
The Bitter Taste of Success

A few months before...

The Vanthorn Ventures Holdings building was a real hive of activity. It stood as a monolithic symbol of power and ambition, its sleek glass facade reflecting the bustling cityscape outside. Inside, it was all hustle and bustle.

The sound of purposeful footsteps echoed across the marble flooring as both staff and guests walked around. Folks in fancy suits hustled around, each lost in their own world, chasing dreams.

The hallway, a corridor of polished marble, stretched like a thoroughfare through the heart of the corporate empire. This artery connected various departments and subsidiaries, each with its own domain and mission.

A steady stream of employees, from junior associates to seasoned executives, walked along the hallway with focused determination.

Among them, Trisha Lockhart, a young and talented landscape architect, strolled along the hallway with a blueprint in hand, her eyes glued to the details of her latest project. She exchanged nods and brief greetings with familiar colleagues as they passed, part of the daily rhythm of her career life.

She had a youthful and vibrant presence that practically lit up any room she entered. With her striking appearance and boundless energy, she was a breath of fresh air in the hallway. Her presence radiated positivity and a go-getter spirit, making her a magnetic force within the office environment.

Her bobbed hair framed her face with a confident, chic look. Her slight makeup matched her expressive face and her bright hazel eyes that sparkled with enthusiasm and determination. Her complexion boasted a healthy, sun-kissed glow, as her love for spending time outdoors and in the midst of nature. 

After the soft launching that marked the final stage of the Cerulean Cove project, Trisha Lockhart received accolades from the board of directors and senior managers. Her hard work and dedication had paid off, and it was evident in the successful completion of the project.

On that quiet late afternoon, with most of the employees having already left the office, the phone rang unexpectedly.

Trisha glanced at the extension number, and to her surprise, it was a call from the president director of the company, Mark Petrunich. This unexpected call left her puzzled, and she furrowed her brows, wondering about the reason behind this sudden call.

"Miss Lockhart, it's Mark Petrunich. I need you to come to my office right away."

"Mr. Petrunich, it's quite late. Is there something urgent?"

"Yes, it's very important. Please come as soon as possible."

"Alright, I'll be there in a few minutes."

Trisha felt a surge of curiosity and concern as she hung up the phone. She quickly gathered her things, her mind racing with thoughts about what could be so urgent that Mark Petrunich, the president director, needed to see her in the late afternoon.

A few moment later, she entered Mark Petrunich's office and took a seat in front of his desk. The room was well-lit, with a view of the city skyline through the large window behind the desk. She felt both curiosity and anticipation as she waited for him to explain the reason for this late-night meeting.

"Thank you for coming, Miss Lockhart. I apologize for the late hour, but I needed to discuss something important with you."

"Of course, Mr. Petrunich. What's this about?"

"I've been reviewing the Cerulean Cove project, and I must say, I'm extremely impressed with your capabilities and the results you've achieved. It's been a remarkable success."

"Thank you, sir. I appreciate your kind words."

"In light of your exceptional performance, I'd like to inform you a new opportunity within the company. I believe you have the potential to take on more significant role."

"I'm honored, Mr. Petrunich. What kind of role are you thinking of?"

"The company has decided that you will supervise the Azure Bay island project. It's a challenging assignment, but I believe you have the skills and expertise to make it a success."

Trisha couldn't believe it when she found out they were moving her to that island. The Azure Bay project had a rep for being a real headache, bleeding the company dry. She was totally caught off guard by the whole thing, feeling a mix of surprise and not-so-great uncertainty about what was coming her way.

Instead of getting a promotion, she got kicked into the cursed land. She was seriously bummed out, feeling like she'd been dealt a really lousy hand. It was a real shocker, and she couldn't believe her luck had taken such a nosedive.

She hesitated for a moment before responding to Mark's proposal. "Azure Bay, sir? That's certainly unexpected. It's known to be a difficult project. It's not very rational to send such a specialist as me to this wilderness. Are you sure this is the right move?" She expressed her concerns, wanting to understand the rationale behind the decision.

"I understand your concerns. However, the Azure Bay project is crucial for our company's future. We need someone with your expertise to turn it around. I have faith in your abilities, and I believe you can make a significant impact there."

"Sir, I've gone through those reports, and they paint a pretty bleak picture. The Azure Bay project has been going downhill for a while now. It's had its fair share of problems, bleeding money left and right. Previous efforts to turn it around have pretty much tanked. It's crucial to understand that this isn't just a difficult project; it's been a consistently failing one. I must ask, are you sure this is the smart move?"

Mark let out a heavy sigh as he leaned forward. "Okay, let's be clear. I've been considering you for a new managerial role, though I haven't made it official yet. I believe in your abilities but I want to see what you can do. I think you have the potential to turn things around at Azure Bay. This is a perfect opportunity for you to prove yourself and take on a leadership role. I wouldn't propose this if I didn't have faith in you."

Trisha was left pondering for a moment, her mind filled with shock and uncertainty. The idea of a new managerial role intrigued her, but the challenges posed by the Azure Bay project were daunting. She needed time to process everything.

"I get it," she replied finally.

"Very well. Once you get the place in order and the project becomes profitable, we'll promote you to the position of area manager."

"I won't let you down, sir," she mumbled half-heartedly.

"They'll be expecting you by tomorrow," he dropped another bombshell, and her eyes widened in shock as she hadn't seen that coming so soon.

"What? Tomorrow?"

He nodded. "Yeah. We've already sent a telegram to the Azure Bay to notify them of your arrival."

She furrowed her brows. "Telegram?"

"To add all the other troubles, there are another challenge of communications in that area."

"That's alright. I'll deal with that. You can count on me, sir."

"I have no doubt, and I'm not the only one. Mr. Cooper is also confident that you're the right choice for Azure Bay."

Trisha was taken aback to hear that name. "Cooper?" 

"Yeah. Damon Cooper."

Dammit! Who else if not him? There's no one else in this company besides Damon, her manager and dashing boyfriend. But she wondered how he involved in her transfer to that damned island.

"Well, of course," she replied, but her mind was now filled with questions as she left Mark's office.

After confirming that Damon have already left the office, she reached for her phone and tried to call him, but there was no response.

All she could think of now was asking him directly if he had played a role in the decision to transfer her to the damned Azure Bay island.

Damon had always been a private person, and despite being in a relationship with him for two years, he had kept a significant part of his life hidden from her.

He had his own house, which he rarely invited her to visit. Whenever Trisha tried to ask about his personal life or gain access to his inner world, he skillfully diverted the conversation or kept certain aspects of his life under wraps.

A mix of emotions welled up inside her as she took a cab to his house. She was determined to confront him and get to the bottom of this Azure Bay matter, no matter how private he had been all this time.

Trisha arrived at Damon's house and noticed his car parked in front of it. The house seemed eerily quiet, and a sense of unease crept over her as she approached. She walked around the house, her heart pounding with every step. The evening was still, with no signs of life from the inside.

The front door is locked, despite her attempts to unlock it. As she made her way to the other side of the house and sneakily opened the unlocked door, her worst fears were confirmed.

Through a partially open door, she couldn't believe her eyes. She saw a heart-wrenching scene that shattered her world but she didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Damon was inside, but he was not alone.

Olivia Donovan, the personal assistant who had betrayed her trust, was locked in a passionate embrace with him on the couch. 

And they were both naked...

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