1 Experiment One

For the last hundreds of years, or so what my pureblood classmates say, it has always been Butterbeer that is the staple drink of every wizard. Sure, it's sweet and warm and foamy, but there's something else I wanted.

Something only the muggles have.

See, I'm a Muggleborn. Not Mudb- do you want me to hex you? But none of my parents are wizards, well they're not even present at the moment, given that I'm an orphan and all.

Yeah, no, I'm not Harry Potter. He's old now, almost retiring as an auror and I really don't care. Sure, he saved the wizarding world, so thanks. But that's all, I guess.

I'm Liana Sy. Hufflepuff. Also in dire need of a different drink than Butterbeer.

"You want Firewhiskey?" Tina asked, appalled at her own suggestion.

"Girl, no. I want something cold. And sippy. So I can use this." I brought out my metal straw, clanging it on the table. My friends gave me odd and annoyed looks at the sound I was making.

"Li, there's nothing here." That's Mik. My also muggleborn, not yet boyfriend. I was kidding, I don't like him like that. He's just so nice and sweet and yeah, maybe he'd make a nice boyfriend.

Or maybe I really wanted a girlfriend.

Priority problem first. New drink. I stood up and rushed out, my friends following behind me.

"Where are you going? We have Potions. In three minutes!" Red stopped me. Her name is not really red, but whenever she's tired or blushing or angry or embarrassed, she's redder than a tomato. Like right now, since we ran and she really didn't want to be late for the subject.

"Who said you have to follow me?" I countered. "Just save me a seat, alright? I'll be there on time."

They all went to Potions and I rushed to kitchens.

"Good afternoon, Miss Li. Would you like Frinky to make you a cake?"

"Actually, Frinks, can I cook here?"

All the houselves that were working suddenly stoped to look at me. Their shocked and angry faces made me think I did something wrong. I probably said something wrong. I always say the wrong things.

"Miss Li!" Frinky cried. "We'll make you anything! Don't take our jobs away from us! It's already bad that we're getting paid for this."

These elves, seriously. If I remember correctly, they've been in debates with Hermione Granger's SPEW for decades. The organization just wanted to make sure they're not enslaved but it has been in their nature to serve.

"Okay fine. Can you make me a milk tea?"

"A milk and a tea, Miss Li?"

Few seconds later and two cups on a tray are served in front of me.

"No, milktea. You don't know it, do you?"

"I'm very sorry Miss Li, please punish Frinky for not knowing."

"Nah, I'm gonna be late. Professor Florence is gonna kill me! But Frinks, can I have tea leaves? And put this milk in a bottle. Yeah and some sugar or corn syrup. Alright."

They were already almost finished discussing when I arrived. Thankfully, the professor didn't mind and I sat next to Tina. Obviously, we're pairing for the activity.

Since the activity only needed one potion for the both of us, I decided to do my little side experiment on the unused cauldron.

"What are you doing?" Tina asked, as she chopped the frog brains and stirred it into our potion.

"Making a drink?" I began boiling the tea leaves.

"You're making tea? In a potion cauldron?"

"Sure, what's the harm, girl?"

"It might explode!" Tina exclaimed, right as my cauldron exploded.

Oh well, that's just experiment one. I still have more tea leaves on my pocket.

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