
The break up.

•• You're my oxygen. I just can't live without you.••


I swallowed. Running a hand through my hair, I slowly knocked on the door. In a split second, the door was pulled open. I was met with Noelle's beautiful smile.

" Oh, hi! " She said, beaming. " I was just leaving. "

" Hello, Noelle. " I replied as I struggled to tug my lips into a small smile.

" Is something wrong, Lisha? " She sensed.

" Hmm? Wrong? With me? " I scoffed and entered, making sure not to make eye contact. " Nonsense. There's nothing wrong. I just came to see your brother. " I chuckled bitterly.

" Uh, he's in his room, I guess. " She told me, hesistantly. " Are you sure you're okay, Elisha? "

" I'm perfect, Noelle. I'm just perfect. "

I seemed to have convinced her with that, because she sent me one big smile, as always, before she left.

I pulled my lower lip into my mouth and slowly made my way into Noah's room. Pushing the door open, I entered. It was empty. I turned back around so I could go look around for him, when I felt hands wrap around my waist.

" Hey, you. " His hot breath fanned my neck as he spoke. " I missed you. " He whispered in my ear.

You're about to miss me even more. I thought. I kept quiet as he spoke, relishing this feeling, for I was about to loose it. I turned around so I could face him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stared into his warm chocolate brown eyes.

He tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear, while I placed my hand on his cheek.

I thought about everything we've been through. I thought about when he asked me to be his girlfriend. I thought about when he kissed me. I thought about when he told me he loves me.

A small smile played on his lips, as he watched me. He loved me just as much as I loved him.

He at least needed to know that, for that was something I hardly ever say to him. " Noah? "

" Yes, baby? "

"You know I love you, right? "

He smiled. " Of course, I do. " He replied, chuckling. "What's wrong, Ellie? You seem off today. "

Ignoring him, I leaned upwards and slowly claimed his lips. He was surprised at first, but, soon enough, he relaxed and kissed me back just as passionate.

The kiss was fast, needy and clingy. Unlike our usual kisses which was slow, passionate and loving.

He broke the kiss slowly, for unfortunately, we had to catch our breaths. He rested his forehead on mine.

" Okay, what's going on with you, Elisha? I can sense something's up. Tell me. " He urged.

I pulled my lips into a tight line, as I unhooked my hands from his neck. I tried to blink the tears away and I watched his face shift to that of sadness and worry.

" Noah, " I started, only to stop.

" What is it, baby? Whatever it is we'll work it out together. I promise. " He said, a sense of urgency in his voice.

This only made it more difficult for me. My eyes watered and filled with tears. My head started to hurt and immense amount of pain filled my heart.

" Noah, " I started again, but choked on my tears. I held onto him for support, because I felt my knee give out.

" Ellie, you're scaring me. I hate seeing you like this. Please. "

" Noah, " I inhaled deeply and swallowed. " I can't do this anymore. "

He panicked, searching my eyes. " Do what? "

" I can't... I can't.. do this. I can't__ " For a moment, it seemed I was going to die at that point in time. I couldn't breathe properly and my chest was still hurting. " I'm breaking up with you, Noah. " I finally got it out in one breath.

" What? " His face went blank. " Why? I thought we were doing fine. I thought we were okay. I thought you loved me. "

" I do! Of course I do, Noah. "

" Then why? Did I do something wrong? " He asked me, as he held me tighter.

" You didn't do anything wrong, I swear. " I sniffed." I got betrothed, Noah. To the prince of England. "

" You what?! Why?! "

" I don't know. I don't know why. My dad did. Before he died. Trust me, I don't want this too. But, I have to. "

" Are you kidding me? " He breathed. " You don't have to do this, Lisha. Please, don't do this. " He pleaded, and it almost looked like he was going to cry.

" I don't have a choice. "

" Run away with me. Elope with me, Ellie. "

Has he gone insane?

" You want me to do what? "

" I have more enough money in my account. We can live together. Just you and me. And no one else. No betrothal. No prince. No problems. Nothing. "

Yeah, it's official. He's so insane.

" What about my mom and my family? What about your sister? You're the only one she has left... I can't let you abdadon her. "

" I don't care about anything other than you, right now. I just want to be with you, Please, Ellie, please. "

" I'm so sorry, Noah. " I slowly let go of his hand. " We can still be friends? " I suggested, but even I knew that was a shitty thing to say.

" Elisha. " I ignored him as I ran out. " Elisha! " He came after me, yelling my name.

" Elisha!? No, please! "


I pulled the door open and ran out. I continued running until I couldn't any longer. I ran until I was sure he was no longer following me. I walked dejectedly to my car and got in.

Sitting in the drivers seat, I rested my head on the steering wheel, sighing.

We'll be flying out to London, tomorrow. Brace yourself, Lisha, I thought, you're about to become the future queen of England. I should be all happy and excited, right?

Right now, I'm the exact opposite.