now gone. I could see the features of her face, she was still young but her face was coming into its own. Her pale skin and slim body went well together.

"So cute.." I said in a quiet voice, not seeing her face change at all.

'Eh, this kids weird.' Samui thought trying to control her blushing.

Me and itachi said nothing else, throwing the water gourd to her and about to move back to where our father was.

"Why?!" Samui said, unable to keep her question to herself anymore. Watching us stop as she saw me turn to her, seeing us say nothing as itachi jumped into the trees.

"Why did you save me?! Tell me!" Samui yelled again.

". . . Why did you not struggle? You said that you failed the mission? To you, there was nothing else either complete it or die, then tell me this..why not cut your own neck on the kunai and end it?" I said walking back over to her.

"It's just I . . ." Samui was at a loss, she could have fought, struggled and just died. Why didn't she? Why didn't she answer if it was worth dying for, there was only the mission to her. So why?

"Because in the end that's not what you wanted. . The Choice was yours to make, yet you went against your very teachings. Even if it meant failing the mission." I said squatting down in front of her.

"I. . I don't.." Samui said confused about her own decision. Looking at me who leaned on my hand that was on my knee. Seeing me smile softly at her while I closed my eyes.

"You won't admit it yet. . .that's fine you still have a long time to figure that part out, remember this. . . Don't let others make decisions for your life. There are other things more important then a mission.. worth dying for." Reaching out my hand, I tapped her forehead with my fingers.

Samui was taken back for a second at my words. Then about this weird boy who did all this for an enemy, until she felt the tap on her forehead and the warm smile he had on his face. Watching me stand and walk away, she put her hand up to her forehead and she didn't know it now, but this moment she would remember long in to the future.

'Don't let others make decisions for your life..' Samui thought, laying her back in the tree. Taking in the silence as she looked up to the trees, after a long time she was finally able to close her eyes. Right now in this moment she actually felt at peace, more then she had in a long time, and finally as the sun warmed her skin. She let out a very small smile.

"Thank you.."

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